ITT We post riddles/puzzles, I'll start

ITT We post riddles/puzzles, I'll start.

5 3 7 8 9
2 6 4 1 ?
8 0 2 0 4

? = _




No, 5. I'm retarded.

Explain why. No guesses

Another one,

You are hired to plant 4 trees, all equal distance, what shape would you need to plant the trees in so that they are all equal distance?


Wrong, and once again, explain how you got your answer so I know you're not guessing.

The bottom row is the sum of the first two. 53789 + 26415 = 80204

Wrong. I'll give a hint, it's between 0-9.

2 ?

No. You're wrong. That is the answer.

Explain how you got that answer and I'll answer if you're right or wrong.

Third party giving unbiased input to these 2.
Source: I have a BS in Math. OP; just because you had a different solution in mind does not mean the proposed solution is incorrect. The answer this user has given does indeed solve the puzzle correctly. There may be an alternative solution, but its nonsense to say they are wrong.

I just tried to equilibrate

You are correct, that does solve the puzzle, but it is not the answer I am looking for.

Would you like to give the puzzle a try?

Good try, but that is incorrect.

I was actually taking a stab at the other puzzle with the trees:
And its pretty clear there is no direct answer; so I'm working on thinking of an out of the box answer.
Proof no direct answer: 4 locations, even if you draw other lines to make a different shape, the distance between each tree is found by straight lines, so we *have to* have a square. (unless the riddle was written poorly and thats not what they meant). However in a square, the diagonal will only equal a side of that square when the side has a length of literally 0, which is impossible.

*Still working on a possible out of the box answer.







There is a direct answer for this puzzle, you just need to think a little differently.

yeah, 5 is indeed between 0 and 9

I'm thinking it has to be something about using 3d space but can't quite see how that would work. Unless you're acting like the entire body of the tree counts as one point and we aren't choosing the base or the center of the tree to count as that point, even if they are all touching like in a sphere for example, the two directly next to each other will technically be closer to each other than the two that are across from each other.

I'm really hoping this isn't a retarded riddle and you just want me to say 'circle' or 'sphere' (because thats wrong)

That's a real shitty hint OP.

5 because the pattern is the mid number plus or minus the first one and then then the opposite for again

Woops, sorry, I didn't realize you were explaining your answer, my bad. But still not the answer I was looking for.
We are using the base, and you are getting closer.

Can you please explain that again? I don't quite understand sorry.

Straight line


first 2 rows added and then +1 from that - taking only the ones digit

Think I got it. Equilateral triangle base. The fourth tree is on a hill (or a valley) in the center of that triangle.

Sory English is not my native language, I misread I have realized I'm wrong

Tetrahedral. One sits in the center of the others either up on a hill or in a ravine; the others form an equilateral triangle.

Intended for man saying if I can reiterate

Will not work, the two on the ends are farther apart than the two in the middle.

That was a fun little riddle OP; I'll take a stab at the other now. You have any more to share?


No, not currently, but I'll make to get some more soon.

0 The first two rows are numbers between 1 and 0 and 0 is the only one missing. The third row is there to throw us off.

That is incorrect.



That answer has been given already, and it is incorrect, not the answer I am looking for.

Wow, this is really stumping me OP.

I'm hoping you aren't waiting for someone to say 4 via adding the first row to the second row and then adding one more and ignoring the tens place; as if that was the case you should have just said that 5 from addition was correct.
I'm gonna assume you aren't looking for this and keep thinking about it.

Please do keep thinking on it, I'm excited for someone to solve this.

Is the answer "-"? That's "between 0-9" :P

Not as a joke thou, I'm gonna have to throw in the towel on this one; have tried everything i could think of. Thread seems to be slowing down if you want to spoil the answer for me?

Sorry, incorrect. I'll be asking again in a couple days until someone throws the right answer.

Will you at least tell me if the bottom row is a red herring?

I tried looking at the corners for no reason
If the corners are odd, then the numbers diagonally bordering it add up to that corner
Or else it's 3 because the even corners have their solutions as the sum of the two numbers above them

Main problem I have with solving this is that you keep saying we have to look at it from a different perspective... makes me think equations such as addition and such aren't a part of the answer...

Its definitely four. I'm a self-proclaimed genius.

Well it looks like OP left the thread, so I'm going to post my Google findings here as I'm slightly pissed off. The only solution I could find on the web is '5' via addition that has been stated as incorrect by OP. So either OP is trolling us and it is 5; or there's some super complex stupid answer that no one would actually be satisfied with (like exchange every alternate row and then square odd numbers then...)