How much shit does one person, on average, produce during their lifetime? In either kilograms or pounds

How much shit does one person, on average, produce during their lifetime? In either kilograms or pounds.

Homework assignment, I can't figure it out. Please help.

on Sup Forums we produce tons of shit everyday

assume like 3 or 4 pounds a day
average lifetime is like 75 years or something
365 days a year
you do math

>3 or 4 pounds
jesus fuck, how much do you eat, porker?

3-4 pounds a day???

A person will, on average, manufacture about 140 times their weight in shit over the course of their life.

>3 - 4 pounds a day
nigger what

here you stupid fuck do you even google?

National Center for Health Statistics says the average weight for an adult male in the United States is 189.8 pounds. That means the average man produces 360 pounds of poop a year... almost one whole pound a day. So, using your 70 years average, that would be around 25,200 pounds!!!

I think the healthy average is closer to 0.5-2.0lbs depending on your weight and diet.

You fucks made me laugh really loud.


Sounds like a load of shit to me.

If you want to find out how you (OP) shit in your lifetime.Weigh the all food you eat in a day, multiply that amount by the number of days you think you are going to live. If the food you eat is high in water content this might be somewhat inaccurate because you will end up pissing some a good amount of that out rather than shitting it.

Makes you feel really small

>tfw my shit will take up over a hundred times more space than me

Almost all food we eat is full of moisture, though


Shitty topic

I will poop 9.45 tons of shit in my ife

It depends on the person. For instance, a black liberal woman can generate 8-10 pounds of crap over the time of nine months.

I remember discussing this in biology class. i don't remember the answer but only thing i remember is girls shit about 20% more than men.

Yeah but, shit still has moisture in it too though. It just depends if it is as much as the food you eat or not

that is a very tiny amount
10lb/(270days) = .03Lbs/day

Well considering she has to hold that feces for nine months and then let it all out at one time... [SPOILER] GET. THE. JOKE. [/spoiler]

that is just a bad joke.

shitty joke