His daughter was 11 when he left that voicemail

>his daughter was 11 when he left that voicemail

okay he's an asshole i thought she was like 19

Other urls found in this thread:


What voicemail?

>implying 11 year old girls don't dress and act like complete sluts

She deserved it tbqh


Parents say things they regret. It's a tough job, and no one's even remotely close to perfect for 18 long years. Honestly, if that's the worst thing you did to your kid then you did a pretty damn good job

>t. not a parent

Holy shit. She missed a phone call Alec

What did she do that pissed him off so much?

Wow, he sounds completely different than on tv

Judging from the YT comments she didn't answer her phone

Celebrity freak out thread? Have some Dennis Quaid


That's it? He got flak from that? What a bunch of pussies. I have no idea what his daughter was like but I readily believe she was a piece of shit and deserved it.

He is going to owe The Hollywood cartels a gigantic debt if he fucks up again.

Thanks. I'm guessing his daughter posted that online or sold it to a magazine or something?

If the kid's only 11 then he's being pretty harsh with her, but it's nothing horrific. She probably didn't deserve to be spoken to like that, nor did he deserve to have his private voicemail splashed all over the internet. She must know that it could hurt him professionally as well as personally.

It's regrettable but if that's the worst thing he's done as a parent then he's not a bad guy.

>it's an actor thinks he is valuable episode

The director and writer make a movie. Actors are their tools. What a bunch of overinflated egos they have.

His daughter was acting like total cuntrag and deserved it. He's fucking black Irish she's lucky he didn't put her through a fucking wall.

Any more context to this? Kinda important to know the full story before labeling him an unreasonable asshole based on 2 minutes of audio.

Nothing comes close to gibson's


When people don't answer the phone it usually means they don't want to talk to you. Take the fucking hint, Alec.

11yr old kids don't get to choose when they talk to their parents.


I love it when these faggots melt down

>acting like a miffed celebrity and not a parent

This was a publicity stunt.

It's fake you fuck

>He fights in court to get a certain amount of calls at a certain time from his daughter when she's not with him because he cares about her
>She says fuck that and goes to the mall with her friends instead
>He calls her over and over trying to get to speak with her and then finally leaves this message when her mom tells him what she did

Little bitch deserved it.

He reminds me of every dad I knew growing up

Holy shit, that's needy. I assumed when he was talking about her phone being off, he was talking about her avoiding him because he was already mad at her about something legitimate.

To be fair he wouldn't even have this problem if he just saw her more often in person. Who the fuck communicates with their parents through phone calls?

>I'm coming for the whole day to straighten you out!

Oh wow, the whole day? Are you sure you have that much time to spare??? Gee, thanks!

Kids should be treated like adults. They will not learn otherwise. Going soft on them because they're kids only hurts them in the long run. The logic of "you can't expect them to be mature, they're only X years of age!" does nothing but prolong the problem. Swearing at her was unnecessary, but the actual content of the message was right, in my opinion. I'd like to hear what Baldwin has to say about this today.

This is coming from a manchild trying to undo damage partially caused by ridiculously soft parenting.


He was working in LA so he could keep paying her mother support. Her mother refused to move from New York. It was one of the reasons he took the 30 Rock job so he could be closer to his daughter without the mother pulling her shit.

Are you by any chance a fucking woman who has never had to work in her life?

>ywn have your ass straightened out by Alec Baldwin as he calls you a rude thoughtless little pig

People have to work you dumb fucking nigger.

Yeah, he just happens to work in a business which is notoriously selfish and self-centered.

can you blame him?

And what about guys who work on oil rigs for six months at a time? Or truckers? Or professional athletes? What do you have to say about them?

He's probably busy with filming and shit, so he can't see her as often as he'd like.

That being said, he's Alec fucking Baldwin. You'd think he could afford to get drunk and forget about a kid that clearly wants nothing to do with him. Let's say this message actually scared her into answering her phone next time. She's not doing it because she loves him, so if he thinks she is, he's kidding himself. Why not just go find people you don't have to force to pretend to appreciate you?

>Just give up on your children

Found the fucking nigger.

That's it?


this is why the mum's usually get custody.

Kill yourself tumblr.

yes yes calling your child a rude little pig and telling them that you're gonna teach them a lesson when you see them is definitely top tier parenting my friend.

user, do humanity a favor and always use a condom. Or better yet, don't have sex at all. That can't be too hard of a challenge for you, at least until you grow up and stop being a selfish prick.

t. Pussy who had hippie parents.

