Redpill me on vyvanse vs adderal

redpill me on vyvanse vs adderal

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also redpill me on concerta

Adder all is a wonder drug that allowed me to graduate

dexedrine's where it's at

>stopped taking adderal
>took an accounting class
>currently not doing so hot

just fuck me up

isn't that the one that is literally just meth

like not even a meth derivative it's just unadulterated meth


vyvanse fucked up my life, i can't explain how many ways. psych drugs can change you and tell you anything is ok while you fuck things up big time. be very careful Sup Forums and listen to those close to you who tell you you are fucking up

how did it ruin your life because when I take it, it makes me able to do the things im supposed to do

Shut up pussy

>redpill me on pills.

Clever. :)

oh yea, and i started drinking again on it, and committed felonies and if it wasn't for a fucking awesome laywer i'd be in prison

how did you get off it without bad withdrawals? how long did it take to re-wire your brain? how long were you on it? i might be in the same fucking up my life boat

so basically if you don't enable your bad habits then vyvanse is fine?


When I think about the time I was on V I almost cry. I was on it for a year for next to nothing. Now I can't get it because $300 a month with no insurance.

Fucking Adderall. What sucks is that it doesn't help much, but when I don't take it I'm even worse off.

No, that's desoxyn.

Dexodrine is the short acting version of Vyvanse. Vyvanse is a prodrug which is dexodrine bound to lysine which requires digestive enzymes for it to be made available in the body. This means vyvanse can't be crushed and snorted, but it also makes vyvanse last longer.

>When I think about the time I was on V I almost cry

why tho, because it was so good?

i mean i'm no doc but it seems like a logical conclusion. mine both helps me but also enable my bad habits. i feel dependent on it and fear not taking it because then i won't be able to get things done, but most of the time i'm not because it hyperactivates the reward centers in my brain that makes me do anything but what i want to. but those brief bursts of time when i am focused? super fucking good

ur right thats the one i was thinking of thanks

Adderall - dextro and lebo amphetamine. Dex gives you most of the cognitive benefits, Lebo gives you most of the tense, tweaker feeling. Comes in both quick release and extended release

Vyavanse - dextro amphetamine with an amino acid that prevents it from being active in your body. Your body will naturally remove that amino acid over a period of time and the dex amphetamine kicks in once it's been detached from the amino acid. Slow release.

Both work by making you produce more dopamine.

Concerta - works differently methylphenidate (concerta) essentially plugs the "drain" of excess of glutamate, so you have more glutamate. Glutamate is similar to dopamine but glutamate is the main chemical for excitatory functions.

All of them are bad. Amphetamines will lower your natural dopamine production, concerta will permanently block your "drains" but your body creates more "drains" to compensate. Eventually your body will have too many "drains" but your body doesn't produce more glutamate to make up for it

na he's pretty much on point.

you're taking something every day that affects the brain the same way meth does.

OP, here is how it works.

Vyvanse is a pro-drug to adderall. It is a drug that, by the means of digestion, turns into regular L-Amphetamine.

However, that is a basic way of putting it. Adderall, or "amphetamine salts" as a generic, is typically a mix of 50/50 L-Amphetamine and Dextroamphetamine, both work close in relation to each other.

Adderall is the safer one. Adderall is more "in and out" of your system. Vyvanse sticks around.

Vyvanse users are more prone to:
.Changed personality
.Becoming more Attention Deficit when not on the drug
.Withdrawals (hand in hand with addiction, duh)
.Side effects of heavy amphetamine usage, such as:
>Muscle atrophy
>heavy sweating

This is because the drug doesnt leave your body by the time you take your next dose, and also because of it's extremely log duration on the body even for recreational, less-frequent users.

