Hey guys, what's your favorite sprays to use in source engine games? Here's mine

Hey guys, what's your favorite sprays to use in source engine games? Here's mine.

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I use one that is a tf2 spy that turns invsiable as you get closer, its a vtf file, so it cant be posted though



is there a link anywhere?

Found the link: gamebanana.com/sprays/68843

You need winrar / 7zip though

more like diamond

Sweet, thanks.

Sprays no longer work in tf2 and I want to die.

Did you turn off sprays?

some servers (atleast in counter strike) can disable sprays

shut up you fat fucking banana

No, but valve servers disable them unless you had them previously downloaded or some shit like that. You can't see new ones

What did you call me?

Haven't played tf2 in a while, prolly why I didn't know; still sucks though, it was fun when you'd see a million sprays on top of each other, old tf2 was pretty fun, friendly parties, and retardation; but valve turned tf2 into tf2:GO sadly, still a good game, but not what it used to be, I just wish they had both pub, and causual-comp, it would be the perfect balance.

We might get that with the pyro update/10 year anniversary update. Won't lno until then.

Tf2 can still be retarded and fun, but having server wide conga lines is few and far between now a days.

The history of tf2 in a nutshell.

oh god.. what is valve becoming?

I hope the pyro update will fix it all, the idea of large, open/confined jungle maps sounds pretty fuckin' rad, and old tf2 pub servers would fit those maps like dikz to pussies

Valve has gotten sloppy as fuck with their work, just look at HL3, the valve work horror stories are fucking abysmal to say the least, they need to get their shit together, and actually work out shit, instead of having a guy from a completely opposite game, fuck up years of hard work, tf2:GO wasn't suppose to happen, if they just added, instead of taken away, it would have been no problem


Valve system works until it doesn't. Look at Dota 2, with IceFrog Of Balance. He understands the game and wants to work on it, making it the best game Valve currently has.

But when no one wants to work on it, like HL3 or tf2, then shit never gets done.

They also need to make all the weapons (and hats) strange, before they add even a single fucking reskin, or shitty cosmetic, they have weapons that have been on the game for years, yet aren't strange, but they add a new weapon, and its already strange, it makes no sense, they would get more money too, people would be buying keys, and people would buy off the market too.

They also really need to add some workshop weapons, not just shitty reskins, like they have been doing for the past 3-5 fucking years; they need things like the mini dispencer, and all the other kewl shit people have been pumping out since the start, many great weapons are actually from the workshop, like the loose cannon, rescue ranger, tribalman's shiv, the sign you can put sprays on, and other stuff

Tf2 needs an Ice Frog.

I can understand why they are slow to add weapons, as the tf2 community is a fickle bitch and they really don't know how to balance weapons out.

What I really want is new engineer buildings, just a whole new set of them. Friend and me used to discuss ideas for that back in the day.

What do you guys thik of "graffiti" in CS:GO? I use the purple chess piece to give dead bodies dicks.

Their work ethic is good, but even they admit its not great, you said esactly whats wrong with it, and whats right with it; but theres one thing that throws everything out of the water compared to what can go wrong: when a game dev goes on a game they shouldn't. Tf2 had that happen partly, but letting them delete pub, and them ingoring the workshop entirely is the original dev's fault.

I still don't get why they don't add stranges, all they have to do it wright a few lines of code, and they've now made 10,000+ dollars under an hour, they don't have to do shit; and with the workshop, the items are literally made for them, for free, and even more detailed than the items they make; theres no real, and true excuse, eccept retardation, and ignorance.


If it wern't for the fact they sprays are limited in CS:GO, they would be perfectly fine; when I shoot my gun, I typically don't see a **50 shots left till permanent deletion**, if so, I'd never have gotten the gun in the first place; they need to make all sprays infinite, and give out a free, no key needed high quality crate, for the fact they fucked up so bad, and to make up for the people who's sprays have ran out, then people would actually use them.