Transgenderism is no different than Religion

Transgenderism is no different than Religion.

It's a mental disease that can be cured with scientific study.

science is a religion

the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods.

the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.

Say whatever you want to but don't act like it's reality. Words have established definitions that are only so malleable.


A place for everything and everything in its place.

I dunno about religion being a mental illness, what about our lord Kek?

o ye but u blindly belive whatever science tells you

A rainy day is just like pancakes, it is a mental disease that can be cured with scientific study....

Just because science has made great leaps in treating your autism doesn't mean it can be applied to everything.

Science is a process. It is a non static process we utilize to gain information, through observation and experiment.
Anything that cant be proved through observation and experiment is not science.
Anything not disputable with new evidence isnt science.
As you can see many deist scholars throughout history, religion and science are not exclusionary.
Arguably no 2 faiths are capable of being "believed" at the same time

>Looks at evidence

>thinks religion is a mental illness
Nobody needs your opinion you fat neckbeard faggot

cling to the validity of this process

mtf here
Im transgender. Everyone else is a fucking lunatic.
Did you know the main consensus now is that dysphoria isn't even required anymore?
Youre literally transgender because you fucking want to crossdress.
No more intense body hatred.
No more suicide attempts.

That's definitely not what religion is. Buddhism is a religion also and same with native American practice and such. There doesn't have to be a God per say

It is a mental illness. The mental illness is so severe that suicide rates among trans people are very high, and no , their suicide rate has nothing to do with what bathrooms they are allowed to use and how much society bends over to accomodate their wishes.

This is true. A lot of non scientists blindly believe everything that is told to them on pop science websites, which may mischaracterise what the original study found. And even within the scientific literature, there are plenty of 'sins' being committed such as p-value fishing, unsuitable methods, dishonesty, bias, political issues , and the worst of all is falsified data.

The stupid sheep who believe every overhyped headline in the journals nature or science are just as bad as religious nuts.

However, science itself is not a religion.

Does not mean always, just that most Religions have God or gods

Except not all religions have a God or gods....your definition is false

used to single out one person, thing, or situation over all others.

see the word all

Still not wrong.

This. It's basically the modern version of the Catholic church, in that it serves the same social role. The priesthood/orthodoxy hands down metaphysical view to the lay people.

Actually a lot of science is bullshit, dogmatic, and stagnant. Especially in theoretical physics and psychology.

Don't blindly trust scientists, think of how many times the theories have been overturned to get to where they are today. It's naive to think they won't be overturned again the future.

all does not mean only some, so yes, its wrong. Unless you change the word especially

It is very different from a church. Scientists squabble and have opposing ideas all the time.

Also see

What is Vatican II

also an idiot

Especially in this context means that when there is/are (a) god or gods being worshiped that this special case (this one case involving a god or gods) is by definition a religion.
Especially in this context does not mean that god or gods are required for a case to qualify as a religion.

holy shit go back to school

Transgenderism is no different than religion.

It's a personal thing, nobody gives a shit how you live your life so long as you're not hurting other people.

That's a big thing right there though. Any decent scientist is more than happy to accept and adapt when something new comes along, or an idea changes. With religion, you aren't allowed to question anything.

Does holding back social progress count as hurting?
Progress, here, is defined as a uniform understanding between individuals within society.

>a uniform understanding between individuals within society
Never gonna happen.

It's important to distinguish (which I didn't do) between science-the-method and science-the-institution.

As a method, in the abstract, it's quite useful in that it gives us technology. The problem lies with the institution itself.

Look at the concept of "pseudoscience". A lot of it is silly but a lot of what gets labelled pseudoscience is things that challenges the metaphysical assumptions/model of reality that the institution of science. Scientists in real life aren't like blind followers of data open to any new idea. They have their own models and assumptions and people who challenge that are marginalized

That's the ideal storybook version of science but in reality it's a lot more dogmatic.
I'm a graduate student in science and I've become somewhat disillusioned with the whole thing. Scientists are portrayed as de Vinci types who know everything but really a lot of them don't know shit outside of their very narrow field.

