When are people gonna realise that shit like the London terrorist attack does represent Islam perfectly?

When are people gonna realise that shit like the London terrorist attack does represent Islam perfectly?

Almost 25% of this world is Muslim. If this has anything to do with Islam we'd all be dead.
>One retarded guy with probably a lot of psychiatric issues does something stupid

Damn that guy is crazy

>he claims to do it for Islam


Wake up fool, peaceful Muslims are not real Muslims

The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His apostle and strive to make mischief in the land is only this, that they should be murdered or crucified or their hands and their feet should be cut off on opposite sides or they should be imprisoned; this shall be as a disgrace for them in this world, and in the hereafter they shall have a grievous chastisement.
(Qur’an 5:33)

Then, when the sacred months have passed, slay the idolaters wherever ye find them, and take them (captive), and besiege them, and prepare for them each ambush. But if they repent and establish worship and pay the poor-due, then leave their way free. Lo! Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
(Qur’an 9:5)

Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the Religion of Truth, from among the People of the Book [Jews and Christians], until they pay the Jizyah with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.
(Qur’an 9:29)

O Prophet! strive hard against the unbelievers and the hypocrites and be unyielding to them; and their abode is hell, and evil is the destination.
(Qur’an 9:73)

Who has killed in the name of Atheism?

>Nitpicking qoran paragraphs

The bible has way, way more violent passages than the quran.

Also, 99,99% of the Muslim's don't actually act according those paragraphs. Terrorist should be handled rough and accordingly and burn in hell, but don't call all Muslims terrorist

>inb4 people say modern Christians aren't real Christians.

Well I'd agree to some extent. But the Quran is worse than the Bible. I'm an atheist saying this.

Islam is a religion of peace that just happens to have a 1600 year history of violence.

What about that guy that Elliot Rodger kid that killed all those teenagers because he felt rejected, whose to blame? Atheism? The teenagers rejecting him? Or was he (obviously) mentally ill and should've had the correct help? You're a Fucking moron

Biblical violence is descriptive - the Bible describes violent incidents in Israelite history.

Quranic violence is prescriptive - the Quran prescribes violence against unbelievers. These prescriptions are considered to be eternal and irrevocable.

What's worse, violent "recorded history" passages, or gruesome and evil DIRECT COMMANDS which always apply?

At least Jesus preached forgiveness and tolerance. You can see how that was a more positive effect on the long run. Also an atheist saying this.

Please do yourself a favour and THINK !!! before you write shit like that.. you can't be that stupid

Oh, I'm sorry, let's just ignore those then. Let's change subjects to Christianity! I can't defend Islam, so I must attack Christianity!

No, I will not, either you explain yourself or shut your mouth, Abdul Hakim.

>The bible has way, way more violent passages than the quran.
No it doesn't you liar

First of all, those few verses were God commanded Israelites to kill, were meant only as a specific command during a specific period of time for a specific group of people, namely the Israelites. The same applies to all the laws in Levitivus and Deuteronomy.

Nobody else is supposed to follow those laws except the Jews of old, and after Jesus came, nobody at all should follow them.

God calling the Jewish tribes to purge out certain evil doers from their own group, is NOT comparable to the Qur'an giving a general commandment to all Muslims to fight and subdue non-believers or crucifying those who "make mischief" (BTW, mischief is something as simple as opposing Islam, not necessarily even violently)

Go bullshit someone else, you're not talking to some ignorant leftist here

Exactly what I was gonna point out.

It's like the difference between a statue and a golem or gargoyle.

did he mention being Atheist as being the cause?

many atheists but nothing in the name of it as far as I know

There might be some weird case or two somewhere

Do you respect a person who follows a terrorist handbook?

So when the Bible specifically instructs you to stone women and disobedient children or kill anyone who preaches of other Gods.... it's just being descriptive.

Holy shit are you really that dumb? :/

Those commandments were given to the Israelites ONLY, and NOBODY else, because God wanted to keep the Israelites as a separate and holy nation in the middle of child sacrificing Pagans. The laws show the love, yet the strictness and holiness of God.

After Jesus came and fulfilled the law, even Jews didn't have to do that anymore. In fact if I'm not mistaken, even before Jews the prophets reduced the laws from over 600 down to a few.

Your ignorance is causing people to die, so shut your mouth if you don't know what you're talking about.

