What does Sup Forums think of HP Lovecraft...

What does Sup Forums think of HP Lovecraft? He was an American writer who considered all cultures and countries to be inferior to England, and America to be a barely acceptable secondrate knockoff. He was so racist that he hated French Canadians and Nazis because the former were barbarians and the latter hated Jews for the wrong reasons.

we need a final solution the WASP question

This. Perfidious Albion must be vanquished in all its incarnations.

Wouldn't take him seriously, a guy looking like that reeks of pissing his pants.

Poe minus the climatic parts.

>hated Jews for the wrong reasons.
So which are wrong reasons and which are the right ones?

We get all non protestants to leave the country

>le afraid of fog and fish and black people man

Had no idea he liked England desu. Thought he would've been big into American exceptionalism.

He had some fantastic literary ideas, but was way too fond of thesaurus vomit over readability. He was a decent writer in desperate need of an editor.
His racism nearly put me completely off his writing, it's pretty fucking revolting.

he was the autistic Sup Forums poster of his age

On the Creation of Niggers (1912)

When, long ago, the gods created Earth
In Jove's fair image Man was shaped at birth.
The beasts for lesser parts were next designed;
Yet were they too remote from humankind.
To fill the gap, and join the rest to Man,
Th'Olympian host conceiv'd a clever plan.
A beast they wrought, in semi-human figure,
Filled it with vice, and called the thing a Nigger.

-H.P. Lovecraft

No. He hated New York City for being multicultural (by the standards of the time) and forced his publishers to use the British spelling of words like color.

proper hack to be frank

>His racism nearly put me completely off his writing, it's pretty fucking revolting


He had a german friend called Reinhart Kleiner and he read german books.
Nothing wrong with hating nazis. Everyone did it at the time.
Also nothing wrong with thinking your country is superior to others.
He also pretty much nailed the german character in that U-boat story.
I´m also sure he was autistic.
He´s fine in my book.

He was racist even by the standards of the early 20th century, the absolute Sup Forumstard

If Lovecraft had had even half the writing chops of Howard, he could have been wildly popular. His stories rarely had an actual /plot/, rather than "this horrible thing exists, look how horrible it is".

Borges was a far better HP Lovecraft than HP Lovecraft.

he looks like a proper wretched ugly anglo, like a demon of those he wrote about

>says a Mexican

No thanks, I'm good.

He was right, non Wasps are literally subhuman.

>He had some fantastic literary ideas, but was way too fond of thesaurus vomit over readability. He was a decent writer in desperate need of an editor.
>His racism nearly put me completely off his writing, it's pretty fucking revolting.
Hi Mdongo, no but seriously don't be a limp-wristed faggot

he thought Finns were a non white Asiatic threat. Fucking kek

Shadow over innsmouth was neat.

Talking about the racism of Lovecraft is fucking exaggerated because it was a common standard during the 10's, 20's and 30's.
the only one who started to complains about this were the redditors when he infortunately became mainstream to underage people.

one of ours most famous french writer Victor Hugo who write Les Misérables was racist as fucks and nobody cares because it make no sense to complains about it.

why victor hugo is considered racist? i read les miserábles - my favorite romance - and it seems to me he was very engaged with progressist politics. he also wrote notre dame de paris, with a gipsy as protagonist.

He was for the colonialist cause in africa, paternalist and considered blacks people clearly inferior.
but we don't gives a shit because it make no sense anymore.

but he was a close friend of alexandre dumas, who was half black and critic of racism in france.

You're not asking what we think of him or his accomplishments and work. You're merely talking about his political stance. Why do amerifats do this? Do you fat pieces of shit have nothing else but politics?

Dumas was a quadroon and from the carribeans.
Hugo is actually talking about purebreed and africans.

Lovecraft was very racist in his shut-in teens and equally shut-in early 20s. By his 30s he deeply regretted his old reactionary views and awful writing on the subject, and was a supporter of the more liberal reforms of the government. You're a fag if you read or refuse to read Lovecraft because of his racist views; they don't make him a better or worse writer, nor do they accurately represent him as a person. Hell, he married a jew.

One of the reasons he wrote about the great unknown so well was that he feared leaving his fucking house. The guy was a total fucking wreck for a majority of his life.

Kinda laughed when reading Tomb and other stories collection, where the editor mentioned at the particular time when writing these stories HP had started to hate finns in New york who where mostly loud working class drunks and otherwise extremely sullen.

He's a textbook example of a average Sup Forums user, wrote nice stories tho.

He's not wrong about America being a knock off. American culture is a pathetic, bastardised form of Anglo culture that's been perverted into its current form as a result of constant erosion and decadence caused by Jewish influence.

He looks like Timothy Mcveigh

t. ethiopian/lebo mutt

I can spot your posts from a mile away, you slimy cunt

He named his dog Niggerman 10/10

He saw the supremacy of the Anglo-Teutonic races, he was just an even more autistic and less violent Hitler

Right about finns being asiatic mongoloids with drunken rages.