The Shoe Bomber was a Muslim

The Shoe Bomber was a Muslim
The Beltway Snipers were Muslims
The Fort Hood Shooter was a Muslim
The underwear Bomber was a Muslim
The U-S.S. Cole Bombers were Muslims
The Madrid Train Bombers were Muslims
The Bafi Nightclub Bombers were Muslims
The London Subway Bombers were Muslims
The Moscow Theatre Attackers were Muslims
The Boston Marathon Bombers were Muslims
The Pan-Am flight #93 Bombers were Muslims
The Air France Entebbe Hijackers were Muslims
The Iranian Embassy Takeover, was by Muslims
The Beirut U.S. Embassy bombers were Muslims
The Libyan U.S. Embassy Attack was by Musiims
The Buenos Aires Suicide Bombers were Muslims
The Israeli Olympic Team Attackers were Muslims
The Kenyan U.S, Embassy Bombers were Muslims
The Saudi, Khobar Towers Bombers were Muslims
The Beirut Marine Barracks bombers were Muslims
The Besian Russian School Attackers were Muslims
The first World Trade Center Bombers were Muslims
The Bombay & Mumbai India Attackers were Muslims
The Achille Lauro Cruise Ship Hijackers were Muslims
The September 11th 2001 Airline Hijackers were Muslims

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You didn't mention the 2002 Bali bombings. My dads cousin was killed in that attack.

Pretty sure blacks shot some people in the US last year. Not 100% sure though, don't live in the US myself. Cant blame it all on the muslims!

Obama is muslim

Raiders represent!
Vote IPA!


Two thinks are very different. Godo ponti. Lol

Where is this thread?
What's the story

If true, I'm sorry.

It's a strawpoll (voting site), this is a beer poll, vote for IPA, it'll be the beer we'll get at an event


Whats trending? The religion of islam is really blowing up

Clearly not...

the problem is obviously white people

They are muslim, the liberal media sometimes admits they are extremists but in fact they are following the more original version of islam. muslims may not be apart of the attacks but they don't exactly condemn them for it either. They will sit around and watch the attacks happen, they will never snitch on the "extremists". I'm my eyes that's just as bad.

>The Achille Lauro Cruise Ship Hijackers were Muslims
it was a fire in the engine you fucking retard

What ever you guys in europe want to call them, it's your problem, you have no one to blame but your selves.
It was 4 men you fucking retard

100% true. He was there on a rugby tour.

The Columbine shooters were white.
The Sandy Hook shooter was white.
The Aurora theater shooter is white.
The man that shot up Planned Parenthood is white.

Also, Elliot Rodger is white.
Dylann Roof is white.

The list, of course, goes on.

They're also all men.

But I don't hear anyone trying to say white men are dangerous. I wonder why? Could it be....racism and islamophobia? Noooo.

Find me a race that hasn't committed murder or mainstream religion

The bruxelles attack ... by muslim, 22 march 2016, a coincidence?

>the list, of course, goes on
That's funny. Because I've got a list of all the times "religion of peace" was the least peaceful thing in existence

Guys a terrorist attack has happened killing an officer of the law, have some fucking decency and not argue like fucking children while the event is still ongoing.

Go ahead and say white men are dangerous we are not offended like you pussies are.

Actually a lot of progressives blame white people for everything famerino

>were Muslims

"False flag".

But it's the religion of peace

correlation =/= causation

Recent Recent Recent Recent Recent Recent Recent Recent Recent Recent

You're in denial new-fiend

fucking snidely whiplash over here


I'm a Muslim too

The dogs are the muslims of the eu is the women giving the privileges look familiar?

"you pussies"

I'm a white man.

They are fanatical mudslimes. You can argue your liberal agenda, but he's still a dirty mudslime.

All of the terrorists listed above have two things in common, all were men, all were muslim. Your list all of them have one thing in common, all men. So a logical assumption is when you mix Islam with the male gender you get bad results. This is why we don't want them in America, because Europe is the prime example of what happened when you accept a few million Muslim males.

Why does Planned Parenthood even exist. Defund that shit already

So what place are you guys bombing next?
Just wondering.