Christianity is the very definition of peace, go read the New Testament yourself.

it's in their teaching.

try to live close to them once and u will be amazed


>Oh, I'm sorry, let's just ignore those then. Let's change subjects to Christianity! I can't defend Islam, so I must attack Christianity!
We're not asking you to ingore violent verses in the Quran, we're asking you to stop ignoring violent verses in the Bible.

>No it doesn't you liar
Deuteronomy 17
If there be found among you, within any of thy gates which the LORD thy God giveth thee, man or woman, that hath wrought wickedness in the sight of the LORD thy God, in transgressing his covenant; 17:3 And hath gone and served other gods, and worshipped them, either the sun, or moon, or any of the host of heaven, which I have not commanded; 17:4 And it be told thee, and thou hast heard of it, and enquired diligently, and, behold, it be true, and the thing certain, that such abomination is wrought in Israel; 17:5 Then shalt thou bring forth that man or that woman, which have committed that wicked thing, unto thy gates, even that man or that woman, and shalt stone them with stones, till they die.

Deuteronomy 13 etc

>First of all, those few verses were God commanded Israelites to kill, were meant only as a specific command during a specific period of time for a specific group of people, namely the Israelites.
So you're saying that if I just blindly quote the Bible without context, like in the verse above, it can be misleading.
You're doing the same thing with verses from the Quran, mate. Blindly quoting without context.

At the time of the Sanhedrin, standards of proof required in a capital case were so high that it was all but impossible to sentence an offender to death. The Talmud (in Makkoth) records

"A Sanhedrin that puts a man to death once in seven years is called a murderous one. Rabbi E2liezer ben Azariah says 'Or even once in 70 years.' Rabbi Tarfon and Rabbi Akiba said, 'If we had been in the Sanhedrin no death sentence would ever have been passed'; Rabban Simeon ben Gamaliel said: 'If so, they would have multiplied murderers in Israel.'"

This was a state run by biblical scholars 2,000 years ago. People who knew more about the Bible than even you.

Contrast this with contemporary Saudi Arabia, Iran, the Islamic State - three modern states run by Islamic scholars.

>'literally' googling "hurr durr bad thing islam"

Where do I even begin, faggot?
I am not going to >hurr durr bible says worse things.

>(Qur’an 5:33)

Here is the meaning:

the retribution?(/punishment here) for those who wage war against Allah and his prophet/apostle and strive to make mischief in the land (highwaymen) is to be killed or crucified or their hands and their feet should be cut off on opposite sides or they are to be banished from the land (kicked out) this shall be as a disgrace for them in this world, and in the hereafter they shall have a great?(/extreme idk) torture.

There is nothing wrong here..
Unless you wage war against god (as in disobeying not 'waging a war') or become a highwaymen, you shouldn't keep shitting your pants.

Modern Iran has exectured pro-democracy activists for 'waging war against Allah'.

>We're not asking you to ingore violent verses in the Quran, we're asking you to stop ignoring violent verses in the Bible.
NOBODY was talking about Christianity, you brought it up

>Deuteronomy 17
I've answered you about this twice already, that law was given to the small group of Israelites only, nobody else back then, and nobody at all after Jesus. God wanted to keep them as a distinct and holy nation for himself, which is why he was so harsh and strict with them.

>If there be found among you

>So you're saying that if I just blindly quote the Bible without context, like in the verse above, it can be misleading.
>You're doing the same thing with verses from the Quran, mate. Blindly quoting without context.
I have given you the context a million times already, how about you give me the context?

Tell me, what is the real context of Allah commanding Muslims to fight those who "believe not in Allah nor the Last Day"?

Even in the next verse, look what it says:

"The Jews say, "Ezra is the son of Allah "; and the Christians say, "The Messiah is the son of Allah ." That is their statement from their mouths; they imitate the saying of those who disbelieved [before them]. May Allah destroy them; how are they deluded?"

>hurr durr
I'm a Christian, but for all you know, I could have been an Atheist, but as soon as I said anything about Islam, you immediately started attacking Christianity by default. This tells A LOT about you, and Islam.

Even if Christianity was false, it does nothing to make Islam true. This is logic 101. Defend yourself.

Good job explaining ONE verse, that's already a lot better than every other Muslim

>Here is the meaning:
First of all, if you look at the Hadith, mischief in the Islamic view can be something as peaceful as speaking out against Islam, so no it's not ok.

