Superpowers with limits thread

Superpowers with limits thread.

>Can turn invisible.

Only from the front

Can still see the food shit and piss inside your body

instant death

When a qute girl looks at u

>Can teleport

>instant death

>>Can teleport
Max range 5 feet

invulnerable to the humiliation of being a neckbeard.

random places

instant death

Can create the Fourth Reich with the flick of the finger! SIEG HEIL!

instant death

Being able to move faster than the speed of light

born without hands

instant death

but you are blind while doing it

Is that the best you can come up with?

maximum 100 m radius

>can choose to die in any moment

can purify the world for the white race, can never squeeze out that last bit of toothpaste

is super speed the best YOU can come up with, faggot?

instant death

You live the rest of your life in darkness as you race the sun

Absolute comedy fucking gold.

can only run in circles

>but it's the greatest pain you've ever felt

great limitation you dumb fuck too bad the surface of the earth is curved.

you actually can, pretty easily

>Can be any race

always look like a nigger from afar

instant death

Only when someone likes you

Only when you piss into your own mouth

only into the centre of the sun

everyone still hates you

you turn into a jew

can't stop

you become a nigger


For girls: Can turn invisible thus hiding gender before partaking in a "brofist"

instant death


>Painful dead

>can fuck any girl that I like

>instant death

But you come as soon you touch her


You give anyone you fuck aids

Can only die if I want to

inflatible penis, get blowed before getting blowed

But you get the worst diseases and their side effects

>you can talk to animals

Oh I've got one!

Super intelligent, but can only use intelligence to discover that everything and everyone is shit, nothing will ever get anything but worse, there's no hope and you're just going to watch yourself grow old and die.

>Can Stop Time

All animals are looking for is Homosapiality