Sup Forums, Is he a leftist cuck?

Dude, the main userbase of this board is composed by leftist teens and cucks.

You're're'rer mumther is a leftist cock

Anthony "Whitehead" Fantano has been an alt-right shill for a long time dude.

The only thing i can tell you is that he has very poor understanding and knowledge of Punk culture and music. Very deluded individual.

>"Is he a leftist cuck"
>on the leftist cuck board

cuck talking about another cuck

he's a centrist liberal cuck

If sexy girls had to choose between him and Watson,
they would go to Watson without a second spent pondering.
I believe this is the core problem of this issues.
He is intimidated by Watson's handsomeness.


The leftist cuck board is thataway that's where they spend all day whining obsessively about leftists

I bet youve been here for like two months, please go back

The faggot wrote for buzzfeed. But i see some signs of the redpill beginning to take hold of him, he made a few "cis white maaale" comments in the video explaining why he left and i think him starting to realize leftism is anti white contributed to him leaving more than he leads on

>using redpill unironically

look at the brainlet and laugh, everyone

He doesn't like the SJW but he isn't an alt-right. He said on his twitter that he is more center-left

also you have to go back

>that's where they spend all day whining obsessively about leftists

You're right, specially after Trump's election. People on Sup Forums should be as happy as the people you see in those riots out there now.

>not realizing you define your own redpill
>not being woke
>not taking the bogpill

You're all wrong, he isn't leftist. He's a pathetic weak-willed liberal centrist. In the event of a fascist takeover, he'd be spouting some retarded shit about how "le fascists have le right to le free speech" and how fighting the fascists makes you the real fascist. Pic related, but the head looks even more like a myopic albino melon undergoing chemotherapy.

But why would someone care that much about some one else's looks/their ability to get girls?

>le fascists have le right to le free speech
They do though.



Because no matter how much you pseudo-intellectualize, the man with more pussy is the winner.
That's how it was since the first cave was inhabited.
That's how it was for thousands of years of history.
That's how it still is today and will be in the future.

Seeing a better genetic specimen just riles him up. So he compensates with philosophizing. Alas.

>Because no matter how much you pseudo-intellectualize, the man with more pussy is the winner

what does "win" mean to you

So can I shout "Fire!" in a movie theater, then?

>I'm a moderate, Pay attention to me
Except this is the exact opposite of what happens. People with extreme political views keep bringing politics everywhere it's not wanted and then complain because people aren't paying attention to them.



>Yes, fascists have freedom of speech.

>so I can do something illegal then and get away with it?


Sorry you had to find out this way, but you are retarded.

>Anthony is handsome despite losing his hair, buff, fun take nothing seriously kind of guy, who is self made and has an interesting job and who anyone would love to have drinks with
>Status: MARRIED (making him instantly more attractive)
>PJW is a manlet, with only average looks, stringy arms, who argues all day on the internet and has the single worst posh fairy English accent anyone has ever heard
>Status: SINGLE (making him a laughing stock to women and chads alike)
PJW is so far down the genetic ladder that there's now a crater around where he stands


>that watch

He has a very poor understanding of music in general. Watched a few of his reviews and they were all "I didn't like this!" rather than actually reviewing music based on analyzing the actual content, he just talks about himself for 10 minutes.

Also he dresses like a faggot. Is he gay?

You have to go back to plebbit, shariablue
Sup Forums supports trump now

>Status: MARRIED
Did you see what he was married to?
Poor little man.

>Also he dresses like a faggot. Is he gay?
You seem to be very interested in that, do you want his number?

>haha! if i am allowed to speak however i want, then why can i not act however i want? checkmate!

He's a leftist "cuck" like this board filled with teens.

Goals change, some men's goals will differ from others.
Those who consider getting the most pussy "winning" are shallow, insecure and more than likely brag about it just to boost their ego.

What if I do? I want to rub the tip of my cock on his smooth forehead until i cum on his early 2000s hipster thick-rimmed glasses. and then force him to lick it off while telling me what he thinks about gorillaz


>those who get most pussy are insecure
They wouldn't be insecure if they got it you dumb dumb.
Is a good thing unless you are a submissive cuck.
People without egos are people who have nothing to warrant it.
>Goals change
Yes. Goalposts get lower and lower the more of a failure you become, and the more you've given up.
We can agree here.

Speaking is acting, you fucking retarded mongoloid.

God, Sup Forums is so pathetic.

You are probably so far down your nazi-rabbithole that you genuinely think he's somehow secretly suffering because his girlfriend isn't white.

You seem like a sad person.

Someone who was centered wouldn't want to kill a single person (unlike communists and fascists).
If Jews were doubted by a portion of the population, there isn't any need to kill anybody. Just order a proper investigation and if necessary, a proper trial. However, in order to do that we would have to clean all the corruptness. That's the hard part nobody is willing to do, because it's easier to become a fanatic and shill for your "side" than to do things right.

I'm sorry that your first association with ugliness is skin color user.
But i don't share your sentiments.

truth is right-wingers are just as retarded as sjws

either be left (not sjw-left) or centre-left

His wife is cute though. What's the problem?

coal burners must hang

go to bed Paul

how the fuck chimp
i suppose breathing is eating too because you're getting bacteria and detritus in your mouth and its going down your throat

There are many cute black girls in this world,
and his wife is not one of them.

What a stupid post.

>Someone who was centered wouldn't want to kill a single person
How pathetic. Good thing America wasn't run by a centrist during the Second World War, otherwise we would have been completely steamrolled thanks to pathetic retards like you who'd be chanting, "Both sides are equally as bad! Attacking the Nazis makes us just as them!"
That's exactly right. Figures that you don't know anything about how the respiratory system works, but I'm not really surprised that a centrist has never passed elementary school. Otherwise they'd be intelligent enough to not be centrist.