Second of all, even if it mischeif meant violent attackers, the response is to MURDER OR CRUCIFY THEM OR CUT OFF THEIR HANDS OR FEET? That's psychotic bloodthirsty behavior straight out of the mind of Satan.

Third of all, what did Jesus say? "Pray for your enemies, bless those who persecute you". You're going to compare that to Islam? It's not even apples and oranges, it's apples and diarrhea.

Your rhetoric implied that Islam was uniquely bad in that it is the only religion that alledgedly preaches violence. Bringing up Christianity was an attempt to prove you wrong through logic.

>I have given you the context a million times already, how about you give me the context?
Why are Christians allowed to give contexts whereas Muslims are accused of making excuses when they give the context.

>Tell me, what is the real context of Allah commanding Muslims to fight those who "believe not in Allah nor the Last Day"?
Same as Bible. Specific people, specific time, specific place. It's the very first line, mate:

>[This is a declaration of] disassociation, from Allah and His Messenger, to those with whom you had made a treaty among the polytheists.

All the instructions are to apply only to those "with whom you HAD (past tense) made a treaty..."

I appreciate what you're trying to do, But it'll just become a circlejerk against you and theres really no point,
The holiest christians will come out of the woodwork to bash ya


the islamic terrorist are just a tiny tiny part of a much bigger problem called islam

sandnigger spotted

Islam is uniquely bad, but that's beside the point.

>Bringing up Christianity was an attempt to prove you wrong through logic.
It was nothing but an attempt to change the subject because you're unable to defend your own religion. There is no logic involved there at all. I never even told you I was Christian.

It's just default Muslim behavior, attack Christianity, say "Lol you need to read Arabic", or something equally dumb.

>Why are Christians allowed to give contexts whereas Muslims are accused of making excuses when they give the context.
Stop dodging. I gave you the context, and asked you to give me yours, you reply "LOL WHY U HATE ME". Focus.

>Same as Bible. Specific people, specific time, specific place. It's the very first line, mate:
Hahahahahahahahaha, you got to be kidding me? You're so full of crap it's unbelievable

Go do your homework, you have no idea what you're talking about

Modern Iran also forced women to wear hijab.
Can you find a single verse in Quran or hadith about hijab? No.
We are against killing people randomly.
Yes, we kill our enemies. (Those who fight us)
Big deal! All Ibrahimic religions state the same.

That aside, you should provide context as why they were killed. what did they do other than being pro-democrat.

I think everyone should realize by now that democracy is fake and gay.

>Quran 9:5
There is a really long story behind this.
It doesn't speak of nowdays.
Muslims and non muslims had a deal not to fight each other and most non muslims broke the deal and etc.. They were given 4 months before we start making them kebab..

> Quran 9:29
You should note that most verses in surah 9 is for non muslims at that time..
God declared himself and his prophet innocent?(no relation whatsoever to non muslims at that time).

This one means what it means for non muslims living in areas ruled by muslims.
Jizyah is only paid by men who can work/earn enough to make it and it is yearly I think.

> Quran 9:73
Yes we hate hypocrites.

you cant have peace if multiple religions exist.

If you have a question regarding Islam or want to clear what could be a misconception about Islam, feel free to ask me.
I will gladly help clear any misunderstanding.

Aren't you the one dodging though?

Using the bible as an example of why islam isnt so bad is like when 3 months ago youd criticize Trump and get "well what about Hillary!?" as a response

When are people gonna realize that school shootings represent white people perfectly?

>Quran 9:5
Regardless of the fact that it's still a horrible command, where did you get the context? Where does it say non-Muslims broke the deal?

>Quran 9:29
It is not implied anywhere in the text that it's meant for non-Muslims of that time, you are reading that into the text yourself and have given zero justification for it.

Even if it was for Jews and Christians of the time, it is still evil to command Muslims to subjugate them and make them pay money, and if not, they are to be killed.

Is Allah the head of a mafia? "Pay for protection, join the mafia, or die".

There is nothing holy about this, it's pure evil.

>Quran 9:73
>Yes we hate hypocrites.
Thank you for summarizing the core of Islam

You hate hypocrites, and so does Allah. Islam is hate, force, revenge, and fighting, there is no room for mercy or unforgiveness unless your enemy converts or pays you money. It's sickening.

>It's just default Muslim behavior, attack Christianity, say "Lol you need to read Arabic", or something equally dumb.
You are only able to defend the Bible because I am willing to listen to your reasoning.
I am "not able to defend Islam and the Quran" because you are not willing to listen to the reasoning.
I think that clearly shows what type of person I am dealing with here.