Adderall, or amphetamine salts as a generic, is the way to go. I specifically prefer adderall IR, as it is out of your body fastest, and that's good, so you can actually get hungry during the day and eat meals (between adderalls).

ive been taking vyvanse for awhile now, with a prescription of course, its pretty good, help me get my job done, only downside is the insomnia and thirst, it makes you lose your apetite around lunchtime so if you trying to lose weight it will help with that as well

anti medication fags are the worst

i know it and ive seen the difference between medicated people and unmedicated people. I have a friend who grew up in an abusive household with 3 older brothers and they are all fucking crazy. my friend is the only medicated one in the entire house and he is the only one with an actual college education and prospects who is going places in life

meanwhile, his brothers who go on about "le epin pharmaceuticals ruining your brain" are going nowhere

yes, you should be skeptical of the pharmaceutical jew but you should also take a step back and realize that sometimes falling for the pharmaceutical jew is better than having an untreated mental illness

another thing i forgot to mention is that if you have friends at work that goof around with you and stuff, taking vyvanse will cause them to annoy the living hell out of you and you will be a little dickish toward them if you aren't careful with what you say so keep that in mind

I'll continue, I just wanted to make sure the thread didnt 404, I will post my sources later, one is a book I have been reading.

Concerta, ritalin, focalin, and other methylphenidates are also drugs in very close relation to amphetamines. They are less "high feeling" and offer focus, rather than cognitive enhancement.

Saying MPH (Methylphenidate) is a prodrug to amphetamine is incorrect. I am unsure why people believe this. Wikipedia used to be wrong, but I think it has been fixed. Its method of action is different.

Amphetamine poses one great potential, and only the mix of amphetamine salts, and not vyanse, and this is that if you actually have ADHD, you can get a permanent IQ increase with long term usage.


i have adhd and so what you are telling me is that adderal is the best drug out there?

vyvanse put my stepson in the hospital. his body didn't metabolize it correctly, and he ended up with an amphetamine level that was off the charts. we got his prescription changed to a different med after that, but for a while, i thought they were gonna try to incarcerate me and my ol' lady for feeding him spoonfuls of meth or some shit

this was really informative, thanks! what are your thoughts on long term methylphenidate use? adderall is still better in terms of fewer adverse effects?

Other side effects and pros/cons:
Adderall is more likely to cause a temporary inability to stay hard. This is why I recommended IR, that way you can fuck 4-5 hours after you take it. So you can plan ahead.
Vyvanse is more likely to cause muscle atrophy and paranoia.

Adderall has a more euphoric disposition than vyvanse.

These are all due to the fact that Vyvanse does not turn into the mix of amphetamine salts that makes up Adderall, just one of the mix. L-Amphetamine, I believe. Dextroamphetamine is a more "livid" energy.


How many here have used Adderall occasionally for studying? Can someone share any experiences with dosage/usage time etc etc

forgot to say... it also caused him to get epilepsy. he had almost imperceptible seizures for a couple years. it sucked. he forgot shit and random and had to re-learn it all over again. hell, he even forgot how to tie his shoes.

Yes, I am. Well, get a generic, you'll save money.

I am by no means a scientist, however, I will be someday.

Adderall and MPH are moreso "Which side effects do you want to trade for what" but amphetamine salts (adderall is the commercial name for this) are better for long term, and for actual cognition.

If you do take adderall the main danger is what you do to yourself. Watch out for teeth grinding, picking of your cuts, picking of your nails, nail biting, all habits will be exemplified if they are passive habits. This is very important, as the teeth grinding and inner cheek biting can become very bad.

Chew gum, it fixes all of that.

if adderal is the best adhd drug then why does vyvanse exist


Vyvanse does not turn into levoamphetamine. Only Adderall has both racemic stereoisomers. Vyvance is bound to lysine which makes it hella expensive and also a prodrug. Bitches were snorting too much so some dickhead doc decides to ruin the fun. Adderall lost the patent with Shire and now it's 3 times cheaper than Vyvanse. I prefer Adderall because levoampheramine produces that dirty crashing high that is fun. Vyvanse is alright, but it depends on metabolism which fucked dosing some days. You can be fine with 20 mg till lunch one day, then be fucked by 10 am the next. It's tricky.