No wonder you ended up posting here. I had the same.

>not giving a shit about a preteen that doesn't give you the time of day any = abandoning a kid at birth

He's already giving her child support, and she won't let him come see her anyway. Doesn't sound like she's actually worth his time.

he finally topped his glengarry monologue

Try being a father of a girl at a vulnerable age, overly separated from her because of a very public and painful drama blown way out of proportion and wrapped in red tape because your status forces you to play by other rules than normally divorced people, worrying to death while your flesh and blood is in the hands of a woman who claims:

>"Divorce is hard on a kid, no matter how you cut it," the actress said. "And ours was very public and nasty. So I brought up Ireland in a very unconventional way. I just wanted her to be free. If she wanted to have her friends over and write over the walls with pen, that was fine. I wanted her childhood to be full of love and light and animals and friends."

I.e. "I'm just too lazy to bother with the whole structure and actual parenting business".

Besides, the daughter has later gone on record that this was blown way out of proportion.


no, i had an abusive dad and alec baldwin sounds exactly the same.

no wonder the mum got a divorce, probably didn't want her kid ending up all fucked up as a result of his shitty parenting.

>a selfish prick

You guys called her a cunt yourselves. Why would it be selfish to blow her off and not want to see her if she's going to treat him that way?

Being sarcastic isn't a legitimate response, you haven't made an actual point. I'm 20, I don't have kids and hopefully won't for a while, explain to me why this is wrong? Or is teaching children lessons considered backward now?

So she can grow up and stop being a cunt. For a father to give up on an eleven year old and say "nah, this is not my problem" is the definition of selfishness. I be

so the kid doesn't wanna talk to him, so fucking what? that's his right.

meanwhile the dad is making the kid feel like shit because he's not getting what he wants out of the relationship, talking shit about the kids mum, terrifying her by saying "YOU HAVE HUMILIATED ME FOR THE LAST TIME! AND WHEN I COME OUT THERE NEXT WEEK IM GONNA FLY OUT THERE FOR THE DAY! JUST TO STRAIGHTEN YOU OUT! IM GONNA LET YOU KNOW JUST HOW DISAPPOINTED IN YOU I AM THAT YOU HAVE DONE THIS TO [[[ME]]] AGAIN!"

yeah real great parenting.

>know this 70 year old fart that divorced his wife when they had 5ish year old twins, one boy one girl
>he got the boy, his wife got the girl
>boy is now self sufficient and more successful than most people
>girl is now a drug addict in and out of rehab/jail

Absolute madman.

yeah the dad no doubt made the girl feel like shit for not choosing to live with him, he sounds like a real piece of shit.

By the sounds of it, you think strict patenting = abusive. Watch Chronicle and then tell me your dad was abusive. I had the exact same flight process as you not that long ago, then I realized how much of a selfish prick I was being.

So you think that's an acceptable response to an 11 year old girl not answering your phone call? You must have had some pretty shit parents if you think that's okay.

"The thing that impresses me most about America is the way parents obey their children."
-Edward, Duke of Windsor

It's always funny to hear these celebrities act like dramawhore even in their private lives, even that Mel angry rant at his wife felt like him acting.

She was being a selfish cunt and he responded to that behavior as if she was an adult. I agree the language he used was too strong. I said that in my first post. But if she doesn't understand that her father is taking the time out of his busy schedule to call her at a precise time, and he had to fight a legal battle to get even that much time with her, then she absolutely deserves the punishment, and needs to understand why.

He's not giving up on her. He's probably still supporting her financially, which is the noble thing to do. It's not like he left her and her mother high and dry to starve when she was too young to know what's going on.

I'm just saying, if he wants her to like him on a personal level, it sounds like it jut ain't going happen, and that's her fucking fault, not his, so he may as well go find genuine happiness elsewhere.

Don't have kids.

they're people just like us :^)

How would you deal with it then, and get the same lesson to the child? If you give me some hippy dippy bullshit, I'm done.

You can't explain to me why I'm wrong without aloofness and sarcasm. I'm only 20, like I said, I'm just trying to figure this shit out in my head. Tell me why I'm wrong.