>Stop dodging. I gave you the context, and asked you to give me yours, you reply "LOL WHY U HATE ME". Focus.
WTF? I just did. Read again. Are you blind? LOL! Did you take your ADHD medicine?

>Hahahahahahahahaha, you got to be kidding me? You're so full of crap it's unbelievable
Now imagine I laughed off your reasoning with the same childish ignorance. Like I said, the ignorant prefer to saty ignorant so they can have a reason to hate.

Remove religion and crazy people will kill in the name of other things(race, nation, money, etc.)

when are alt right dweebs going to look at crime statistics and realize that they are the most dangerous and should be deported

Since there's radical islamic feminists now... probably never

I've been waiting for you to defend Islam for over 30 minutes now, maybe it's time to start


You'll be waiting your whole life unless you remove those blinkers and read what I wrote.

I answered what you asked earlier. Are you blind or just stupid?

Yes! Islam is a cancerous and dangerous religion, it tells its followers to kill non believers and gays, I don't get how all these SJW's are defending Islam when it is completely against everything they believe in, morons.

He can't defend his religion and he is not willing to discuss either.
I'd say close minded.

That's an entire race what the fuck

Stop spreading hate! Those poor arabs where obviously victims of the colonial patriarchy. If you don't like diversity, though shit, tolerance is coming....

You answered nothing you liar, all you did was quote Deuteronomy which I responded to 3 times and it's like you didn't even notice

Go ahead and quote here my question and your answer then, if I'm so blind.

"Oh umm... Old Testament laws were meant for Jews? Yeah our laws were meant for those old Muslims only too!!"... Right. Do I look like a fool to you? Get outta here.

Trump bans muslims from coming in.
>no terror attacks in USA
Europe lets muslims in everywhere.
>several attacks through out europe.

Get your shit together eurocucks.

Theresa May doesn't know how to handle our country. It's quite saddening actually.

Don't worry, Europe is waking up

I have nothing against Muslims as people, but Islam as a religion and as an ideology, is cancer and must be destroyed.

Islam is trash and any Christians calling islam trash are hypocrites coz christianity is trash too, it's just most self identified Christians aint that devout

>You answered nothing you liar,
See I even quoted a verse from that Chapter you cherry picked for centext and clarity.

>all you did was quote Deuteronomy
see above

>which I responded to 3 times and it's like you didn't even notice
I acknowledged your defence of violent Bible verses on 2 seperate occasions, namely:

>Why are Christians allowed to give contexts whereas Muslims are accused of making excuses when they give the context.

>You are only able to defend the Bible because I am willing to listen to your reasoning.


You and ALL the people who think like that are just some ignorant people who DONT KNOW WHAT THERE TALKING ABOUT !!!


that make me laught


That's an entire religious group WTF.


So let me get this straight

You quote Deuteronomy.

I tell you it's meant for the Israelites only, as anyone familiar with the Old Testament would know. This applies to keeping the Sabbath and eating Kosher as well, these were meant as temporary rules to keep them a distinct and holy nation for God, clean of all impurity.

Your answer?
>Why are Christians allowed to give contexts whereas Muslims are accused of making excuses when they give the context.

First of all, I never said you're not allowed to give context, in fact I asked you from the very beginning to give context, but until now you haven't given me anything, only dodging the question by playing the victim.

Everyone is allowed to, and should, give context. Context is important. I gave you mine, give me yours, I've been waiting since we started talking.

Again, you answered NOTHING. I did not get an explanation of the verses, I got no context, all I got was a change of subjects to Christianity that nobody was talking about.

These are not answers, these are a waste of time.

Let me guess your next reply:
"Oh you called me a waste of your time! Look how unreasonable Christians are! He doesn't want to listen"

Your dishonesty sickens me.

See literally all of the above

> Gets answers that shuts him up
> Doesn't shut up and starts arguing that answers given were not infact answers at all.

You are hopeless, user.

If you not willing to accept a given argument or an answer to your question, I think it is time to go ahead and assume you are and will always will be a dodgy ignorant person that can not be beaten in a discussion because you don't know what is a discussion in the first place.

Ali prince of believers said: I argued with an intelligent person and I beat him. I argued with an ignorant person and he beat me.


