They want us to pay 28bn €

They want us to pay 28bn €.
Do you think we should pay?

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none of the victims are alive anymore... so who should we even pay and why

WTF I hate Namibia now!

pay 28 billion papiermark instead.


or Greece will come and teach you by force.

This why you should pay for holocaust
None of the victims are alive anymore

some holocaust victims are still alive

kek germany
if you pay this, be rdy to also give Israel 6 gorillion shekels

Because it's the right thing to do and will set a precedent that will permanently fuck over Britain and France

they gave them submarines
hypocrite yahudi
hypocrite german

Well you never paid us back for the loan you took, I don't see you paying them.

you can't pay a dead person and none of the descendants (directly) suffered
after all this time there's no way you could justify a payment on a personal level and if that money would be going to the state then they would have to prove that the state itself didn't profit from the colonial past, all their roads and train tracks etc. probably were build in this time

>Do you think we should pay?
Of course not.


which loan are you refering to, friend?

Absolutely. On the same basis that black americans deserve reperations for slavery (I believe they do) not only for the act itself being inflicted upon their community but the horrific legacy of such an event I support this. The west has control over such a vast portion of the world's wealth it is unbelievable that people have to live under the conditions they do in other nations.

Literally wrong.

i never heard about this
you left us out of this fun

Give them 28 billion of bombs instead. Learn with the burgers.

You paid Israel reparations, so why not Namibia?

The would lose the 3rd world war too.

Because they have no special rights like the jews.

We payed Holocaust survivors directly after the WW2.
Here, they want reparations for stuff that happend over 100 years ago.
All the people affected by it are long dead

And the nation as a whole has been irreversibly damaged by that event. You have a responsibility as westerners to pay them back

And thats why Germany has a special relation to Namibia and gives them much more development aid than to other African countries.
Also, it is important to point out that the overwhelming majority of Namibias population today is not related to the victims of those crimes.

they got like twice of that sum in aid payments already.

Of course you are a cuck cuntry

Implying they'll follow through if Germany actually does such a retarded thing, which they certainly won't. Let the nambians suffer and watch them burn.

relation to the victims is irrelevant, we're discussing the nation not its people. Yes you help them due to having colonized them, so do most nations. Germany in particular though treated namibians horrifically and absolutely committed genocide against an utterly helpless group of people. You absolutely should pay, and to say otherwise is inconsistent with the values of democracy

>All the people affected by it are long dead
Because you killed them. Germanocide is worst -cide.

Pay your denbts!

>Democracy=Giving out free money

Because the impact is still pretty felt.
Stuff doesn't just suddenly cease.

Because none of it went to the people effected by the genocide really.

They are saying a high figure because everyone knows it will go lower.


I mean the German government already pays my great-uncle a pension because he was "tricked" into joining the Blue Division so..

He didn't even ask for it, you Germans just like giving out free money it seems.

Where are our reparations Germany?

Greeks can't pay

yeah, people effected by genocides are dead. That's why you can't pay them out anymore.

We still payd billions in aid to develope the country.

>relation to the victims is irrelevant, we're discussing the nation not its people
but genocide is a crime against people, not against nations.

And I am not talking about helping through colonialization, I am talking about development aid that Germany gives them to this day

Sorry, but you will never get your bikes back

wtf we want reparations too from russia ottomans persians arabs germans brits french mongolians and finns. literally everyone who attacked us.

>All the people affected by it are long dead

>non-Jews asking for reparations

Right. They're only doing that because Germany is doing well.

Otherwise China, Angola, Brazil, Morroco, even fucking Japan would ask us for reparations.

>implying we're not jews
The world pays us 3 trillion in reparations every year. But Germany is falling behind in reparations.


In Portugal the Dutch are famous for being the only Non-Germanics in Northwestern Europe. All our jews fled there and mixed with pop. Every single Dutch is AT LEAST 33.3% Jew. We call them "Judeus aquáticos".

it happend over 100 years ago

Nama and Herero

-pretty much lost all their land since it was seized by German settlers with support of the government. Seizure of cattle as well which is basically all they got.
-huge population loss.
-concentration camps that were death camps and taking the remains of the people to study in Germany as materiel to prove their inferiority. Germany still has the skulls of dead prisoners in their possession
-cruel medical experiments that are not out of place in some Nazi camp experiments
-Survivors of the massacre were turned into slave labour for the German military and settlers. Most men were killed
-Sexual servitude and rape

It was the Holocaust but like a test version of it.

We cleaned up our jews in WW2 though.

