Is it possible to still enjoy an artist's work even if said artist has racist, xenophobic, and bigoted views?

Is it possible to still enjoy an artist's work even if said artist has racist, xenophobic, and bigoted views?

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i intentionally dont listen to homosexual artists

How many times has this exact same retarded question been asked here?


He's not wrong.
The U.K. and many nations in the old world have an ethnic component that can't easily be dismissed as opposed to most new world nations such as the U.S., Brazil, Mexico, Canada. And even in the U.S. it was developed largely as a European endeavor.

once a week

I guess all these newfags/retards are what's ruining the board then

>muh british identity
>hates the monarchy

make your mind up moz

this board was ruined after megaupload died

Do you realize that most immigrants living in the UK are from its former colonies, like Pakistan, Nigeria and Jamaica ?
A Brit asked Le Pen recently on TV if she would ban Sikh turbans in public, but this question is irrelevant for France, because its immigrants comes from Algeria, Morocco, Senegal, Tunisia, Ivory Coast...In short, all African countries where people learn French at school.
Pakis don't give a shit about France because they don't learn French but English at school.

Even though I don't like economic migration, former colonies are part of the identity of a country, and you can see that even in music since Jamaican reggae and dub had a huge influence on British music.

>former colonies are part of the identity of a country

Only if your country is white, dont see Mongolia, Turkey, or Japan giving up their ethnic homogeneity. All of whom had colonial conquests.

yeah mate but up to this point it hasnt been fucking rammed full of the cunts, even Wales is getting overrun and that place is a shit hole. Fuck the UK but I want these niglets and shitskins out

If it does not come through in their work, yes. If it does come through, it depends on what your views are.

Yeah because working class British culture revolves around the Royals, get a grip m8

Are you serious
Japan are massive cultural tourists, they have their own punk and reggae scenes because they live the uk so much

Idk about Mongolia but if it's anything like China they also worship the uk

Turkey doesn't know wtf it is anymore anyway right

>Even though I don't like economic migration, former colonies are part of the identity of a country, and you can see that even in music since Jamaican reggae and dub had a huge influence on British music.

There's a difference though, these immigrants actually integrated. Where as the ones coming in atm don't want to. Speaking from experience here

Are you serious? Look at the demographics of the countries I listed vs Western Europe.

Why should they compromise the ethnic makeup of their nations just because cultures influence each other?

A Jamaican is not English, Welsh, or Scottish, and a Tunisian is not French.
If I were to immigrate to Korea and have children neither them nor I would be ethnic Koreans though we would be citizens.

ahh so britain should be known for its red brick council estates, dole queue and roaming addicts, not a millennium's worth of historic rule and governing that shaped the nation and its people to this day

got it, proud to be british!

Yeah Japan is racist af and almost totally Japanese

Your point?



My point was that only white countries are held to this standard that they HAVE to let in immigrants from former colonies...

>ethnic makeup
Morrissey there is talking about culture

there is overlap between ethnicity and culture

literally nothing wrong with what he said

Well sure but the concepts are different for a reason

You're still compromising both for some multicultural hellhole.
That cultures should influence each other and that we can appreciate them doesn't mean we should invite their people and import their cultures wholesale.
Especially for some short-sighted and dubious economic benefit or worse yet some naive visions of a multicultural multiethnic paradise.
A lot European nations already have multiple native ethnicities and cultures.

The UK doesn't let in immigrants from its poorer colonies out of kindness, they let them in because they will work for less money
Immigration in the 60s was literally a source of cheap labour at a time when employment in the UK was close to 100%, because no one else wanted to do the shitty jobs

Part of the reason the 'left' in the UK like immigration so much is that it allows them to enjoy a higher average standard of living than they might otherwise

It does seem strange to me that there are people now in the UK who will fight for their right to do these shitty jobs but that's where we are now, full circle

>hes never been to Britain
damn nigga your ass is talking for you

I'm not sure how you jumped from my post to yours but whatever, i can detect from your sarcasm your obviously a miserable fuck. Not going to waste anytime reply to you again other than this

What is so hard to understand that you need to have immigration that is a bunch let in, then a shut off of immigration in order for those immigrants to assimilate into the host culture and then once that has happened, you let more in.

This is how every country did it until the 80s basically and this is why you have diverse cultures intertwined in a healthy manner.

When you just blow up the dam and there is a never ending flood of immigration as of the past 30 years, the immigrants just go off and self segregate and become a detriment to society because they are not forced to adapt the rules of that society that have made it work and be a place that is desirable to immigrate to in the first place.

theres nothing bigoted about that

This, I have some wonderful friends who are decedent from immigrants from the 40s onwards. This new wave however is just detrimental, frankly not needed and show (in pockets) no wish to become integrated at all. If things keep going there will be rivers of blood, fact.

Because with the onset of automation post-industrial nations well become less reliant on unskilled labor. No one wanted to do those jobs for shitty wages, by artificially inflating the labor pool you are only helping out the wealthy who do the hiring. This model is not sustainable over the long term. Lets look at the quality of living in UK vs Japan past 30 years, look at the crime statistics and ask who is the one profiting from this influx of cheap labor? Certainly not the working class.

> the rules of that society that have made it work
can you give an example of one of these rules?
and an example of someone breaking the rule

There won't even BE a working class in 50 years so I'm not even sure what you're trying to preserve there

If the main reason you don't like immigrants is labour pressure then what next, are you going to go full Luddite and start sabotaging factories

>If the main reason you don't like immigrants is labour pressure then what next, are you going to go full Luddite and start sabotaging factories
Muh false equivalency

>There won't even BE a working class in 50 years so I'm not even sure what you're trying to preserve there
Im trying to preserve a cultural identity, mass immigration worked in the past perhaps but as of now it is having a detrimental effect.

But once the machines take over then what are the working class going to do ?

Your 'cultural identity' as a working class white male isn't going to be any use to you then is it

And what then of the working class non white males? Who do you think will be able to assimilate better? In most of Western Europe it is the blacks and muslims who face higher unemployment than the ingenious europeans. I think once people have more idle time it will be more of an importance to have cultural cohesion rather than segregated pockets of foreign cultures.

I think you're underestimating the UK's immigrant population and their aptitude for survival

At the very least they don't have a 'cultural identity' holding them back the way working class people do

And if they DO end up going home then why is that a problem for you? That's what you want isn't it?
That way you will have full exclusive rights to the title of 'Britain's underclass'

He is right

>They will go back
When was the standard of living better in Africa than Europe? Sub Saharan Africa never had a better quality of life than Europe. It will always be more desirable to live in Europe

You think we get a lot of immigrants from sub-Saharan Africa? Seriously?

Not him but we do

You don't see the amt of refugees coming from there? This will continue

Got any numbers?

No just talking from first hand experience

I'm just gonna assume you live somewhere unusual then

London, so i guess. It feels like we live in a separate bubble to the rest of England.

there is nothing wrong with what he said.

If he were Japanese or Israeli, you wouldnt be whining.

Yeah ok, London is fairly exceptional

but muh white privilege

Why doesn't London count?

Look at the amt of refugees coming from sub saraha africa. Go now Google it

Obviously it 'counts' but London is a good example of a city which relies on cheap labour from outside just to exist
If they didn't come from abroad they would just get them from somewhere else, like the North, lol
How would you like that, loads of Northern monkeys running around London and not integrating

Do it yourself

So you've done no research and are merely talking out your ass

I asked for a source, it was your claim, back it up

you clearly don't know squat about britain

I'm mobile so it's not that easy. But this article showcases the amt

But these are not economic migrants at all, they are refugees
Assuming you know the difference, you seem to have drifted completely off topic