I might try asking her if she wants to actually talk to me instead of forcing her to, then if she says no i might ask why not? you know, maybe try having a normal conversation with her instead of scaring the fuck out of my kid into talking to me when they don't even want to...

thank you. at least someone knows.

full vid for anyone insterested


I'd just leaving a voicemail telling her, "Fine. I'm done. You call me when you want to talk." Ignore her next few calls, then ask her how it eels.

>I'm just saying, if he wants her to like him on a personal level, it sounds like it jut ain't going happen, and that's her fault

I get what youre saying. But you're coming at this from a parent=friend perspective, and that's new age hippy bullshit we have driven into our culture. A good parent can get along well with their child and play with them, if course, but they are NOT friends.




Fair enough.

She wouldn't fucking answer his calls, how was he supposed to discuss that with her?

don't get too triggered rebbit.

>but they are NOT friends.

That's my point, though. He's trying to be friends. He wants a relationship with her, but she doesn't care. So instead of having some self respect and realizing it just isn't going to be this picturesque father/daughter relationship, he's trying to force it to be that. I feel for the guy, but he'd be happier if he just dropped the bitch.

>stays in character even when he's chewing somebody out...
What a pro.

that doesn't sound as bad as people make it out to be. the only time he went over the line was when he called her a pig. also if what said is true, than his anger seems justified.

You're forgetting the ABC of parenting:

A, Always. B, Be. C, Calling. Always be calling.

Alec Baldwin just turned his daughter into a future whore

>implying an 11 year old girl with two movie stars for parents wasn't already a complete slut

Sure, but now she'll be one of those daddy issues turbo-whores

that shit is nothing compared to what I and many others have had to go through.

On the contrary. If she were 19, she'd be a fucking adult and he'd have no business getting that testy with her for living her own life.


true. the few times my dad berated me while drunk, he was fucking LOUD. he pointed his finger at my face and yelled like a mad man. Baldwin's rant doesn't frighten me at all.

Part of being a good parent is empowering children to make their own decisions, because thats the endgoal of a parent. Being a selfish, domineering fuckwit does not teach a child self-sufficiency.

try getting a chair broken on you when you're 13.

my mother finally gave me the psychological evaluation I had in 2nd grade. I already had suicidal ideation.


>In divorce he has to go to court to get fucking phone calls with her
>Hurrr why doesnt he spent more time with her lmao what a bad parent
Kill yourself

How was it leaked? Spiteful ex wife?

>calls his daughter a slut
>she becomes a slut
gee what are the chances

It was his plan all along

>be 13
>dad is a psychotic ex-grunt
>be given "the speech"
>"son, if ever I find out that you're doing drugs, I'm only going to shoot your dealer's kneecaps the first time - the second time I'll kill him"
>be belted for talking back
>be thrown through walls for talking back
>be terrified endlessly of your father's explosive temper
>be terrified endlessly of your father's explosive violence towards others
>now an adult
>come to this thread
>find out some actor yelled obscenities at his daughter over the phone
>have a right old laugh

I love Sup Forums.

my parents split when I was around 7 and I got worse calls from my father when he was drunk when my mother didn't want to drive me to his place for the weekend

please for the love of my throbbing erection, did he ever get sexual with you i need this user

She's average, I'd be surprised if Trump isn't the father of one of Ivankas children though

Society has gotten so fucked up that this sounds pretty tame to be honest. Shouldn't be a big deal.

How did we ever think this and Hasselhoff burger video was ever scandalous?

The burger video was funny though

>>"son, if ever I find out that you're doing drugs, I'm only going to shoot your dealer's kneecaps the first time - the second time I'll kill him"

That's the cringiest "tough guy" shit I've ever heard. I'm not doubting that when you're a kid and your old man is up in your face saying it (especially if he's roughed you up before), it's pretty scary. But it sounds like something a middle school goth kid would say to make saying no to drugs sound edgy.

I dunno your dad, though. Would he follow through with something like that? Is he still intimidating? Or did you ever get to a certain age and go "Wow, he ain't shit"?

hasselhoff burger vid reminded me of my dad when he was drunk, was quite good

This happened while I was dating a girl who was also ignoring her fathers calls.

Even at the time I thought just fuckin call him for a few minutes and she wouldn't. He left a similar angry voice mail

What exactly is wrong with this?

Seems like a pretty normal way for a father to discipline their kid. He was a little harsh at the end, but some kids need moments of harshness.