Germanies fault. Pay reparations.

show them who has the bigger dick

>maybe 50'000 jews in old portugal
>3 million people in 1550 Holland

>hurdur they all got raped by jews

People in Amsterdam call themselves Jews. And often even call the city by it's Jewish name.

So if I murder you today and get arrested 100 years from now, I don't deserve to be prosecuted?

Yes, the eternal G*rman is a scourge upon this earth and must pay for its crimes

all the murderes from 100 years ago are dead by now

According to Wikipedia, there are 450,000 Hetero and Nama in Namibia. 28bn would mean 56000 EUR for each one.

Because the consequences of it are still there.

>We still payd billions in aid to develope the country.

Countries use aid to harass countries into kowtowing to them. It's very common seeing rich countries go "we'll cut your aid though if you don't do what we ask you to". to to mention how much aid is used as form of kickbacks

Lets mention Germany's refusal to acknowledge officially for a long time.

Not relevant.

Also, an Italian lady from the 19th century is still alive.

yes, you should pay your denbts


you didnt pay when they were still alive
germans are parasites

>28bn would mean 56000 EUR for each one.
You have a point there.

That's not nearly enough.

Your question was if you murder somebody, should you be persecuted in 100 years.
My answere was that a persecution is not possible anymore, because all of the murderes are dead by now.

Like German back then tried to hide it. then tried to bank off the :oh it was Africa and back then" schtick, then tried to tip toe around it. then 100 years later it was acknowledged.

Actually if an incontinent guy was sent to jail, and died and the case got opens up later and he was innocent like 10 years after his death at 50 he still gets an apology and his record gets set straight.

>Because the consequences of it are still there.
How? Do the Herero live worse than the surrounding niggers?

Can't blame them for trying. Germans just might be stupid enough to actually pay something.

so what do you wanna do, start a court case against dead people?


>Do the Herero live worse than the surrounding niggers?
Actually, yes.

german state does nothing out of goodness
never forget that

What are you trying to go with this?

that the victims and the perpetrators from 100 years ago are long dead, so talking about reparations is a bit silly nowadays

germany didnt pay when they were still alive

Typical German, trying to weasel their way out of paying denbts.

We the jews now!!!


>germans paying their debts

And this is a shame. But now they are all dead, so what can we do?

You can sue people's estate for money if they are dead user.

Pay them.
IT's not gonna be 28 bill euros either way.

It's a lot money for people who were born 60 to 100 years after the event took place.

But they're going to spoil it on luxury cars, bling bling and booze anyway. After some years they're poor again, even if you gave them more.

I'm wagering if the negroes make enough of a fuss they'll just pay them to shut up because muh history muh shame.

>All these anglos trying to tell us to pay reps to some African shitholes
Pot, meet kettle

fixing greece
kraut government helped greek government to hide numbers

refugee crisis
is germany fault
germans are subhumans

>hurr durr western aid money is just conspiracy to oppress the already poor africans

So what do you suggest? Just let them be and watch like 80% of Africa die to famine?

>But they're going to spoil it on luxury cars, bling bling and booze anyway.

Actually it's been shown in studies that if you just give people money it's one of the most effective form of aid because they actually know what they need rather then some one size fit all solution that lacks depth and/or breadth.

pay whome? the victims are long dead, user

>After some years they're poor again, even if you gave them more.
You're absolutely right again!

Germany's guilt will remain a constant, so they should be required to pay constantly.

i hope so
if they get money
Greece will come and ask for money too because german subhumans owe Greece a lot.

Germany still haven't paid reparations for the destruction of Poland and deaths of Poles during ww2

Pay up krauts.

We Wuz Victimz n Shite is what's happened to Japan. All the euros who had colonial countries finally are gonna know the ridiculousness and incoherent claims.

No, you don't need to pay.

Otherwise we could be in a bad situation

If a company accidentally killed a lot of people with bad medicine and they all died painfully. Their families can still sue them even if the victims of that bad medicine are all dead.

france is already dead

I know you're baiting but you do realize most of the EU money you get comes from here right?

Money will not bring them back to life.

poland is a neighbour country of shitmany
germany does nothing out of goodness

Tell me about the study that shows what happens when you give random niggers an amount of money equivalent to their lifetime earnings

>Furthermore, in 1942, the Greek Central Bank was forced by the occupying Nazi regime to loan 476 million Reichsmarks at 0% interest to Nazi Germany.

As far as I am aware, Germany and Poland agreed that Poland will not get any reparation money and in return, Germany will accept the loss of clay

Sure, but not after 100 years