Better than what Paul has got (which is nothing)
Or maybe Milo will let Paul suck him off...

When will PJW the coward respond to Fantano?

Paul has got more than him since marriage isn't keeping him down though.
Also why are you so mad? Your posts are filled with so much emotion. Do you feel insecure in Paul's presence?
Why don't you post a picture of yourself please?
Don't worry, nobody will be able to locate you, nor will anyone recognize you. Nobody cares enough.


I wasn't talking during war-times, you retard.

The natzies were bad, yes, but so were Stalin and Truman.
I wouldn't want to pick a side between these three.
Anyway, you are a fanboy. You wouldn't last 2 seconds on a real battlefield, you keyboard warrior.

Why would he respond to a random baldie nobody?
If he responded to every idiot on the Internet who said something about him, he'd never have time to do anything.

not gonna lie you're causing me quite a hearty chuckle
america was centrist in wwii thats why it took getting out shit fucked at pearl harbor for us to enter properly
and breathing is not eating. you're either stoned or just a moron if you think it is.

>Good thing America wasn't run by a centrist in World War 2 otherwise we would've been steamroller
No, because the rest of the Allies could've done it without 'murica

seriously what's the appeal of pjw? he's bottom of the barrel when it comes anti-sjw youtubers

anyone can be pjw given that they have 2 braincells to rub together and extensive knowledge on buzzwords

because pjw said he would? of course backing out is the better option for paul since his opinions are pure shit

>He'd never have time to do anything
Maybe thatd be better, since all he does is whine and listen to Hopsin anyway

>Paul has got more than him since marriage isn't keeping him down though.
That's logically unsound, he's still a manlet, which means the only women he can get are....well I don't actually know what kind of women manlets get...

As for the rest, the only insecurity I feel from PJW is that I have way too much time on my hands to make fun of him online

>seriously what's the appeal of pjw?
I don't care about his appeal.
I just find it funny that he makes so many people mad, and makes money off of it.
Even this irrelevant baldie is contributing to his purse.
And he is pretty handsome. To deny it is to be willfully retarded.

Not leftist in the least bit but I still enjoy his recommendations

>I don't care about his appeal.
>goes on to explain how paul appeals to him
>gets mad at a baldie for calling out paul's bs

>Anthony Fantano
>Sup Forums

the fact that he watches PJW and takes him seriously most of the time is already embarassing.

>which means the only women he can get are
Elijah Wood humped pic related despite being 1.68m.
You can google plenty of manlet celebrities who are less handsome than Paul and yet get good looking women.
You need to fix your ignorance.

>And he is pretty handsome.
I can't even imagine how ugly you'd have to be to consider Paul handsome by any standard
He's average at best plus did I mention he's a manlet?

>neo-bronies still take themselves seriously

He's also a big friend of Sargon

He's right tho, PJW is utter dog shit

Why would i get mad at some random baldie giving opinions that change nothing?
I'm currently enjoying myself with your mad as things are.

>some baldie who has opinions

You need to up your standards more on what you find relevant. A lot more.

lol, Hardon for Assad is a fucking idiot
immediatly makes me lose respect for melonhead

considering every meme that was once popular on Sup Forums has become pure cringe within a few years (troll face was a Sup Forums meme once) im pretty sure these pictures will be in cringe compilations in a few years. i mean, i think they could already be right now but in a few years it will be the general opinion.

Are you retarded? I didn't say he was irrelevant to me, on Sup Forums he's probably the most relevant reviewer, despite how much we claim to despise his opinions

How are these not pure cringe right now?
I'm right wing btw.

>on Sup Forums he's probably the most relevant reviewer

>Sup Forums
>relevant reviewer

>Sup Forums
>giving a fuck about reviewers

It's like watching those children on Sup Forums who think LinusTechTips is relevant because he reviews gamer tech.

This is just sad.

You are not Sup Forums user. You are a very very very small part of it.

the current state of "redpilled anti-sjw community(?)

just a bunch of edgy teens eating the buzzwords spouted by their heroes

in reality, these edgelords are no different to sjws

So you're telling me you don't see the streams of threads about him and his reviews when he posts about an artist Sup Forums frequently talks about?
I mean you're in a thread about him now.

>not being a manlet who gets to wrap hot women around himself and enjoy skin contact in full

You are small-minded son.

I see streams of 3 or 4 people consisting 50% of the thread, and everyone else being trolls for trolling sake.
As far as balide himself goes, he has almost never changed or influenced anyone's opinion with his reviews. At best 2 or 3 people.

I'd be more interested in reviews by esteemed musicians than some irrelevant baldie.

as i said, they are cringe already. but there are still a shitton of people who don't think so. just check twitter and this whole army of "kekistani" people. but just like troll face or any other meme it will not just die, it will turn into absolute cringe soon and these people will have all these pictures floating on the internet wearing pepe shirts and hats. they will appear in every cringe compilation.

>I wouldn't want to pick a side between these three
Directly contradicting your first point about not being about wartime. Spineless centrists, inconsistent as always.
>breathing is not eating
Never said it was, you absolute moron. What does that have to do with my original point? If I can't shout "fire" in a movie theater, Nazis shouldn't be able to shout about Nazism.
When I said "we," I meant America, as I am American. Yeah, the other Allies really didn't need the USA.

paul here, just updating you guys on latest sjw activity

hopsin is the new punk

critical theory espousing marxist nihilists are responsible for everything

the truth about mountain dew

the deep state is attacking pepe

alex jones will be assassinated

the truth about having a girlfriend

The unfathomable love for Death Grips the board has had for the past 5 or 6 years probably wouldn't be around without that bald fuck.