Dubs note

Dubs note

post who you want to die, how and when
dubs = it happens
trips = become a shinigami

Me. Now.

merkel in 5 minutes

OP chokes on his own cum and dies in the next hour

Trump drown in piss now

I'm ryuk

OP anal haemorrhaging tonight.

Rosie O'donnel choking on hotdog thursday.

rolling for this

All niggers
Nerve gas

the jews.
Zyklon B

Me. In a few decades in my sleep peacefully.


I will die by eventually the sun exploding, because I will be gifted with immortality.



Obama killed by another black guy in 420 hours

Hillary Clinton, death during a live press conference by stroke that causes a seizure/turrets episode where she compulsively and powerlessly starts shouting out the truth about her husband and her own political and personal lives .

Brian Dickson 23 hours


Brain dickson. 22 57 minutes

every single person in existence

Did it. Balls of steel

Rolling for >600
I go out whil ice skating at age 80.


rest in peace "."