Harvey Weinstein On Brexit: “A Huge Mistake”; People “Voted Out Of Fear”

>The exec who has business dealings in the UK told me that he was “shocked” over Britain’s vote to leave the EU and predicted “discrimination” against some productions going forward. His War And Peace miniseries, made with the BBC, qualified as European and thus was able to meet Europe’s quota requirements. “It could be very costly in the movie and TV industry in terms of content branding,” he said.

>“I’m shocked and the thing that surprised me the most is a great Prime Minister like David Cameron resigning. From his point of view — history is important to these guys in a big way — he didn’t want to preside over a disaster and wanted to save his reputation as a great Prime Minister. He’ll be proven right. This is not about economics, this is about immigration. They don’t want Muslims in the country. These guys who voted, voted out of fear. It’s a huge mistake. "

>“I’m hoping in 60 days the country wakes up and says ‘Can we have a do-over?’ You know, watching the stock market and Cameron coming back and saying, ‘These are the things that are happening; it will get worse. Let’s do it again.’”

What did he mean by this?

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people wanted a do-over the day after it happened

>I didn't realize I was in charge of rigging this one

>people wanted a do-over the day after it happened

Yeah, the losers

yeah the people who were on the losing side.

shills go home.


the ones who lost did yeah, bunch of cucks

>I only like democracy when MY side won

The smug eurocuck losers that had their ass handed to them, yeah

>white europe on the brink of destruction
>rape swarms flooding towards us
How is fear not a valid response and a perfectly justified reason for taking action?

lol hoverhand

lol no

what day is today?

Because democracy only works when you agree with liberals, otherwise it's just racist sexist misogynist ageist speciesist xenophobic islamophobic homophobic fucking white males who should be exterminated literally raping everyone

He's a pedophile.
He's probably a close friend of Jimmy Saville.

Countries going against globalism will make it harder to him to import children to molest.

>A literal kike pedo

>power elite, Hollywood fat cat didn't like Brexit

Big surprise. Actually, the biggest surprise for me is how many """liberals""" simply do the bidding of their corporate masters when they get bombarded with corporate media propaganda. Liberals have sold out all their anti-establishment values since Occupy Wall Street and the so-called Right is legitimately the one fighting for the masses. Sad!


i wonder how many qts sucked harvey's dick for a shot on the big screen

You guys can send those Muslims to America. Our great country is open to any and all types.

He meant to say "I'm a cocksucking shill and want more money, despite having more than enough for several lifetimes already, because I'm a greedy fat cunt."

>a great Prime Minister like David Cameron

Now, index that against GBP/USD which has yet to recover.

It doesn't need to recover. It's fine. It dropped about three times harder in February and nobody noticed except a few jew speculators.

>This is not about economics, this is about immigration. They don’t want Muslims in the country. These guys who voted, voted out of fear.

yeah why would anyone have reason to be fearful of muslims. its completely racist and stupid

lol yeah, and most of them didn't vote

I wonder how he'd feel if millions of muslims were immigrating to Israel

He's part of the elite. He doesn't give a fuck about anyone but himself because the turmoil in the world doesn't personally affect him. How many Rothschild's do you think died in the Holocaust?

I'm sure he personally can't stand Muslims.

The corporate media has been trying to discredit populism by associating it with racism/xenophobia, when it's really about opposing multinationals and banks controlling our countries and running our living standards into the ground without our say just so they can make an extra buck. He's just been parroting the common lie.

No. GBP was far overvalued anyway which made it difficult to attract foreign investment.

>diversity is our strength

The end of Top Gear was the leading cause for Britain to leave the EU, the union has some free space


Some great speeches have come from this too:


The vast majority of the public lap their narrative up like sweets. Liberal will drive the West to a place of depravity that it will not return from. Pseudo-sympathy is running rampant in the form of virtue signalling. Nobody cares about morals anymore. Liberals who claim they fight for equality would rather see "oppressed" groups having a head start over everyone else.

>How many Rothschild's do you think died in the Holocaust?
if anything they have done quite well because of it

With jews, you lose!

Jews are running the weapon industry and profit from the conflicts in the Middle East. Almost every modern weapon/security system is tested in Israel. Don't kid yourself.

