Rolling for answers

Rolling for answers

i will gain large amounts of money soon


will i kill myself

if op a faggot?


Does this girl Im interested in like me?


should i empty my balls in her ass?

Should I give up on her?



should i ask her tomorrow?

Is fapping hurting my chance to lose virginity?


Roll fo me please

Roll again. I got a 3


Is Islam a religion of peace?


(Will I kill my wife?)

Will they break up?

>Will they break up?
Asking again.

you ask it something



will she be mine

Will i lose my virginity this year.

will i get laid this year?


is my cock ever gonna gain an inch or two?

ask tomorrow?

ask tomorrow?

how about just one inch?

does she think of me?

Will I kill myself in the next year?


Am i an autist?


will I get it?

does that bitch even care about me anymore

Is she tired of me, mr. Magic 8 ball?

will i ever make it?

We'll fuck you. Does she hate me?

This. I ask the same thing, oh great magic ball.

does she want me?

would you, 8-ball, say, even though i'm keeping its size obscure, my dick is big?

does marisa want to fuck me?

is she intrested in me?


Should I dump him?



Does kassandra want to talk to me more often?

same question as last time

Is it okay to fuck my cousin?

Does he want to fuck me?



Will we smash??

Keep getting 0s


does she want to fuck me? -sorry, taking your question

is whitney really an m&m?

Did they try to kill me because they wanted to save money?

will she talk to me soon (next few days)?

Did he ignore me on purpose?

Will I become a serial killer?

Will the interview go well tomorrow?

When he invited me to come sleep at his house, was he planning on having sex with me?


Does G want to date me

Do you always tell the truth?

will i find a jobud soon?

Will I ever be happy


Will I make it?

With her?

Will I get a very good job?

Is everything going to workout

Will she say yes?

Does she like me?

Will I marry my current gf?

Does he want to be more than friends?

Will I be financially free?

will anyone ever love me

Should I date T?

Will my friend be with me?

>Will my friend be with me?
Will my friend be with me?

Should I tell him I have feelings for him?

Same question. Haha

>I've sobered up a little
8ball chan, should I choose robin over michelle?
you said yes to chase her twice but you were drunk. I don't remember what you said last time.

I will re roll twice for affirmation...

Is it finally time to die?

will my autisim be cureable one day?

Will Hitler resurrect?


Do i have more than 1 gay friend ?

Will secondary school go smoothly after only homeschooling for 8 years?

I'm in stem actually (post high school obviously)