Exactly, friends, you do NOT want vyvanse in your life. When it comes to hormones, prodrugs are a great thing, but when it comes to neurotransmitters, they are not.

I recommend Adderall IR to everyone. ADHD or not. If you have OCD, Adderall may seem like it helps, but you really should avoid it. I mean real OCD, not OCPD, that "Volume must be an even number" etc type shit.

Speed is pointless to consume.
Every person prescribed is living a lie.

Mainly for those with stomach conditions that will cause a problem with an active amphetamine in their stomach/intestines. Vyvanse is not active till the brain.

Exactly why I avoid prodrugs. They are heavily based around your metabolism. Also, snorting vyvanse? why? Youre better off snorting XR adderall.

what if i dont know if I have OCD or not would adderal be dangerous

i have some weird OCD type habits
0.48 sec = adderal exlosion, feel it.

vyvanse and addral will both cause you to get ADHD if you take it without having it.
I took the vyvanse, and since i had ADHD, i always felt sleepy and in a shit mood.

Dont take either of them annon. Both will fuck up your brain chem.

I took both of them, but I forget which one I'm on. My ADHD went down a bit with both, but was a bigger problem with Adderal I believe.

Don't quote me on that though.

>vyvanse XR makes me able to focus on a task for longer
>adderal just makes me fucking edgy as shit

Anyone else?

OCD type habits arent OCD. OCD is mainly an unrealistic habit that, if not performed, will result in an unrealistic thing happening.

Ever see It's Always Sunny? How Charlie's mom must flip every light in the house 3 times at night so Charlie "doesnt die"? That is an example. Light switch fixation -> death.

So does getting up every day on your right leg count?

shitty music.

also be careful as these drugs are both derivatives of methamphetamine and may lead to psychosis or schizophrenia if you take it without a proper prescription and diagnosis.

Vyvanse helps to focus for longer, but it may make you feel depressive.

Adderal makes you an edgelord.

this is my exact same experience

in the end i just said fuck it to both of them

No. Getting up every day on your right leg then walking the exact same footstep-distance or else you die due to "the universe being unhappy with you" or "karma" would be an example.

no. that is more a habit than OC.

same. I learned to control my ADHD and that has worked out very well. I will my attention into existence, as opposed to taking drugs to make it happen.

It's more of a "bad luck will follow me for the entire day if I don't get up on my right leg" thing

what's life like to just drive by shitpost without adding anything?

what's Sup Forums's opinion on provigil/modafinil
i just got prescribed it but i'm waiting on insurance... shit is $830 without it
i tried addies on campus but i am prone to psychosis so that shit was a no go.
honestly i didnt even see THAT much of an increase on addies to warrant the chance of losing my shit. i was literally only taking 10-15mg

Basically, as the guy who said all that shit earlier, TL;DR:

Dont use Vyvanse unless you have a bad case of ADHD. Use Adderall IR.

If you have a bad case of ADHD, still use Adderal IR, but take a low dose, with modafinil as well. Those two will work perfectly together.

Yeah no, youre good.

Unless you have narcolepsy, get generic amphetamine salts.

If youre prone to psychosis, dont do anything. Maybe MPH will be fine.

Bad luck does not exist you dolt.

Is there anything similar to Adderall I can get without a prescription? Other than caffeine pills.

Before falling for anyone's shit here, I will allow you a glimpse at extensive experience in drug usage from me, a clandestine chemist with a hobby in chemical abuse.

First, don't do what most of these flunkies with identity problems do, and that's: don't put any drug above you. Sure, there are things you will never feel or see without the drug, but if you're putting it above you, you will have to overcome the mental barrier some of these wastoids made for themselves.

Secondly, don't not take supplements and inhibitors designed to slow the release of certain chemicals your brain uses to give you certain feelings. If you dry your brain out with any of the drugs you mentioned, you'll become a slave to them unless you can unlock the proper mental barrier. What follows after this is psychological and neurological damage down the road. Sooner if you dont take care of your receptors. Later if you take care of all possibilities.