Muslim here
How the fuckin hell does that represent Islam mate?

do you have the IQ of a potato
I certainly dont support that
nobody I know does
you are just a hater

When someone hits you back, that's a counterattack- NOT a "terrorist attack."

The Bush Idiots started this shit.





lol. Just wait yankee, your time will come.

also, lets be honest, more people died by being shot by toddlers in your country last year than by terrorists in all of europe.


There was no answer you buffoon, he said basically 3 things:

>1) Quoted Deuteronomy
- I gave a detailed answer with context. Also not relevant to the discussion.

>2) Said "Why are Christians allowed to give a context and not Muslims?"
- False accusation, nobody ever said that, playing victim

>3) "Same as Bible"
- Basically, "I don't know, it's just the same as you, leave me alone!". No details, no explanation, no context, no Qur'an verses quoted to support this, no Hadiths quoted to support this, nothing at all. Just a baseless claim.

This is not a defense of Islam, there is zero theological substance, it's just a waste of time.

>lol. Just wait yankee, your time will come.
Islam everyone, these peaceful threats are so wonderful aren't they



>but until now you haven't given me anything, only dodging the question

I cannot force you to read what your mind chooses to ignore. You can take a horse to the river but you cannot make it drink. I gave you a perfectly good context and explanation for the verse you enquired about. Even quoting the Quran.

Let's go through it again:

You asked:
>Tell me, what is the real context of Allah commanding Muslims to fight those who "believe not in Allah nor the Last Day"?

I replied
>Same as Bible. Specific people, specific time, specific place. It's the very first line, mate.
>9:1 [This is a declaration of] disassociation, from Allah and His Messenger, to those with whom you had made a treaty among the polytheists.

End of revision class. Be sure to do you homework and have mommy check it.

all religion does is bring hate, a feeling ofhaving some land god gave them and spread their brainwashing.


A radical muslim wants to cut your head off....a moderate muslim wants a radical muslim to cut your head off

>Be sure to do you homework and have mommy check it. UwU

fuck off

Where is that context?
Your only context was that him having a context is not true.
You are attacking his religion and he maybe at some point attacked yours.
The difference is that you went full retard and he was tolerant enough to keep replying to how retarded you really are and linking to his answers that you'll always deem unsatisfactory.
Just forget it.
You clearly know more about Islam than muslims do.


Its all part of a plan. The clash of civilizations and all that news. The big war, the whole nine, im tellin you man, its in the works.

KEK user.
You need to do something like this:

>inb4 fuck off
>inb4 I am not a fool. I won't fall for that.
>inb4 you liar
>inb4 you quoted Deuteronomy
>inb4 you give no context




Fuck off.
You don't represent christians you faggot.
Stop acting all edgy.


Your answer is not supported by the text, the verse at this point is no longer addressing the polytheists as in the first verse. Also you only replied to one verse out of four, but that should do for now.

What you claimed is false. Let's examine the text further:

(Quoting from quran.com, which is actually different from the original text)

"Fight those who do not believe in Allah or in the Last Day and who do not consider unlawful what Allah and His Messenger have made unlawful and who do not adopt the religion of truth from those who were given the Scripture - [fight] until they give the jizyah willingly while they are humbled."

First of all, the Qur'an never considered Jews and Christians as Polytheists, and it clearly says "who were given the scripture", which is actually written in the Qur'an as "People of the book". Who are the people of the book? Jews and Christians.

Also the word "humbled" is actually "subdued", and the Arabic word "Sagheroon" confirms this. Deliberate mistranslation to make it seem more peaceful.

This is further confirmed by the verse right after it:

"The Jews say, "Ezra is the son of Allah "; and the Christians say, "The Messiah is the son of Allah ." That is their statement from their mouths; they imitate the saying of those who disbelieved [before them]. May Allah destroy them; how are they deluded?"

Also, nowhere in the text is it implied that this is directed at specific people during a specific time, there is no justification for it, the text is clearly saying this in general terms even saying "They say Messiah is the son of Allah!" Did only Christians back then think that? No, all Christians think that. It's clearly speaking in general terms.



I gave the context multiple times, regarding how this was meant for the Israelites as God had a purpose for them as a nation. This is made clear throughout the entire Old Testament that records the history of the Jewish people.

If you want Biblical verse support, here you go:

"These are the statutes and judgments and laws, which the Lord made between him and the children of Israel in mount Sinai by the hand of Moses."
(Leviticus 26:46)
