What's your addictions, Sup Forums?

What's your addictions, Sup Forums?


I'm addicted to big fat cocks


Porn (faggot)
Probably dilaudid (dunno haven't tried to stop)





feeling sad


I've never smoked, tried drugs, or had coffee or alcohol to drink my only addiction is /b

nicotine and sex. i've slept with around 20 girls, and i'm finally giving relationships a try. I'm three months in and the hardest part is staying exclusive to her. I really do love her but it's soooo tempting to hit up one of the girls i used to fuck before her and do it. The only thing that stops me is the fact that i know i couldn't lie to her and the guilt I'd feel if i hurt her.


avoiding responsibility

i also know if i ended it i would regret it because she's basically the female version of me. I really do love her, i just miss the chase and the rush of that conquest of adding another notch to the belt. idk why i'm telling you all this. probably because i have no one else i could tell.

Cigs pot booze jerkin it

Jacking it to pics of fat cops

What is your opinion of woman?



Let's see...

Kratom and Cannabis have been my drugs of choice. I quit Kratom three months ago and quit Cannabis a week ago.

I'm happy to say I'm not addicted to any substances. Still love food, sex. Starting to enjoy the endorphins after intense exercise.

I say things are looking up for me.

Finally sober 12yr alcohol 10years drugs no longer drinking caffeine, Jiu-jitsu helps

Cancer sticks and rotgut.

I'm having a bit of a tough time with the sauce... kinda sucks that I did that to myself.

Awesome gj user


caffeine caffEine

you fucking idiot. get off Sup Forums and read a book, christ.

and i guess cigs now too since last month.

Rekt /b fap laziness fast food

porn stars on instagram :/

My ex wife and whiskey

Would give up
One got the other

I lose no matter what

Sucking hot logs of shit out of Andy Sixx's asshole

idk. the same as any other persons? i'm not one of those types that just thinks of them as nothing more holes to stick my
dick in.


my chihuahua
just want to cuddle with him all day

though now that you've got me thinking about it, i guess that's the first thing i think of or notice, i size then up and consider whether or not i'd fuck them. that usually decides how i go about talking to them, as a potential friend or a potential fuck.

what is this forced meme ?
And who is Andy Sixx

Is she a porn star ?

No I am not wasting my time googling.

I stopped to smoke green cuz it have badtripping me since I had a bad dumb experience in 2014. My anxiety be 2 high when I smoke green.

So, my only addict is coffee and alcohol. Sometimes games and hentai.

Kelly Field ?

Is that you ?

You still live in Maddington ?

>grammer nazi for a typo

get back to facebook normie

it had*

sorry, no
I live in France
my dog's name is Noisette

I always tell people , you know what im saying ? Like if you got an addiction DONT ADMIT IT to nobody you know what im sayin? Keep that shit to yourself , because if anybody sees that , you know what im sayin? When your out in the public eye and shit theyre always gonna think that your on that shit even if your not.

Thats why i always tell my friends you know what im saying? I mean , but for me i dont give a fuck ill probably end up dying from this shit youll probably pick up the news paper one day and read "eminem dies from a drug overdose" you know what im sayin like and my friends? They aint no fuckin better you know what im saying they aint nothing but influences bad influences to me , so its like peer pressure this shit is all just peer pressure that what it boils down to ... And i give in to it ... So do they...

Post lewds.

of you , not your Noisette.

post image of you holding a french book or magazine.

Thanks for the supportive reply. I can really see the improvement in the quality of my life and the negative effects of long term use of my favorite substances.

It took so much from me, and I'm just now starting to reclaim myself. I still have a long way to go, and typically after a few weeks I'm bored and back to smoking cannabis every other weekend. This time around I'm eyeing a certain job and would prefer to remain clean for the foreseeable future.

Considering that Kratom and Cannabis are relatively benign compared to harder drugs, I'm certain I won't be eager to ever get hooked on anything of the sort for the rest of my life.

Even if I did do myself harm, I believe I got out at the right time.

Porn. I hate it so much but i cant stop. Im such an awkward piece of shit and cant get a girlfriend. I hate it so much, i get so horny and i cant stop. Im so lonely i cant help but think about killing myself.

Nitrous oxide is a big one for me, I go through about $100 a week on canisters. Maybe more.

I drink WAY more than I should. Like to the point where I sometimes worry about my liver.

And way too much porn.

But I quit coke, quit ciggs, mostly quit caffeine.

I miss psychadellics tho, college was fun.

