Pascal's Wager states that it's smarter to bet that there is a God because if you are wrong...

Pascal's Wager states that it's smarter to bet that there is a God because if you are wrong, the consequences are not as dire as having incorrectly bet that there is no God.

Math has conclusively proven that God exists, so why do you foolishly choose disbelief?

You sound fat

What exactly are the consecuences if there is a god and you denied it?


>Math has conclusively proven that God exists
math has proven that you're an idiot

U are fucking retarded, why are u wasting my precious /B?

Fuck god, if he's such a faggot that he's going to torture a lesser being over arbitrary bullshit, then he's no better than a cat-kicking nigger and he can savor the fact that I will tell him to suck my sweaty asshole every step of the way.

I'm just answering the guy's question, mate.

You mothafuckers need Jesus!

Indeed, he fixes my wifes car at least once every two months

Everyone does, most don't know why.

If you pretended to believe in God he'd know and you'd end up in hell and not have had fun with your time on Earth. At this point most of us are
going to hell anyways so might as well keep on

Pascal's Wager presumes the existence of a single God. It does not account for the possibility of many Gods.


there are no real Atheists, just Christians pretending not to believe like rebelious little kids.

There are no real Christians, just Muslims pretending not to believe like rebellious little kids.

In Islam, there's no punishment for never having believed in it. There is for when Allah shows you his message and you deny it.


atheism is like a religion. you don't have any concrete evidence that god does not exist and yet you claim there is no god. athesits base their beliefs on faith, just like any other forms of religion, except it does not teach morals, or anything that may be beneficial.

being an atheist does not make you more clever. in fact, you are a pretty sad person.

Why is your default position to believe there is a God with no concrete evidence than to believe there is no God until concrete evidence conflicts with what you know?

Guess i'm converting to "African folk religion"

He sure looks like someone born in Bethlehem.

"What if we chose the wrong god and every time we go to church were making him more angry?" -Homer simpson-

Pascal wager is retarded. Pascal assumes there's only one God or no gods when there are several thousand. Pascal in his own logic is going to hell if he's wrong just because he's beliving just to believe.

If God is true and all knowing I'm pretty sure he will be well aware your pascal faith is insincere

That's why you do your research and find the one that makes the most sense/has no contradictions


No atheists believe there is no proof for god, and will change that belief if evidence is presented. The burden of proof falls on the one making the positive claim. That being said as their belief is based on evidence it can't be based on faith. Religion is based on faith.

If you're so religious why are you even here?

You mean taoism? K.

What proof do you have that there are consequence? Dipshit.

but there is a ton of evidence in the Bible, if God wasn't real, how did Jesus walk on water?
If God isn't real, how do you have an opinion about God?

why do you foolishly post on this cuck website, you cuck?

> in the bible

The problem with pascal's wager is that is assumes there is only one god for you to believe in. The problem is, there are thousands of religions. Which one am I supposed to trust?

I imagine it just happens to be yours, huh?

Not all the religions can be right, but they CAN all be wrong.

There is no proof dinosaurs existed, and most of their precious bones have been found to come from other animals, and the appearances of these dinosaurs come entirely out of the scientist's imagination.

If you actually read that book, you'd have also read on the next fucking page where it says something along the lines of:

>"But if gods does actually exist, what's so special about believe in him? Wouldn't he care more about what I've done with my life and how I've treated others? Would he not honour truth-seeking values, empathy and humility? DO I really want to believe in a god that punishes you simply because I didn't believe in the god that has provided absolutely no physical evidence for his existence?"

Should be pretty close. it's been about 3 years since I've read that book, though.

If Atheism is the religion of skeptics, why are Atheists so easy to troll?

Atheism isn't a religion.