So, Trumpets, explain, why would a civilised country cut all funding for the arts...

So, Trumpets, explain, why would a civilised country cut all funding for the arts, but prop up the extraction of polluting, obsolete natural resource? An economic sector that was partly driven by the demand of your international rivals, who have dropped it by using newer, cleaner tech?

NEA funding could mean that some hicks in Kentucky could do something better than digging up coal for nobody to buy. Like a coal sculpture or something. At least it could be interesting to look at.


Because Trump supporters are brainwashed idiots.

Who the hell dropped oil?

>comparing arts with infrastructure
>uses msm as sources

Try again, snowflake.




You fucking libcucks amaze me..
Do you think the rest of the world is powered by windmills? And solar?
Do you realize how bad for the environment thise two things are to produce? Or how inefficient they are based on how much space they use up and how much they fuck up wildlife?
98 percent of energy still comes from the earth.
Everything you do uses oil and coal so atop acting like a faggot just bc trump
Actually understands industry and isnt trying to trick you like obumbum

sorry no more funding for your anal masturbation trap documentary, fucking faggot. go get a man's job and stop wearing fucking dresses.

in trumps America, traps liberals and foreigners aren't really humans anymore...they are retarded fuckdolls like the gods intended

8 years to go libtard

Bump for answers

Mein niggas

I've noticed that suddenly the media has been running all kinds of stories about how great China is in the alternative energy sector. Propaganda much?

So we cut some faggot funds to get back to manly work like digging up coal and burning it?

Do you think the US can save the earth by recycling and shit? China and the Middle East will never play ball. That's atleasts 2 billion people to make up for. Even if every one of the 335million Americans (plus 15million illegals) went green it wouldnt mean jack shit.

We are done sacrificing our own infrastructure to stay green and not hurt feelings. We will not roll over so you don't cry at night. It's not our fault daddy touched you

Trump is anti america and trump supporters are useful idiots who are proud of their ignorance

I realize this is falseflagging, but cutting the NEA is retarded posturing and literally every single human knows it. It costs fifteen dollars a year, and yet conservatives are going to bend over backwards to praise Trump for how much he's sticking it to the wasteful libtards.

In any event, coal IS a dying, unsustainable, industry, and the people who are currently celebrating the return of the handful of jobs would have been much better off learning a better trade, but it's cool. We'll just party like it's 2005 and kick the can a little further down the line and I'm sure things will probably sort themselves out later when all the jobs for the uneducated are automated and the banks implode again just like the last time we decided to de-regulate everything.

>I hate white america
>I can't leave the country because I have no value
>we gotta force America to change so I never have to get a job

But, you would buy an anal masturbation trap documentary user.

Or at least beg for someone to link it in the trap threads youre constantly masturbating in.

Projecting much?

please elaborate you trumpcuck and probable dragon dildo rider

The NEA is mostly just pushing liberal propaganda and coal is cheaper than solar and wind power.

nah, faggot

Why should it be the governments job to subsidize the arts? That's pretty retarded

Bruh, he drives a Prius and a Tesla which runs on totally free energy!

The government (taxpayers) do not have to pay to extract coal from the ground. In fact what the government is doing is simply allowing people who own mineral right to exercise those rights, an act for which the government get PAID.
You are somehow comparing this to the government using taxpayer money to support 'artists' who's work is so substandard that they could not otherwise sell their products. To allowing companies to do what they need to do to keep their people working and stock holders happy.

Coal = cheaper electricity = more money for arts = duh faggot


This user gets it

Business is usually focused on short term gains at any cost, while the grown ups have to eventually step in and lay down the law.

coal has less invested in it than renewable energy because it's expensive to extract unless you exploit your work force by factoring in how many miners you don't mind burying now and then.

As long as it doesn't happen to your town though right?

>Bernie Sanders
Is he even relevant anymore?

In Trump's America, dipshits believe revisionist historical propaganda like "things were so much better back in the day". It's bullshit, of course, but trumptards prove that humans still suffer from this delusion.

You mean like those two faggots who died on that wind farm while stuck on a burning wind turbine?

Yeah, honestly, fuck minors.


Both left wing rags and not to be trusted

>libshits still this triggered over losing the election

Gonna be a tough 8 years snowflakes lol

This. I didn't think it would be this hilarious but here we are.

I honestly don't even know why I argue with these cucks anymore, we already won.


It's not about the election anymore. Do you have anything else to cling to other than 'he won'?

If you had any brain cells at all, you'd know we're criticizing his *current* behavior.



>why would a civilised country cut all funding for the arts
Because arts don't solve issues like the looming tantalum depletion we're facing in 30 years.
For those of you who don't give a shit about physical sciences, no tantalum = no tantalum capacitors = no smartphones, motherboards/system boards or Raspberry PIs.

>but prop up the extraction of polluting, obsolete natural resource?
Conveniently forgetting "Green" energy like solar leaves deprecated, rusting metal heaps along highways everywhere and the cost to manufacture a 100W solar panel doesn't actually pay for itself until ~27 years after installation, nevermind windmills which need constant maintenance and magnalium (a preferred alloy in high-performance commercial windmills) is not cheap to produce.

