Dirty Panties

Dirty Panties


Oh geez

Don't continue this thread

>Oh cheese



Na keep it going

women are fucking nasty. they cant clean their ass properly lmfao.


yucky D:^

Wtf goes on in a girls panties? i'm always finding shit stains in my sisters dance clothes

>virgin detected

Stupid ass it how their body work, I love them and there nasty panties cause I know she ready for sex any time. And just seeing dry or wet fulids from them is sexy no matter what. Bust a nut and shut up

Nah bro


Its from their pussy from being perviously wet or sexual arroused





Ummm, no. Vaginas have regular discharge. Just part of the cycle. Panties look like that at the end of the day regardless of arousal.

During ovulation, the discharge is thicker and more noticeable. Also has nothing to do with arousal.

Christ, did none of you take sex ed?


I'm guessing your cousin doesn't care if you go through her panties?

She left me to do her laundry


















Looks like candle wax


Cottage cheese




Ever lick dirty panties?


Are y'all real female takin these rn