Most flawed argument ever.

Being a white man isn't a fucking train of thought.

Islam is.

You can't choose to not be a white male, you can choose to not follow a religion.



you need to kill yourself, asshole. literally during the time you read this, another muslim commits a terrorist attack. the religion of peace also commited a terrorist attack on brussels exactly 1 year ago. but you fucking idiot are talking about islamophobia. kill yourself.


Dude, you're judging

Oh look we found the child rapist apologist Mohammed Tyrone

You may be a white male but you are definitely a cuck.

My list is all white men that have committed mass murders.

And yet no one is trying to prevent more white men from entering America.

probably berlin's turn again. maybe another muslim truck of peace?

Because it's a primary care provider for millions of men and women.

read the quran you homosapxual

>b-but they aren't all muslim, that makes us innocent

I would say we need to improve efficiency, reduce abuse of it financially. I never had problems with abortion as long it's not a regular means of contraception.

There are hundreds of other healthcare providers with a better rep. Planned Parenthood sells baby parts and should be destroyed.

Listen child rapist, are you that fucking stupid? White isn't a violent religion that literally tells you to kill non Muslims... Islam is a fucking hate creed.

Alright, Berlin needs it. The right will never rise there if there aren't any attacks.

It's not flawed, you just don't understand it.

If we're trying to prevent Muslims from entering our country because they're supposedly a threat, we should also be preventing white men from immigrating because they commit the majority of mass shootings.

oy vey, what are you trying to say goyem? Islam is the religion of peace and you should open your borders to all of them!

You looked up a chart for grenade attacks? To make a point? Wow your life is sad.. you know what's the worst part? You'll reply to this and I won't even care to come back. Nobody gives a shit about you in the real world. Here's one to insult you, on your level of things: your mom gets fucked in the ass by black guys. You're welcome. ;)
> game, set, match.

I have. It's really no different than the bible, but no one's suggesting we bar christians from entering the country.

Hiroshima was the Americans. Destabilising Argentina was the Americans. Selling weapons to Iraq was the Americans. Do you really want me to go on? The body count is way higher.

>cancer is bad
>but what about this other type of cancer?

wtf are you trying to say faggot?

is this your first attempt at trolling?

you failed.

"Planned Parenthood sells baby parts"

Really? Cool, where can I buy some dead baby parts?

you haven't faggot.
shut your mouth the Muslims are talking

lol, and the lefty cuck chimes in....

Read what I said.

Read it again, take it in.

You CAN stop being Muslim if you want.
You CANT stop being a white male.

You're argument is terribly flawed which sucks because I don't necessarily disagree with what you are grasping at or trying to say.

how the fuck is "white" or being a male an ideology/religion you stupid faggot?

Even your shitty false equivalency is pathetic because it doesnt even come close to the scope of muslim terrorism

Deep Web

Please do.
You'll be wasting your time, but go ahead.

Aslong as shitskins are still talking, I'll never stop.

>The Beltway Snipers were US Military
>The Anthrax mailer was US Military
>Oklahoma FBI bomber was US Military


not even accurate. it's usually Muslims involved in mass shootings.

and the difference is that white mass murderers are always lone wolves, nut cases. Muslims are all violent. it's in their culture.

>mentally deranged whites are the same as a religion that explicitly encourages murder

just kill yourself you lefty moron


Underrated post

and that's completely false....

It doesn't matter if it's an ideology or if you can stop being white/male. What matters is white men are a threat to society, and if we're going to ban Muslims because they're a perceived threat, it stands to reason we should ban white men, too.

Just the blacks? not that white guy that shot up a bunch of kids in that elementary school?

this is some weak ass trolling son

*citation needed

I like how all the people trying to refute anything always come pu with 2 - 3 examples of american bad. Meanwhile there's a list of muslin attacks right infront of their face 10x bigger.

Islam is a religion that people choose. Youre a very stupid and angry little cuck whos doubling down on your false equivalency even though its pathetic and doesnt come close to the scope of islamic terrorism.