>An economic sector that was partly driven by the demand of your international rivals, who have dropped it by using newer, cleaner tech?
Who? Where?
China still uses coal, trigger. Europe still scarfs down natural gas imported from the Russian Bear.
India? Coal.

>NEA funding could mean that some hicks in Kentucky could do something better than digging up coal for nobody to buy.
There's that liberal fascism and bigotry that the world over has come to expect in 2017.

Your sources are left-wing biased. Try for slightly more independent sources next time.

We should move away from it though, and fund space based solar panels and more ambitious projects like that, we need to move away from fossil fuels and do less damage in the long run

The wind industry took advantage of those two poor souls and now they are dead because they didn't have the proper safeguards in place.

>why would a civilised country cut all funding for the arts
Government funding the arts is equivalent to compelled expression. You are forcing people to promote expressions that they may disagree with.

I don't want my money, earned through sacrificing my own time, going to some useless artist who will make a monument to Islam or some shit.

>obsolete natural resource
Fucking kek, stop pretending you care about energy security, you libscum came out against fracking, and nuclear, and natural gas. You moralize about energy policy based on emotion, not facts.

>Like a coal sculpture or something
Have you ever, in your life, encountered coal? It can't be sculpted.

You're criticizing his current behavior simply because you don't agree with him.

We won. Keep crying, cuck.

wow trying to kink shame other people
you really suck at being a liberal

People still share his shit on facebook as if he didn't sell out the hopes and dreams of his supporters for 3 mansions and a summer house on the beach.


This guy. Hey lets make electricity more expensive so that we can't compete in the global marketplace. Genius!

>I don't agree with him
>hurr durr edgy
Your cuck is showing.


Fuck off or prove it's not real you baiting retard.

Not even a comparison

OP as usual is a huge faggot who literally cannot accept their failure in life.

I love it, please continue, only eight more years to go! kek

nah, the 'edgy' is the inability to respond with anything other than 'umad' tier posts.

>s-stop m-mentioning Hillarys defeat!!!

lmfao :^)

Suddenly liberals love China, how about that air quality?

you can mention it, it's just not relevant here


Got any real sources?

Get a real job sais the cuck who probly pounds rocks for a living, enjoy your black lung faggot

left wing fake news



Right, it was sad because they were heroes for alternative energy. But when coal miners die it was because the mean old coal company exploited the workers.

>implying we were better off under Obama

Found the brainwashed libcuck

That's not what it should be about, it should be about not making our planet toxic, typical conservitard thinking profits before anything, sad part you don't even benefit from the side your supporting.

>not relevant

Washington Post and The Guardian are known liberal bias news sources.
If you got linked to Breitbart or InfoWars you would have said the exact same thing, you fucking cuck.

So the price I pay for goods would be the same even if electricity costs increased? Tell me more about liberal economics.

This, the Guardian and Washington Post are CNN tier garbage

China is using less coal, and reducing emissions, and Denmark produces half of its power from wind

>If you got linked to Breitbart or InfoWars

you said it, not me.

no. Well, yes they are, but that is not why the country is doing this. because it isn't the country - it is the administration. it is Trump and Bannon, and Trump's fellow kleptocrats.

it isn't America that is trying to squeeze the last few millions of dollars from the dying coal and oil industry - it is EXXON and the Koch Bros, and the billionaires that have big money invested in oil and coal. they want to get the bubble inflated and make it look like that worthless (because we cannot and must not burn it) stuff is worth something, and then sell out to the idiots who believe it before the bubble bursts.

this is the set up for the greatest fraud in history - by the greatest fraudster and his pals.

The military spending is also a con - it looks good to his idiot voter base, but more importantly it puts money in the pockets of Trumps pals and backers

same with infrastructure programme - the building companies and developers will make billions. none of this is being done at cost, or by public bodies - it is all funneling billions into private pockets. same with schools, medical care, every aspect of government. the deregulation is not to allow more business, it is to allow big business to save money by not doing basic health and safety precautions, or disposing of waste properly.

this is a great money grab - huge tax cut for e top, bloat the deficit and fuck the rest.

everything else is just diversion and slieght of hand. You rant and rave about defunding the opers - Trump walks away with billions while you don't notice.

oh yes, and starts world war three against the muslims. That is the plan you know - Bannon thinks that it is inevitable and a Good Thing, and means to bring it about soon....

He doesn't benefit by cheaper power? Why do you say that? Because YOU don't pay your own power bill? Fucking neet libcuck living in his mother's basement over here.

>libtards actually believe this fake news


I'm saying that if you got linked to a conservative news source, you and other libcucks would have called it fake.

It goes both ways, retard.

The air quality is shit and will take a long time to fix, but you said them going greener and making progress was propaganda which equals lies. Now prove it or fuck off retard.

explain how this means we're not allowed to criticize Trump now? Fuck, you people wouldn't stop obstructing and fighting Obama, the fact that 'you lost' didn't mean jack shit then.