Idiot for siting dictionary? ok user, enjoy your intelligence.

Well sure, Utopia will never exist, but we actually see things like this happen slowly over the centuries. Societies across the world tend to develop similar understandings and laws, like 'don't let kids die' and 'crime should be punished'. That's al lprogress.

Not the question I asked but thanks for your input.
>the aggregate of people living together in a more or less ordered community.

>a group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common.

Can a society be made up of two individuals?
What constitutes a group?

>a number of people or things that are located close together or are considered or classed together.

I'd say at least two. Two people can have a uniform understanding, no?

>mental disease
>cured with study

If you're so smart, why aren't you rich?

And who's to say that you're not on the wrong side of progress?

If you meant "citing", no. It was for "see the word all", idiot.

I will, thanks.

Well then the distinction should be made between science and scientists. The method itself cannot be faulted, only the people who have their own agendas.

>no one can be smart and lazy

Okay, so we have two people who agree uniformly on something. That's societal progress. Trannies and religion still exist though, whoop dee fucking doo.

Well when I agree with "science is a religion" I mean the institution/orthodoxy.
Science as a method is just using reason, logic, and observation to model the world, which has been done since ancient times.

What are you suggesting? Any of us could be on the "wrong side of progress" at anytime, no matter what we believe.

Nope. Your laziness is not a sign of your intelligence

The local monopoly of force, idiot.

I'd argue this, but I'm too tired,

Yeah I feel you, nigga.

Like all of the most important things, people are usually the problem.

poor idiot, mis-worded his statement and spends the night defending it.

He probably had to cancel a date with a supermodel to argue his point in this thread.

You misspelled "retarded"

But I'll let this one slide downy

mtf here
In Germy the authority wants to remove medication requirements, remove the need to see two different psychatrists to let them check if you are female/male. Also they think there should be no need to do srs AND hrt. like you dont change anythin but magically you are different?

Literally no one in this thread has made the claim that laziness is an indicator that suggests sufficient intelligence. I implied that one can be lazy and intelligent, which could account for why user is still poor.
Your failure to comprehend this simple concept is indeed a "sign of your intelligence", unfortunately for you.

said the full retard using a computer to shitpost on the internet

such a nonsensical puke of a statement

Getting back to OPs topic, disease might be the wrong word, but it's obviously a mis-wiring of the mind.

If a 'cure' became available then I am positive there would be people who want it. It's probably fucking hell to feel trapped in the wrong body.

Either of you feel any better about being wrong now that you've responded by attacking me instead of my position?

I guess you didn't get the joke

religion is about control, being a faggot is about attention seeking

I actually wasn't even paying attention and can't really remember which user you are

What the fuck is this nu-age autistic bait, i dont get it

Man, the gays missed out on a huge opportunity. If they had organized as a religion they could have sweet tax breaks. Plus their church steeples would look hilarious.

Mocking evidence and observation like the post you replied to is how people think Trump is good. So in short, this nu age bullshit is demagoguery and populosm

Im Ernst?
Seit der ganzen Flüchtlingsdebatte gehen solche Themen ja sofort unter, bevor man was davon mitbekommt.
Wie schlimm ist die Situation mittlerweile?

I think I might have gotten lost too and assumed you were someone else talking about something else.
Just in case:
I'm sorry.
I hate you.

Science is experimentally reproducible.

If it isn't, it isn't scientific. See: the entire field of psychology.

Apology accepted you double-nigger.

Not true. Working with a psychologist produces the exact same results as flushing cash down the drain every single time.

