You have 10 seconds to prove your god exists

You have 10 seconds to prove your god exists.

>protip: you can't.

Other urls found in this thread:

Easter bunny
I win

If dubs, kek is real

Because I will it so, and thanks to occams razor and quantum mechanics taking me that much closer to truth by the first step being complete, you got lawyered

if no dubs, no god

My holy dubs, directly crelated by god will prove it.

no god confirmed

Trips say there is no god

rolling for holy dubs, please dont betray me now

if dubs, god is a gay nigger

he exists to me you humongus if he exists for me then i dont give a flying rats ass what you say,,you dildo wielding fairy




Protip you cant prove he doesnt

>he exists to me
Blatant lies.
>dildo wielding fairy
I've got just the right size for you too.

imaginary friends are not dieties. give me dubs and prove me wrong.



You have 10 seconds to prove god doesn't exist.

>my asshole

if dubs, god hates me


If God existed, there would be no fags
OP is fag
Therefore, God does not exist.


if dubs, your asshole is god's mouthpiece

Get rekt fggt

bless your heart

You have 10 seconds to prove that I'm wrong for my religious beliefs (Christianity)

>protip: you can't

By the way, burden of proof ONLY falls on whoever is trying to prove something. If I wanted to convince an atheist to become a Christian, proof is on me. If an atheist wants to convince me to reject Christianity, proof is on them.

Cambrian explosion, sexual reproduction, and the complexity of earth organisms

There isnt supposed to be proof thats kind of the point

Perhaps the deity is not a creator, but one who nurtures life.

if dubs, god will murder me in cold blood for his own amusement

Hey OP, hows 8th grade going?

There is no good reason to believe Christianity is true.

So it's made up nonsense. Got it.

The Gibby explains is all

supposed to have blind faith because a really old book said so

my mother

if dubs, god turns me into an instanigger

You can find god without religion

You are so edgy, OP! I bow to my master!

Your mother is God? So when I fuck your mom, I'm fucking God?

t; my god is your god too


Doesn't stop it from being made up nonsense.

You have 10 seconds to prove it.

not if you fuck me first faggot

My god is existence itself
That anything exists means He exists
If you reply, you must exist, meaning you exist because He will you to exist
Thus you are evidence that He exists

Nice edge you sharpen it yourself?

if dubs then I am god

So if I fuck you first then your mom is no longer God when I fuck her?

that is not how evidence works

I have over infinity seconds to prove whatever I want. Also, our gods are the same, just FYI.

Existence has a will? Why use a male pronoun for existence? Why call existence a god at all instead of just existence?

I am my own god. I exist. Therefor, God exists.

Checkmate, OP. You massive faggot.

Yep. Cuts through made up nonsense like a hot knife through butter.

if dubs, then Sup Forums is god

look dude, you're trying to be edgy by implying something against god, like "fucking" god, but the thing is he created fucking so what are you trying to do bruh lol

Your mom is a he now? If someone invents a sport, does that mean no one can beat them at it?

existence is based on perception.
I perceive god.
therefore, god exists.
also harry potter.

You'll be dead in less than infinity seconds.


give me dubs already, or you're a false god like Talos

For me there is. Everyone has different opinions on what constitutes good reasons. Religious preference is a result of either upbringing or how the culture/morality surrounding the religion fits in well with your own. What atheists don't realize is that it's not all about logic especially since there's no proof against gods. Sure maybe a lot of written things are fictional but from that you can't imply the god itself is fictional, and if the culture/morals the religion creates are good and law abiding, who cares?

there is proof against god.
read epicurus

>Everyone has different opinions on what constitutes good reasons
Sure, and some people's opinions on what constitutes good reason can be shown to lead to contradictory and absurd results.
>What atheists don't realize is that it's not all about logic
Sure, it's about evidence too.
>who cares?
So you don't care about what actually exists?


if dubs, then god endowed me with his magic raping cock

I do care about what actually exists, but no one else can tell me anything better. And no thanks to being some nihilistic unhappy fat neckbeard fedora wearing atheist.

Epicurus is sort of countered even in the Old Testament, where God is basically shown to tests human. You can call his disregard and treating of people like guinea pigs as evil if you want, and maybe he can be evil sometimes, but that says absolutely nothing about him existing/not existing. My opinion is more like God is the pinnacle of evolution and complete control over time and space gained over the lifetime of the universe.

>If someone invents a sport, does that mean no one can beat them at it?
It means you can't insult him by saying he plays it, since he invented it, he would hardly be insulted.

He's real, because I call upon these dubs to prove so.

I do exist as God of all creation! I have proof, check out my repeating digits!

>Looks down at the Earth
>Looks up again
I just did it in zero seconds.

>no one else can tell me anything better.
Are you familiar with the argument from ignorance? No one being able to tell you anything 'better' doesn't justify believing in things without good reason.
>nihilistic unhappy fat neckbeard fedora wearing atheist

If i get dubs, god is real.

You proved the earth exists. Congrats.

You are an disgrace to Kek and his people, gtfo

retarded caveman logic. just a bunch of vague fucking questions.

Why not call him God because if you don't he will fuck your shit up? What if God is an evil all powerful tyrant and there's absolutely nothing we can do about it?



>posting a picture from

god exists.
humans try to build stairway to heaven.
god creates a vaccume.
sucks humans away.
humans cant communicate with god anymore.
humans cant go to heaven anymore.
life is a cruel circle of reincarnation
doomed us forever to live on this hellist world.
He exists, he's just ignoring us and ensuring
nothing but bad things happen because we should all apparently be punished for what others did millions of years ago.

if you imply god is something then you take away that gos eixists because if god created everything then god itself would have had to create himself
thefore god is what ever you want god to be

Didn't God lose a bet to a Snake?

Sounds *real* powerful to me!

the influence of meme magic in 2016 is undeniable

I'm not an active practitioner of Christianity though. I'm more like a heavily agnostic Christian. So it's not really argument from ignorance in that I'm actively going to church and devoting my life to God, I just have a preference towards the idea that a god does exist, and I choose that preference to lean towards the Christian God. Since I'm pretty much agnostic though, I consider agnosticism the ONLY logically correct stance, and see nothing against my current view.

shut the fuck up dumbass.

The challenge was to prove MY god exists, not a specific other god. I accomplished that instantaneously to every single person reading this (gravity? what planet you on bro?)

proooooove it.

Pictured: Source of meme magic.

Trips can prove anything

I fucking hate memes why do I get on here again?

You might have a preference that a god exist, but that doesn't mean that you believe that a god exists. There are atheists who want there to be a god.

Atheism and agnosticism are compatible.

what else is there?

Only guys with little dicks and have self loathing issues don't believe in God, then and fat lesbians.

You can't believe God would make anything so fucking gross

Yeah and that's agnostic atheism whereas I'm agnostic Christian. An agnostic atheist believes there aren't any gods but is open minded to other possibilities and isn't too sure. An agnostic Christian believes in the Christian God but is open to other possibilities. There is no reason at all to change which agnostic stance you are and it's stupid to say I should become agnostic atheist.

You just became proof

not only a negation cant be proven, but also try harder to shift that burden of proof.

>There is no reason at all to change which agnostic stance you are
Except that one makes an unjustified claim and the other doesn't.

how bout u convince us your shit isnt wack instead?