The diversity meme is pushed so much because Western economies are pyramid schemes. Multinationals need a permanent underclass they can continue to exploit and undercut wages for everyone.

We aren't talking about a missile defense system, we're talking about my AR15.

>white europe on the brink of destruction
Jesus. Now all we need is a big crisis and millions of morons would vote for the next Hitler. It seems like people don't really change.

>Now all we need is a big crisis and millions of morons would vote for the next Hitler.
And what would be wrong with that exactly? I'd vote for genocide and so would many others.
>I only support democracy when it alligns with my leftist beliefs.

A crisis is already looming, m8. The current model isn't sustainable.

The true morons are those who perpetuate the current system. I personally don't want fascism because I'm anti-authoritarian, but something big needs to happen to shake these parasites at the top off our backs.

I'd vote for hitler desu

Because leaving the EU was a lot more complicated than "muh immigrants" and nobody seemed aware of that until after the fact

>something big needs to happen
Why? What about slow reforms? I agree that the world isn't perfect, but nearly all revolutions end up in a bloodbath.

>all revolutions end up in a bloodbath.
And what is wrong with having a bloodbath? Oh that's right, you're a nu-male.

>when it's really about opposing multinationals and banks controlling our countries
How can you say this with a straight face? The current populist Brexit/Trump movements are almost entirely based in racism and xenophobia, some justified but anti-immigration is the chief selling point of both.

A crisis is pretty much inevitable at this point. Why do you think the political landscape is becoming more chaotic?

I'm not calling for a revolution, I'm saying something big is going happen. The economic model the West is built on has become increasingly dysfunctional because it is deeply flawed in design.

>slow reforms
Yeah with Yurop being attacked literally every week by rapefugees the important thing is to take it slow lmao

lol BTFO

And what if you are the group voted to have genocide? Do you throw your life away for the glory of democracy?

I can say it because it's true:
You need to turn off the corporate media. The elites have been accelerating their authoritarian takeover ever since 9/11 and again in 2008 when the dysfunctional financial system began to show its mortal wounds.

>tfw you might live to see Hitler 2.0

feels fuggin great

>And what if you are the group voted to have genocide?
The white race is undergoing genocide as we speak so what does it matter.

what a shock that weinstein doesn't know what democracy is.

>$0.001 deposited into your shill account

Except this is a gross exaggeration.

certain literal interpretations of the koran should be made illegal exactly how literal interpretations of the King James bible are in fact illegal.

Look at polygamy. The mormon scriptures say it's a good thing and mormons still believe it to be the right way, but the US govt. decided it was illegal. Why can't we write laws against the literal interpretation of Koranic law, such as killing gays or beheading apostates or pushing for Shria law to supersede local law?

Except for the week this month where there were multiple terrorist attacks in a row yeah lmao

Oh right I forgot they were actually "tanned germans" the religion of peace would never do anything violent, must be evil fucking white males

>You need to turn off the corporate media
I'm speaking just from what I see on social media, comments sections, etc. The shit the average voter spews. You get the broad "they're controlling us 1!" paranoid rhetoric you have, and a lot of anti-immigrant talk. I don't commonly see talk about overthrowing the banking elite in any concrete way.

I think a lot of the alt-right lives in a bubble and thinks all the people voting like them are also semi-informed on the topic, and not frankly speaking idiots being led along for their vote. It's the same on any side

Ignoring the edgy Sup Forumsestinian children who think Hitler 2.0 would be great, it's quite easy to see that when common people are shat on by the govt, there is a rise of reactionary populism which leads to dictatorships and bloodbaths. It happened in France in 1789, in Russia in 1917, in Germany in 1933, and it can happen in the US too if American politicians keep pushing their luck. I feel like UK is already on its way, and Europe is soon to follow


There are no laws against literal interpretations of religious texts. There are just laws - and if religious scripture comes in conflict with the law of the land, the law prevails

>Ignoring the edgy Sup Forumsestinian children who think Hitler 2.0 would be great
How is that edgy or unreasonable exactly? There is a fucking gun to our heads and we're on our knees in front of a mass grave.

You mean like the reactionary populism of 1776? Yeah those fucking white males are so evil, don't they know they always start bloodbaths? Nothing good has EVER, NEVER EVER come out of conflict. Just keep your head down and stay pacified, goy.