Can any inteligent dude help me with that bullshit?

Can any inteligent dude help me with that bullshit?

Which is the correct answer?

Please. ;_;

it's not easy OP...

Noone? ;_;

Yes, I know.

why a "house" figure? Why not a regular pentagon?

It makes me think that the solution is a "sum" of solutions for a triangle and a square. figure in the up left has the right position for the triangle's dot, but not the other two...

It's fucking difficult.

A good way to think the problem but I don't see it.

middle bottom is correct

y tho?

Why? Explain it please.

Top left answer.

OP, give us context. We have to understand the level of math involved...

Is it "simple" logic stuff or it might involve university level math, say vector operations?

that's that i was thinking, but i can't explain the dots inside the square

I hate that ones. But yes, I studied it.

you don't need context for those, just try to figure it out.

If you have a fly in the attic and the house, they will fuck and have baby fly.
If one fly outside and the other in house, the one in house will die because heartbreak but the one outside has food so it lives.
If one fly outside on roof and one outside on balcony, they will find each other and leave to go find food and fuck. But the one left inside will die.

Hence, the empty house.

But this problem is difficult and somethings aren't clear.

only logical pattern on my quick look is... 3 balls > 4 balls > 5 balls

to add : my answer is middle bottom. the "house" with the one ball inside

So for you the correct answer is the middle house of the bottom?

I'll second this

t-this...this might be the correct answer.

What a waste of time

Ignore the balls outside.
Count the number inside the shape.
Multiply the first 2 columns = 3rd column
1*0 = 0
1*1 = 1
So finally,
3*0 = 0
So last one?