How can you commit suicide painlessly without a gun

how can you commit suicide painlessly without a gun

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Got a tall building? If you land head first you won't feel shit

Same shit every fucken day.. and if you are going to die why rules? No guns... are you fucking batman?

well I'm not american,so I don't have access to guns...

Yeah bite a cyanide capsule

Eh fucken live then

>12 year old who's not aware other countries exist

>cyanide capsule
how do I get my hands in it?

Helium and gas mask. Mimics oxygen and you just take a nappy and never wake up. Faggot

Look up helium mask suicide. Supposedly, your body mistakes helium for oxygen, so it processes it without giving you the feeling of asphyxiation, but your brain still dies from lack if oxygen. Read into it.

No "supposedly" about it, it works rather well.

thanks guys. I will.

Join isis and do good old Allahu Akbar

Just live man, you'll be old and bitter before you know it and then you'll be dead. You're on the clock, how much can you live before you die? How many different experiences can you have? How many hobbies can you take up? How many books can you read? How many drugs can you try? How many countries can you visit? How many jobs can you have? How much money can you save? How much can you spend? How many niggers can you lynch? How many fags can you throw off a roof?

All these questions and more must be answered before your inevitable death, and you will die like so many have before you and your dust will add to theirs.


If you're gonna kill yourself, at least spend your last day with hookers and blow

It's the young people who are already old and bitter who want to kill themselves

Barely any money and too depressed to be around other people

the future is only shit for me. the present and the past are/were golden
nah I have better things to do.

Instead of commiting suicide, do whatever the fuck you want. Its been said a million times on this bored but I'll say it again, don't kill yourself, just do all the stuff you were afraid to do before. Unless your a paraplegic or deformed, theres nothing in your life you can't fix with some work.

eat some benzos like valium with a bottle of vodka and sweet dreams boy.
you'll be dead of overdose while sleep

Jumping from tall building is one. OD-ing on drug is also popular method but this can backfire.

As a depression patient, i feel OP. Life is pointless. Everyone dies, people are just wasting their energy on temporary things.

Swan dive into a wood chipper

Benzos and Drink don't mix well? Thank god I found out now before I took some to take the edge off rolling , and chill with a load of beer

If you are constantly striving on becoming the best version of yourself you aren't wasting your energy


Just stick your head underwater and inhale deeply. There is no pain, you're essentially suffocating yourself. Very similar to helium or carbon dioxide.
You're replacing the air in your lungs with something other than air that you're lungs can't extract oxygen from.

Be best, continue running endlessly when you know you will die & nothing last forever. Let's say, you became the best, you will still have to die.

And becoming the best takes years of struggle. And those struggle won't make sure you will succeed. There are lots of people who wants to be best.

They see themselves as an individual with an identity. But as they step their feet outside home, they are just a part of the crowd.

I'll look into the Helium thing. Thanks.

No, pessimistic viewpoints are edgy and surprise surprise don't make people any happier. It doesn't make people respect you, or change their opinions because you're being pessimistic,

I prefer to see people who strive towards their goals as creating their own path, not following others. What point is there in life if you don't follow your dreams? Maybe your dreams might be small, like get a steady job, visit cool places, have a wife, kids, a family. Or maybe its to excel and try to reach the stars in Art, Drama, politics, sports or whatever.

The point is without a goal in life we have no purpose. Without purpose we feel self conscious, awkward, shy, inadequate. The only way a person should live their life is by pursuing something, it literally improves everything about your life. I've been edgy, pessimistic, awkward and at times weak emotionally. But I changed for the better when I started pursuing something. Believe me, it gets so, so much better.

carbon monoxide or helium poisoning

Leave car running in garage or enclosed area and breathe in the goodness

What if you don't know what to pursue, and what if you have failed at everything in the past?

I have never been edgy in my childhood, teenager or early 20s. I'm in late 20s btw.
These are just facts. I know a guy, he was not close to be. Only met few times and was friend in facebook. He was full of dreams and goals.
Sady, he died in accident.

death is closer than you realize. People are just resources like fuel for your car. You can be replaced by someone else.

I hope someday, a Metroid to hit the earth wiping out the existence. Then people will realize how futile existence.

>only people in the US have easy access to firearms

death by gun is painful retard ....
here's how you do it
you need a high bride , you need a rope 4m long , you need super glue and you need a strong but sharp wire 3m long.
Go to the bride tie the rope to your legs tie the wire around your neck and glue your hands to you head so when you jump , the wire cuts your head off and you dangle by feet holding your head in your hands

People do pursue goals and things. And some even achieve it. But what at the end ?

There are examples of celebrities killing themselves in their prime. Even thought they have money, fame, mass following etc.

I fucking kekd


There you go fam

Thats pretty edgy though, claiming to wish for the extinction of mankind on Sup Forums because you have nothing to pursue yourself.

Secondly I have had friends full of life who lived for the moment and died young in freak circumstances, it didn't make me fear living life, it made me want to embrace it all the more. When you're dead you're dead, no second chances, no pleasure, nothing an empty void and you won't even experience that in death.
So live life while you can, and if you don't then my heart goes out to you, but I'm going to keep living ,chilling with my friends, training in Boxing, going on trips, fucking girls, doing drugs, working hard in University, getting by in work and actually enjoying my life.

Add fine glass powder to your food. That will guarantee you a lethal insult.

So whats the alternative, believe life is futile and stay miserable? Anyone who has that viewpoint probably doesn't enjoy their life at all and needs to change shit up

Also fame and money doesn't equal happiness. They could have had drug problems, family issues, relationship troubles, or any of the other real life, legit depression shit. None of that teenage 17/19 year old edge and first world depression revolving around being shy, awkward, unfunny, weak, unambitious, etc. All the things that could be fixed if someone bothered to try

