Russians are magnificent people

Russians are magnificent people

>first animal in space
>first man in space
>nuclear power plant
>promote traditional values
>wicked sense of humor

they should annex Europe and uncuck it

Other urls found in this thread:–Germany_relations,niemiec-pozwany-za-zniewazanie-polakow-zaproponowal-ugode-hans-g-stwierdzil-ze-zabilby-wszystkich-polakow.html

Russians look and behave like gypsies, which is why no one trusts them for anything.

Funny you should say that,because the same is true for HUEHUEzillians

Let Sankt Peterburg be the EU headquarters.
Let Moskva be the capital of the planet.

And very brutal

5 rubles deposited to your bank account

German propaganda. Truth is women willingly slept with Liberators to show their grattitude.


B-But I pay you 15 rubles, where the fuck another 10?!

It is nice to see that there are some Poles that dont blindly hate Russia

>magnificent people

he made this thread to bait polacks.
for poles you're bunch of asiatic savages with nigger lips, weird ears and disgusting babbling language.

also, pooland is 100 years behind niggers thanks to you, but Russia is 10000 years behind amebas.

slava ))))))))

Russians are our Slavic Brothers.

But Poles and Russians are the same race.
And it is true that many mongoloid people live in Russia, but those aren't ethnically Russians

>But Poles and Russians are the same race.
>And it is true that many mongoloid people live in Russia, but those aren't ethnically Russians
stop drinking so much vanya

Hey fuck you, we're Asiatic too

wtf I hate Poland now

I know that Russia and Poland have a complicated history, but it makes me sad that you can't look past it and realize that Russians and Poles are slavic brothers

You forgot
>dire public health situation

No u nas daž jazyki podobnye

you are cofusing russia with kefka



correct (altough not all Russians are Slavs to begin with)

kek no brothers don't murder each other's elites besides Slavs usually hate each other we are not like germanics who suck each others dicks

>altough not all Russians are Slavs to begin with
not all citizens of Russia are slavic, but the ethnic group of Russians is clearly slavic

>kek no brothers don't murder each other's elites besides Slavs usually hate each other we are not like germanics who suck each others dicks
Thats only because Stalin was a dick. And lets be honest, he murdered Russian elites aswell.

We are on each other's throats since the middle ages we are as much brothers as Jews and Arabs.

Actually Poles and Russians all the time tried to fuck each other.

but dont you think it would be better if you could put your historical differences behind you and become Friends?
Just look at France and Germany. We used to be historical arch enemies and now we are best buddies

Slava Rassii!!!

That's because Germany wasn't occupied by France, France never tried to erase german culture and language and France doesn't make threats to Germany. They aren't just historical differences we have issues at this very moment as well.

>Actually Poles and Russians all the time tried to fuck each other.
if you compare 1500-1600 warfare to systematic genocide, mass rapes, stealing, burning and pillaging of 20th century, then you have some serious mental problems.
friend doesn't come to your house when you're on the ground and bleeding and proceeds to fuck you in your kidney, rape your daughters and sons and gangrape your wife.

>pro Russian poles
fake posts

It seems you have some problems with it

>when people praise the soviets for nazi rocketry

Herojam Slava

We were occupied several times by France, for example, during Napoleonic times and between the two World Wars.
And while Poland feels threatend by Russia, you have to understand that Russia precieves the NATO bases in Poland as a threat, aswell.

But we did it to you aswell and yet we aren't enmies today anymore.
If Poland can get along with Germany, why not with Russia aswell?

>and now we are best buddies
Ghmmmm. .. WHAT?!

>But we did it to you aswell and yet we aren't enmies today anymore.
>If Poland can get along with Germany, why not with Russia aswell?

sometimes I feel like I'm sitting with children in here.

This board is for autistic anime child you didn't know this?

he is right what wron he said

France and Germany are best friends now

please elaborate, friend

>France and Germany are best friends now
Sounds like bullshit

poland is a subject of the mitteleuropa concept
germans and poles aren't friends. germans still see polacks as subhumans and poles still see germans as genocidal perverted animals without any rules.

there is no friendship, just germany fucking poland in the ass as usual.–Germany_relations

>germans still see polacks as subhumans
wtf, no we dont

>they should annex Europe
No, thanks.

g*rms are this deluded

>germans still see polacks as subhumans
Everyone sees you as subhumans desu

>wtf, no we dont

>Hans G, German businessman in Poland: I would kill every polack, shoot them in the head. Polacks are shit and idiots

but you don't hate them as us

thanks to your slavic brotherhood with us

wtf I love Germany now

>fucking poland in the ass as usual.
Is not that what you actually want?

Stereotypes of dumb polacks have nothing to do with us



I am sorry, but I can't read Polish.
But it seems to me that for you, a polish media outlet claiming that 1 german businessman hates Poles proofs that all Germans see Poles as subhumans, is that correct?

Wow, Polish is quite easy for reading.

Don't pretend that's not the case. If Germans could they would put us in concentration camps again.

AK a shit

Vintorez cool

even the neonazis of our countries are getting along

>neonazis as indicator of anything

>UNIRONICALLY being a polish nazi

that's some next level autism

Neonazis are lowest of the low, and dumbest members of society.
If even the neonazis of our two countries get along, that really shows that the wounds between our nations are healing

>first animal in space
>first dog in space


>dogs aren't animals
>burgerclap education

5 rubles have been deposited in your world of tanks account

Majority of Poles have positive view of the Germans. Whether he likes it or not.

But majority of Germans despise polacks.

That's nice to hear
Sometimes, Sup Forums gives a different impression

It's probably cause you put too much believes in opinions of other anons, but opinion is no statistics. BTW. Do you know any stats about Germans view of their neighbors? Can't find any. In Poland in 2015 37% liked Germans, 31 didn't mind Germans, and it seems the relations are getting better and better in this topic with time (if you compare it with the '90).

Sadly I dont have any statistics.
But I would say that while there used to be some stereotypes about Poles before 2004 (thieves and such), those stereotypes are gone by now.
However, it is true that Germans dont view the current Polish government very positivly.

Butthurting psheks making me laught every time, don't know why.

Most of Poles do not view the current government positivly :D. 2,5 year more of it, I hope.

russia being a shithole poorer than pooland despite you trying hard to change that makes me laugh even more

go inject krokodil, vanya

I hope so too, friend
But it seems to me like your government becomes more and more extreme, getting totally isolated within the EU, especially with Donald Tusk election

Go ask some more money form EU, and don't forget to clean toilet.

even without EU money you would be a bigger shithole

it was always this way lmao. russkies were running away to pooland in 1500-1799 so much that Catherine was butthurt about it.

You are right about PiS. They would get us out of EU if they could. And there is a lot more they can spoil as long as they are in power. But honestly, Poland survived worse things. It's just those 4 years we lost on this pathetic government is a shame.

>they should nuke europe and let it burn*

Fixed that for you.

Russia had the misfortune of us continuing to bully after the collapse of the Soviet Union because we still needed "somebody" to be our hated rival.

Russia really got a raw fucking deal unlike Japan, Germany, and all the lesser partners in the USSR. It would have been completely possible to have tried welcoming them in to the Western fold and helped them rebuild immediately after their collapse, but Bill Clinton continued to ostracize them when they were completely defeated despite all the good will Gorbachev build with Reagan.

The Ruskies are absolutely justified in hating us, unlike all of our whiny fucking """""allies""""" in Europe. We dicked them hard.