You know what else encourages murder? Christianity. The far-right. The pro-lifers that are basically the PETA of conservatives.

Why do you think that guy shot up Planned Parenthood? Because of Christianity. Because of Republican rhetoric.

>It's really no different than the bible
it really is. the new testament isnt full of lines telling the christians to go out and deus vult all over the dirty infidels.

then theres the issue of muhammad having gone on 60+ military campaigns in a timespan of just under 10 years.

then theres the issue of christianity having been tamed by the enlightenment while islam put down its feet and said "fuck philosophy and reason".

then theres the issue of 300million+ muslims supporting killing apostates, gays, "witches", and adulterers.
TLDR christianity is just as bullshit as islam, but far less aggressive in modern times.

dont even give a shit about the jews, what are they 30 million.

Probably over 99% of all deaths across all species on this planet are due to humans. We should extinct ourselves to make the world a better place.

>that asian guy

>that half black guy

lol. Also, reminder that the Paris Terrorist attacks alone killed more people than all these guys combined

You refuse to admit that the West is as guilty in killing innocent civilians? You are a child and will be made to suffer like only a foolish child can.

>I'm wrong, so I will insult you and leave the thread

>But I don't hear anyone trying to say white men are dangerous. I wonder why?
because they dont have shared beliefs that ground their massacres. muslims do.

Because there isn't any ideology that connects white men.
Except the fact that 99% of them are decent to other people.
Unlike mudshits and niggers.

Insulting people only shows your own lack of faith in your words. Please, continue.

Slaves owners were whites
All the world war s were whites
The illegal invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan were whites
The Oklahoma city bombings were whites
The Tuskegee experiment was perpetrated by whites
The genocide in India was perpetrated by whites
The christian wars was by whites
The atomic bombs in Japan was perpetrated by whites
The spread of heroin in the us was perpetrated by whites
The race war after Katrina was perpetrated by whites
The great depression was by whites
The genocide of Native Americans was by whites
The unequal medical treatment of minorities was perpetrated by whites
The corruption of local and state police was by whites
School shootings are usually white people
The spread of chicken pox was from white people
The invention of taxes was by whites
Child molestation in high places is usually done by white people
Child trafficking customers are whites
Child porn consumers are white

except every single media outlet and minority with a youtube channel, could it be.... because you're a faggot SJW IDF shill who gets paid to indoctrinate weak Cuck beta porn addicts to manipulate the fall of western society? Nooooo.

What difference does it make if someone chooses it or not? You're argument isn't "ban Muslims because they choose to be violent," it's "ban Muslims because they're violent," correct?

You want to ban people based on a perceived threat. It doesn't matter if that is based on a factor that is biological or chosen. We should be protecting ourselves and banning EVERYONE that poses a threat to us.

Including white men.

Anybody have numbers on Sunni vs Shia?

And you could also say the terrorists are all men.
Should we blame the average man?

>what is the Quran

hasn't done that for ages now. even if the old testament does, the pope is a cuck and Christians are neutered, harmless.

>the far-right
the far-left does that, too.

>why do you think that guy shot up Planned Parenthood?
because he was a lone wolf, nut case? like I said?

how many Christian whites have committed terror attacks in recent years? now compare that to the number of Muslims.

see what I mean?

>You're argument isn't "ban Muslims because they choose to be violent," it's "ban Muslims because they're violent," correct?

its both you fucking idiot lol. Again, even your shitty false equivilancy fails because muslims still murder WAY more people. Their countries execute gay people, yet your faggy oikophobia thinks christians are worse because "DAY WONT BAKE A CAKE FOR A GAY WEDDING!"

Wait, hold the fuck up.

Who is paying people to indoctrinate weak Cuck beta porn addicts to manipulate the fall of western society, and how the fuck do I get on that pay roll?

hitler was muslim
stalin was muslim
genghis khan was muslim

I literally just posted a handful from the last year or so. Dylann Roof, Elliot Rodger, the Planned Parenthood shooter.

And he very well may have been a loner, but he was radicalized by the far right.

>Some bad shit in majority white countries was done by white people

stop the fucking presses