Third, make sure you've got a good diet going. Most people forget what importance this has while on the three drugs mentioned and choose to eat when necessary or when the effects ware off. Sure you don't need to eat three times a day, but you can't go burning energy off of water and pills alone. Meal supplement drinks and bars for a long way, especially since shitting isn't something you'll want to do a lot of.

Vitamin a, b, c, d, e, and k are your buddies. Collagen focused liquid pills are a plus and magnesium will keep your tolerance somewhat low down you don't have to abuse the shit out of the drugs to feel something.

I recommend 200 mG every eight hours.

Do you use Modafinil and adderall simultaneously?

How come almost all the posts are about Vyvanse and Adderall? Is something really wrong/bad about MPH?

Most of these drugs have bad side effects. I suggest taking the time to see what effects they may have (for amphetamines a common one is psychosis) and weighing out the pros and cons, then talking with your doctor about it.

Microdoing LSD

I am not even kidding.

I am this guy:
(in reverse order)

what do you mean by dont put it above y ou

>stopped taking Adderal
Rookie mistake there kid

Adderall all the way dawg

No, I use Adderall IR only. And I dont use it that often.

Psychosis is most certainly NOT common among amphetamines. The only reason you think this is that some sites, such as Erowid, mention Amphetamine Psychosis.

Amphetamine Psychosis needs very high doses, repeated.

im going to go back to my doctor and ask him to perscribe me it again
then im going to go to student services and bitch to them so i can make up all of my accounting shit that i didnt do lmao

i hope this plan goes well for me

No. All the other OTC "supplements" aren't shown to help or are not studied enough to determine long term side effects. Amphetamines are pretty unique, you can find other things to help with ADD symptoms temporarily that aren't drug related but amphetamines have been proven to work significantly well for the treatment of ADD symptoms

If you are an anxious person or have ocd vyvanse fucks you up.i never had a problem with anxiety before vyvanse and after i stopped taking it im still dealing with getting over the soxial anxiety it caused. While taking it my anxiety would get so bad i felt fucking high like i had memory gaps it wasnt fun bc i felt rlly out of control and i began thinking irrationally. I was really scared that people were staring at me all the time, i would hold my breathe because i thought my breathing sounded like i was hyperventilating, i would think of something and be affraid ppl could hear me talk or that i said it outloud. Vyvanse was hell, but if you arent prone to anxiety it will help a lot! when i was alone vyvanse was amazing and really helped me focus and be productive i just couldnt handle it near other people.

So you're an idiot and an alcoholic and somehow that's vyvanse fault? HAHAH Classic junkie logic.

Don't blame shitty self, don't blame booze, blame drug.

get meth. cheaper and basically the same thing

From my experience, only take this shit for when you need to get work done. Unless you're crunching out pages and pages of work everyday I don't see why you should take amphetamines daily

Meth is neurotoxic and the fumes decompose bone.

At any dosage.

Can you be a little more specific

Is this thread in a 90's time loop? Adderall? LOL wut?!

Why isn't everyone taking modafinil by now? it's fucking 2017. Wake up plebs.

don't worry about it, he's an idiot junkie that blames his problems on drugs.

In our world exists a certain fascination for Adderall. A decent portion of us look at it like it can fix all of our problems or make us better at work. So people get this idea thinking, as long as they take the drug, they'll be better and go far. And they then think to themselves, that they'll never be this good or better without the drug, and then there they are... On the drug, doing better than ever, and when the cards play out and the user can't get the drug any more, the house of cards falls, and there you are - a person with little to no self confidence, angry because you lost the wonder drug.

See some of the earlier replies to this thread admitting they're nothing without Adderall.

Which is why you need to look at Adderall like coffee or redbull, only more potent.

Yes, because it was so good.

I got up before the alarm every morning, I went through the day getting things done.

