What kind of mushrooms are these?

What kind of mushrooms are these?

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it's impossible to tell from just that picture, we'd need to at least know roughly where you live and what color the spore print of the mushroom is

psilocybe semilanceata. eat them

Death caps, eat them.

Definitely safe. Why don't you eat them?

Waiting on the spore print now, they had a brown purple under head and I put them in a bag and they've started going darker

The kind that is able to grow in grassy areas.

Probably toxic... maybe this: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inocybe

you live in straya? we have them everywhere in qld. dont know what type they are tho

Yea man, nsw

>psilocybe semilanceata
Try the shroomery not here, some cunt will say yes just to think "Someone died ha ha".

they're probably just random mushrooms that grow on grass

you have to go to cow paddocks and they'll be obvious if they're the right ones.
there is some that look really similar, but the blue bruising is a giveaway to having the right ones. if you try to squeeze the others that look similar it won't bruise blue, will just go brownish

you can see in the OP pic at the bottom of the head thing what i mean. it's kind of blackish/darker in color, not an actual 'blue' color which is distinct in psilocybe species (as in the bruising color, not what the tops of them look like).
those grass ones (which sometimes grow in cow paddocks) also have that line/indent on the outer edges and they're not as thick/full on where it's opened from the veil

although there is other ones that are similar to the ones in your pic, there's also others that can be mistaken as easy. cubensis are easy to tell the difference with, and even then the other ones (blue meanies) which can look similar to OP pic will bruise blue instantly
blue meanies bruise blue even more then cubensis so that's the best way to know with them.

basically the best way if you don't know for sure is to wait and see if they go blue, aswell as a ring around stem, being gold on the top and growing from cow poop. and not a blackish dark color, an actual blue which you can tell.

and them going blue can take a while.
don't mix mushrooms you don't know for sure in the same bag. just lie them on the ground right near where u picked, give them a tiny squeeze or tear it a bit and come back after 30mins or so and you'll see if they've gone blue

Where in NSW cunt?

normal lawn mushrooms. not cold enuf for proper ones yet. start looking after the 1st frost then they come up in bark gardens on cow turd

Central west

It's been like freezing cold and raining here for like a week now

They look like mica caps, a good give away would be if they have sand like grains on the caps

Theave gone dark, not quite blue just dark

After a while they will break down into essentially black goo. They are not "magical". They are technically edible but not very good tasting and some people will have an upset stomache after eating them (if these are in fact mica caps). I dont recomend eating them unless you get a good spore print and are 100% sure of what they are. Plus once again they dont tatse great

around september to jan is best time for me but ive found them in april before

as well you can go look in 10 paddocks and come across none
I found they grow best in places that seem to get a bit of shade or near tree lines. not so much right out in the open unless theres a heap in that paddock. and they grow mostly in sections with long grass over the cow poop which is why I think the areas which get shade is where they grow best

just throw them out there's no way you can tell

if you come across proper cubes or blue meanies they'll be distinct. go look on google for psilocybe cubensis, or Panaeolus cyanescens. you can see how blue they get and how distinct they are.
or if you live in sydney/down south of australia then Psilocybe subaeruginosa are what you'd probably have to find which are harder to identify/locate

those ones in OP are definitely the kind that are common to grow on grass which aren't good ones

you also put them all in a bag which is a bad idea, you could have toxic ones in there and eat them together

Don't eat those mushrooms Craig. I'll take you to a real good spot a few mins drive out of Orange.

Trust me I am wizard

Not sure how informed you are in mycology but heres a good link for info on mica caps northernbushcraft.com/mushrooms/micaCap/notes.htm
