Wow television & film must be really boring considering all the shitposts here

wow television & film must be really boring considering all the shitposts here

My god why is she so perfect?!


what happened to your ipad?

Kek (笑´・艸・) Those shit posts are really interesting, right !? And some are intriguing.


shes a goddess

I cant unsee Chelsea Handler wearing a brown wig. And for that reason im completely turned off

More of her



I would drink her bath water

is there something wrong with me?

im gonna learn how to hack just to get her nudes

we need /cel/

sounds like you're dehydrated

You're a lightweight m8.

Yes, you haven't accepted feminine penis as the superior genitalia

No. I would eat her turds


can you fucking imagine how silky smooth her tummy feels?

i will never hate jj abrams because his casting gave us evie