But hey, give me mostly safe drugs and booze and I'm a happy camper

think about poly
but if you do you have to be both on the same page
otherwise it all gets fucked and falls apart
communication, you know what i mean?

caffine, fap, booze, sleep.

getting too use to molly now too, luckily i dont have a reliable connection.


I'd say fap and that's about it.

Shoulda named it faguette

marshall go to bed


U still here? I have a friend who's heavily addicted to weed. I want to help him quitting it, any advice?

Back when mark whalberg was marky mark , this is how we used to make the party start

Cigarettes and weed
Before any of you faggot stoners jump on my case, yeah, you can be addicted to weed.

Man to be totally honest, someone who used weed chronically after so many years is likely to never truly quit for the rest of his/her life. You eventually catch on to this after some experience. Your friend needs to see through the benefits of quitting after he's successfully abstained +6 months. The best way to go about it would be to take it one day at a time and replace the habit with exercise and meaningful change that will rewire your friends brain. A change of friends and social circles is sometimes really necessary as peer pressure is a bitch for people with weak wills.

His treatment should be personalized and tailored to his specifics. He doesn't exactly need to be institutionalized, but some people find that to be the easiest way.

Sex and weed

9/10 days i get sucked off or fucked by my GF at least twice and smoke some high grade tree.

judging by the way you're feeling about this whole thing, you'll probably not even enjoy the side bitch while you're fucking her. what's the point, user?
if you lack that bit of will power, you probably don't deserve her. good luck.

disappointing my family





>$100 a week on canisters

Booze, energy shots and fapping. "How are those addictions?" For the booze and fapping, I have passed up on actual sex.

I agree lol

Sup Forums

Irish whiskey.

>energy drinks
>winfield sky blues.

Cigarettes - quit after 7 years - was a real bitch
Caffeine - quit after 25 years - was a real bitch
Never drank much alcohol.

Now I'm just addicted to staying up too damn late all the fucking time. And dank memes, obviously.

Cigs mostly

chocolate milk

that's sick


I believe I have a highly addictive personality
>Cigarettes and dip
>Coffee and energy drinks
>Street racing and speeding
>beating my dick twice a day
Hell if I'm working on something I like I won't stop till it's complete.


We used to mix in the bacardi dark something something shark party start

I feel you man.
Soon you'll find someone who deserves you.



Stimulants stimulants and any drug that makes ya feel guuuud. It's fucking wrecking me, I relapsed from a 20-day sober streak tonight. I wasn't stressed or depressed or whatever, just felt like it and I'm kinda hating myself now

Alcohol cocaine and sleeping pills i like to do a couple lines then take enough sleeping pills to make me pass out


That being said I dabble in all sorts of drugs, from alcohol to meth. Just not frequently enough for me to get addicted.


This shitty fucking game.

I don't know why.

I been playing it since the beta.

Getting all the DLC like a bitch even though I know I don't like the game.

I've left it MULTIPLE times (5, leaving for at least 3 months)

And every single god damn time I see someone I know stream it I can't fight the urge and download the almost 80 gig file the next damn day.

And it's not even the PvE I play, or feel the urge to play.

No, instead it's the shittiest, laggiest, kill-trading-est PvP of any game in recent history.

They've spent two years "balancing" their shit when all they actually have done is blanket nerf everything and anything they call a buff is them making their guns how they used to be.

And not to mention making their class perks useless, or throwing knives and trip mines.

Look at all the posts with "weed"

This is how we know all you pathetic dopers are full of SHIT when you say its not addictive. Fuck anyone who wants to legalize any drugs including weed

*Also all the dlc from the beginning of the game to now is over $130 US

Coffee, alchohol, some pretty messed up kinky sex, but most of all; constant validation and reassurance from others. I'm a real treat.

You know, anything is addictive if you love it.
And you shoud legalize all drugs, decriminalize drug addicts try and help and if there nothing to do to help let them kill themselves, nature sorts itself out.

>constant validation and reassurance from others. I'm a real treat.

As long as its from other people, and not some filthy stinking animal. Dog people are the worst

>posts frog with stupid filename

go back to rèddit

Cigarettes for sure
Cannabis probably
Alcohol maybe

League (faggot)
Aion (what is this wtf faggot)
Also pizza

My man

Monster energy drink

You need to stop worrying about what other people are doing. One thing that annoys people who do smoke weed is whiney bitches that have to voice their oppinions when they have no experience and have nothing to do with it. Go and find your own shit to moan about, faggot.


I like the way fap and porn are separate. Boy you ars gona live long