Die Grünen wollen jegliche Abschaffung der richterlichen Gutachten. Ihrer Meinung nach sollte jeder dass Recht haben im anderen Geschlecht leben zu dürfen, auch wenn man es nur teilweise oder aufgrund von sexuellen Wünschen tut.
Aber auch jetzt ist die Situation zum Kotzen. Eine Person in meinem Bekanntenkreis hatte zwei "negative" Gutachten, durfte dann zwei weitere machen, und kam damit jetzt zum Ausweis. Zwei Therapeuten waren der Ansicht dass sie nur homosexuell ist, aber die Person konnte sie als "Ich kam nicht mit ihnen klar" abstempeln. Den anderen hat sie einen in Zusammenarbeit mit anderen erstellten vorgefertigten Lebenslauf gebracht, und es hat ihnen dann gereicht.
Die Person ist quasi mein Borderline Hamster, hat man echt Spaß zuzusehen, suizid inc.

Wenn ich die ganzen Femnazis sehe, welche ein mehr als zwei Geschlechtersystem vertreten wird mir dann sowieso schlecht.

>per say

stop trying to sound smart
it's "per se"

Die Grünen, wer sonst?
Zieht dieser ganze Gender-Quatsch einfach aus den USA/englischsprachigen Raum hierher oder gab es hier so eine stark wachsende Bewegung schon vorher?


Bone Apple Tea!

Die Linken haben leider ja ähnliche Tendenzen.
Ich denke die meisten Inhalte stammen aus dem englischsprachigen Raum. Tumblr verbreitet eine falsche Akzeptanz in der Gesellschaft. Daher wurde ich schon mehrfach aufgrund meiner binärgeschlechtlichen Ansichten als Transfeindlich bezeichnet, in meinen Augen eine echte Leistung.

In den Selbsthilfegruppen, Facebookgruppe, und Foren tummeln sich Alttransen, die ihr fapping in den Klamotten ihrer Freundin/Frau als echte Transsexualität kaschieren wollen. Zudem verbreiten sich so unendlich viele dumme Medikationseigenentscheidungen in solchen Löchern. Oder auch Leute mit dem Gedankengut "Ich hab es verdient schön zu werden, stirb Schlampe" (weil du schöner aussiehst).


Die politische und soziale Situation ist mittlerweile traurig, egal wohin man blickt.
Muss für dich wohl auch ziemlich Scheiße sein, mit diesen Idioten in einen Topf geworfen zu werden, wann immer das Thema seinen Weg in die Öffentlichkeit findet.
Man kann nur hoffen, dass es irgendwann möglich ist, diese fashion-transgender Leute auszusondern, bis man irgendwann nur noch Leute hat, die tatsächlich von dem Problem betroffen sind, mit der 'falschen' Gehirnchemie geboren worden zu sein.

I can't wait till 10 years from now when we quit giving a shit about the 0.5% of the pop that's trans and start worrying about the next infinitesimal group of people that doesn't matter.

Naja, ich gebe mich nicht sonderlich mit Femnazis und anderem Pack ab. Ich führe ein glückliches verheiratetes Leben, und im Alltag falle ich nichtmal im Schwimmbad auf, auch ohne op. Ich bin glücklich mit meinem Leben, die meisten Fashiontransgender aber nicht.
Die eine Person hat die op durchgezogen, seither massiv depressiv, da wohl doch etwas fehlt. Naja, und durch ihre Dummheit löschen sich diese Kreaturen sowieso irgendwann aus.

Sie klagen über tägliche Depressionen, während ich jeden Tag mich super fühle.
Ich meine ich hab alles was ich will, ich mag keine Sonderrechte, nur eben als normaler Mensch in der Gesellschaft stattfinden. Dieser Ganze Privilegienmist ist halt Kinderkacke.

Ich hoffe ehrlich gesagt dass sich dieser politische Kurs noch aufhalten lässt.
Ich habe kein Problem damit wenn sie ihren Kram ausleben, von mir aus können sie auch die Medikamente bekommen, aber einen Ausweis sollte es nunmal nicht für Fetischisten geben. Sollen sie sich halt ihr Leben verbauen.

My money is on albinos.