>it is the administration. it is Trump and Bannon
I thought the liberals were saying it was Putin?

That's exactly right, I figured you'd get it before too long

Yes but demoshits believe everything they read in the lügenpresse

>the fact that 'you lost' didn't mean jack shit then
Conservatives didn't burn down several cities when Obama won. They were pissed, sure, but you liberals chimped the fuck out.

you fucking oil company shill amaze me...

didn't you hear that Beijing just closed its last major coal fired power plant? that the UK ran for three days last month on green energy? that Germany runs at 80% on remewables? that the cost of solar power is falling, so it wind and wave? that while most of the world is still oil and coal dependent in twenty years time, if we put in the effort, at lower cost than continuing the current fossil fuel stategy, and giving us a more secure energy source, we could all be 90% renewable?

actually try to understand industry, and the environment, and stop sucking Trump and big oils corporate cock.

With renewable energy the prices go down, do you guys even know what you're talking about?

four at worst, and fewer than that with Trump in the oval office...

man is going to jail.

We're gonna make Russia great again. Fuck all you libtards.

If you can't produce art that people want to pay for, your art sucks and shouldn't get a government subsidisy.

If infrastructure gets some tax breaks, it creates tons of jobs which boosts the economy for everyone.

Try being less stupid.

It doesn't matter.
They just like to find names and turn them into buzzwords to demonize big bad Trump because they don't agree with him.

well if that's all you've got, good. I'm not giving up on criticizing or opposing the president any time soon and all the 'you lost cuck' in the world isn't gonna stop shit.


Conservatives don't care about anything but money and guns. Why bother asking them a out shit like this?

It's is beyond their power to understand.
Unless you're trolling, don't bother making threads like these.

>man is going to jail
Literal delusions.
Thinking Trump should go to jail and yet you'll lose your voice defending your murder candidate

>the UK ran for three days last month on green energy? that Germany runs at 80% on remewables?
I wonder if that is why everything is cheaper in the US.

>no counter argument
>y-you won't break me
Cry until your voice is sore, kid.
Enjoy the next 8 years.

It's actually not against the law to hurt your feelings, so Trump won't get impeached or go to jail. Sorry to ruin your fantasy.

Tell me more about this cheap renewable energy.

>thinks an 80 year old dementia patient will win again.

TTTTRRRRIIIIIPPPPPSSSSS. I'd like to thank the academy, god, Op, gosh this is just the greatest moment of my life I love you all, can't believe I got trips, thank you all so much

counter argument to what? You didn't put an argument forth, only a ridiculous non-sequitur.

>Thinks not being a liberal retard is a jailable offense.

Oh wow you aren't even qualified to be having this discussion, why don't you go find a YLYL thread that's probably not your speed

1- Arts should not have public funding as proven by the mostly disgusting drivel that passes for art these days. THere should be enough wealth at hand for ordinary folks to buy art that they are interested in. Not govenment approved.
2. That "obsolete natural resource" is the thing keeping you warm on cold nights, propelling your car during the day and keeping civilized society running, the economy going and preventing it from descending into mad max anarchism. Until nuclear fusion is attainable on a large scale, that's how its going to be no matter how hard you green morons howl.
3. Those rivals still are , only now the US will become self sufficient forgoing the need for all those oil wars. THey have not dropped it to go with cleaner tech. Wind and solar are canards, simply shifting the burden of energy production somewhere else like Nuclear power plants or coal in countries like india and china.

stop spewing mindless propaganda and learn about the real world

I voted for Trump, and each day I get more energized by the outstanding work he's doing and how angry he's making the snowflake liberal pussies lol. I liked his policies and stances, but more than that, I love that everything he does triggers the shit out of the lefty cupcakes and I absolutely love seeing it everyday, it put's a huge smile on my face :^))

ah, another big oil shill post.

good, good, keep the stupid shit flowing.

I lol'd at the "manly work" line - what manly work do you do? manly - you mean likely to kill you before you are fifty, and pollute all the local environment, and the whole earth ecosystem? Yeah, very laudable. Or do you mean "manly" as in full of hunky, muscly men with oil or coal dust smeared over their gleaming torsos, that you can jack off to their pictures?

China is playing ball - china is leading the wrld in developing green tech, and will clean America off when they market it to the world, and America sits back guzzling oil for the next four years and falls behind the market. And given that America is the largest per capita consumer of all major resources int he world - you guys beig a little more sustainable would mean a lot.

what won't mena jack shit is the amount of oil you have when the rest of the world has turned against it and the price of oil plummets...

but the big boys who are ramping up this bibble now - the billionaires that back Trump, and his own family - will have solfd out of oil by then, and invested in green products in China, and they will take the money and run all the way to the bank, leaving you with a polluted environment and an energy infrastructure that is unusable and has to be replaced... and they will charge you for that too.

oh how they will laugh.

you think you are earning good money shilling for them now? wait til the true cost hits you.