I'm incredibly lonely and have no friends. How does Sup Forums deal with this?

I'm incredibly lonely and have no friends. How does Sup Forums deal with this?

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browse Sup Forums faggot

Just learn to enjoy being alone. From my experience there's much more fun stuff to do by yourself than with other people anyway

Youre asking people on b how to avoid loneliness, that is counter productive

by having friends

yeah that's what delusions do to you.

You can't deal with it. Humans need other humans. Do what you need to do to make friends. Join a gym for starts, lift and get confidence. You need friends to appreciate the good times. Every experience is better when done with a good much of friends.

This. Introversion is underrated. You dont have to please others or compromise on activities you want to do.

Extrovertshave lots of fun, but equally just as much strife in their life... Except they don't post that part on Facebook.

>join a gym meme
I didn't think this was real

What's the issue? Meaning, where have your friends gone? We are your friends.

From my experience it's pretty easy to stay friendly with people I work with by being polite, hard working, and having a good sense of humor about things that happen throughout the day. Or I'm sure you could find people with similar interests online.

I have friends but they are far away, as is my girlfriend. I spend my free time doing things I like that aren't negative. I read, play video games write, play music etc. I also stay in touch with family but I understand not everyone can do that. I'm lonely, and crushingly so at times, it sucks but hang in there and make an effort to change it.

Having a good sense of humour isnt necessarily easy though.
But everyone can be polite and decide to go out, and things usually take care of themselves. Hang in there OP

If you don't want to go out and get friends out in the world, find an active chat room. Or if you like computer games, find one with social possibilities.

Making friends is the easiest thing to do if you're not autistic. The only one (1) thing that you have to do is listen to people, and they immediately like you, because they're so boring and used to nobody listening to them, they appreciate it when they see it. Especially girls. That's just for casual friendships though. Deep loving friendships are another business


change something about your life. nothing will change if you don't force it. those people you see with good friends and active social lives... they seek that out and make it happen.

All my "friends" took off to college in different cities and stopped all interaction. The small group of 3 friends also barely talk to me anymore. The only interaction I have with people is at work and my family. I have no social life.

The only non-related friend that still wants to talk to me I had secretly hated me for a long time and I only found out because he had a blog he vented on about stuff (including me). It hurt because I thought he was my only true friend and we were never apart. I stumbled on it and felt like shit we both continued to be friends till I snapped and stopped talking to him. After that we tried to both be friends a few times but I still have a major grudge that I cant shake so I ignore him and still have underlying hatred.

>t. Sociopath
I hate people like you

Your friend sounds like a pussy to me

pathetic, everyone 'looses' their highschool friends. do something new with your shit life and meet new people doing it.

Also after the stuff with my friend my ego and self esteem took a massive hit and now I have crippling social anxiety.

Yeah I know. But after the thing with that guy happened, my self esteem tanked and I have this awful anxiety I can't get over. I try to act and talk normal to anyone I interact with but I know anything I say and do makes situations awkward. I can't hold a conversation with strangers or coworkers for very long so I just try to talk quickly and leave asap. Sadly a few girls also had crushes on me in the past but I never pursued.

Assuming you'll actually follow any advice; take care of your teeth, shower at least everyday, get a haircut, get a job, don't say no to hanging out with people for whatever reason, be interested in people's lives, don't invest more than 2 hours into any given hobby in a single day unless it is actively giving you what you want, get a cat, get a dog, plan things out even just a little, never think you'll be able to do better later (do better now), see the sun more even if it is on a lonely walk(get a dog), talk to people about anything eventually you'll get better at developing social cues. That's it. Don't do it all at once. Start now.

That's not true, that's just your anxiety talking. I can guarantee you that 90% of that is in your head. No one knows what to say in smalltalk, that's why no-one likes it. Just ask them non-probing questions about things and see if you can find something to relate to

> take care of your teeth
They're in alright condition
>shower at least everyday
Im a clean freak sometimes shower multiple times a day
>get a haircut
I usually keep my cut pretty clean looking
> get a job
>don't say no to hanging out with people for whatever reason
Difficult to say yes and implies people actually would invite me to things
>Be interested in people's lives
I try
>don't invest more than 2 hours
into any given hobby in a single day unless it is actively giving you what you want
I cant drop vidya, its literally the only thing that gives me something to look forward to
>get a cat
>plan things out even just a little
I plan out nearly everything
>never think you'll be able to do better later (do better now)
I like this
>see the sun more even if it is on a lonely walk(get a dog)
I despise the sun because of how uncomfortably hot it is where I live (down south in TX)
>talk to people about anything eventually you'll get better at developing social cues
Difficult but I'll try

On mobile and glitched out, posted here

So what about deep loving friendships user?


i don't wanna be that guy, but i think i've forgot the Businessman to Monk theory.

I used to live lavishly, friends, parties, all the normie things albeit not being a chad and fucking girls 24/7.

I now live in solitude. The internet is my home.

If it calls you it calls you. You've been called from the beginning and didn't get to experience friendship so i think it bugs you more.

The grass is always greener, OP.
A perfect world's a lonely one, OP.

I ruined my life by posting gross shit online


i fucked your Mom, OP.

At least I have my cat and family I guess. Hate my parents though