Now it's a struggle to get out of bed every day and I can't stay on task at work except in the sweet-spot periods after I take a dose of Adderall.

i can see where you're both coming from. my friends only exhibited a bit of weariness after extended high-dose abuse.
i'll explain my experience just for science. i took very little for two days in a row. i didn't really sleep. i am by far the calmest dude but it's like adderall woke up an unseen bipolar in me.
it took my roommate saying one (1) thing in passing about a friend for me to shatter a bottle in my hands... we almost fought there over literally nothing. i'm not even sure what i heard. i didnt even notice a piece of glass went THROUGH my finger.

so i'm attempting low dose modafinil soon but as soon as i get any symptoms, i'm out.

The cheek biting is the WORST

I have taken almost every single ADD/ADHD med made. I now take 60mg of Adderall XR. I love the feeling of being focused its great, the only down site is that I go 24-48 hours without eating or thinking of food. I stopped taking Adderall at 17 and just recently started taking it again about 2 months ago at 24 I lost about 17 pounds due to not eating in 2 months. I was 6ft 170 now I about 155 to 150... So force yourself to eat and you should be fine.

Problem with this case it that taking the drug to improve performace comes at the cost of mental health. By taking medication intended to cure ADHD, stopping may result in actual ADHD or worse. It's the reason a sane person does not take schizophrenia meds, as those may give the user schizophrenia due to becoming used to the drug.

The reason this works is because the brain reduces production of siminal neurochemicals when there is a surplus as with taking it when you dont have ADHD, so when you stop the brain wont start replacing those dosages for a while (and in some cases, forever).

Only way this could happen is if youd didn;t have ADHD and took it to improve performance.
The experience of rage you had is a symptom of ADHD in some cased of the disorder.

just take at least 3-4 days off a week and you'll be fine.

I've never done Adderall. I've done Vyvanse though and it was great. Did 100 mgs and then I went for a ride with my buddy. He got irritated because I kept making him stop at every gas station and bar so I could talk to strangers. Shit made me social as fuck. Had a friend who went to hard into the stuff though and he was looking pretty rough after a couple weeks. He's all better now though.

Withdraw symptoms can make it difficult though.

Provigil saved my life.

yeah no i was just trying the shit, i don't think i have adhd really

same here with the sociability, though that came when i stopped taking it.

so then you experienced those symptoms because you took a medication for a disorder you did not have.
What have we learned user?

Im prescribed 30mg XR and right at lunch i feel like i cant eat for shit. With starting college next year i wonder if IR would be better as i probably wont have straight 7 hour class days.

Also if i forget to take my prescription i feel aggressive and annoyed by certain things i wouldnt mind while on it, but maybe thats just some people in my class that annoy the shit out of me.

tbh i don't think MOST people do addies to "cure" adhd, really a performance drug. consider this was a college campus i was on.

i learned that amphetamines are wicked in their own regard tho
a year after leaving, the roommate that i used to buy them from is -50lbs or so, anorexic looking

Dexidrine is better than either.
All the focus and mental drive, without any of the janky racemic salt jitters, and none of the metabolism problems of shitty prodrugs.
It makes life great, focus comes easy, motivation is high, plus amphetamine psychosis is fun.

My friend has adderal 30 XR's that I take and we end up playing vidya all night. Sometimes I go visit my ex girlfriend who lives in his neighborhood and we bang. Cant get hard to save my life, I end up busting a nut while she blows my limp dick. Weird AF

just don't binge on it, eat food normally, don't self medicate with it.

It can be a slippery slope, but if you eat 3 (or five smallish) meals a day, take it right after a hearty breakfast, you'll be fine.

Don't binge for like two weeks like I used to. Don't mix it with energy drinks like I used to, and above all else, DO NOT TAKE MAGNESIUM SUPPLEMENTS TO AMP IT UP FURTHER.

If you ever wonder what meth is like, take a couple 70 mg's, wait 30 min, drink an energy drink, and eat nothing before hand. You'll learn what orgasms are meant to be like.

If you don't like it, try caterpillar horn, or like, cialis.

Weak sauce.
Try downing them WITH an energy drink, then blowing a combined line of one crushed up one and coke, then another energy drink, plus about a pot of coffee and a pack of cigs.
You will be amped as fuck.