Name my band

Name my band

The Welfare State.



racial stereotypes

Honky Headshot

The Oogie boogie tabernacle

The "Back Bus Ballers"


The Single Mothers

Queen Latifat and the Cocoa Puffs

Two Tons of Gospel

Bowls of Oatmeal

Horton Hears a Nigger

Queen Nigress and the Jungle Bunnies

Swollen Figures

The Supremes.

Dis are gud

Nicely done.

Martha and the Guntellas

5 Single Mothers


The Queen Size Five


Black fat and proud

Lyndon Johnson and the Great Society.

Jigga Boo Boo


the tar babes

Five Sassy Singers

The "don't play any instruments, but I've been singing all my life"

The Gutsfull Singers

After the First 48: Meeting the Families

the mouthbreathers

Черножопые обезьяны

Queen LaQueefah and the Niglettes


Hungry hungry hippos

The Niggers

>Name my band
"Mmmm Hmmmmm"


The Lunch Ladies

The Abe Lincoln Experiment.

Fucking Hell.

Well done.


Dindu muffins ft 5 non blondes

2 Miles From Popeyes


Sassy Nurses


Its funny that you titled your photo "man" instead of "kid".

Because it's clearly a young man...

That's so transfobic
is something karl to cuck might say.

>silent obesity

Fuck 1, titty fuck 3 kill the rest.
That's what this thread is about, right?


the eating temptations

>Because it's clearly a young man...
Kind of like how your favorite neighbor called you "young man" when you were four. A man has hair on his arms, and has shaved his face, and bought a car because a skateboard can't get you to work without a hearty laugh from the grown-ups.