What does Sup Forums think of its new dedicated sesame street character?

What does Sup Forums think of its new dedicated sesame street character?

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How can a puppet be autistic?

Hopefully the next generation will learn to put the autists in their place

Fuck knows but thats the way they're making it, autism awareness or something

wonder how far they're gonna bring it in terms of mental retardation, probably bring a transgender puppet on next


Autistics don't have to be retarded, they'll probably just make her an aspie.

Feel bad for all the Julie's in school rn

Shouldn't have gotten those vaccines...

If you believe them it means you're autistic.

Well i mean there's Trump so...

Hoping it's an early april fools joke

How can a puppet count to 5? Think they have wizards working there, bringing inanimate puppets to life?


lmao wtf someone already drew nsfw shit of her?






Leave him out of this

So she's autistic...like
You see where this is going. You watch Muppets and/or Seasme Street you get used to characters getting triggered and spazzing out. Nothing new here but a label


Fuck. Things that wouldn't happen on TV nowadays. That wasn't even that long ago.

>i've got maaaaaail. Have you got mail?
laughs were had.



Probably won't represent actual autism at all. Will probably be some typical politically correct bullshit that depicts the thing as a 100% perfectly functional "person," probably with some superpower that nobody else is capable of and is impressed by.

you know fuckers here are gonna make a goddaamn meme of her


Watched the episode and it's actually well researched and presented in a true-to-life way. I was honestly surprised.
- PhD Autism Psychology and Austism Research post-grad student.
