Does anyone recognize this bug?! Was on my sheets near my dog

Does anyone recognize this bug?! Was on my sheets near my dog...

Carpet bug

Carpet beetle

Looks like a bedbug. You'll probably end up burning your house to get rid of them. Sorry.

Bed bug fuck off

Fucking shit, that's horrible! What's the difference between carpet Beatle and bedbugs.. and is there a effective way to get rid of them!?

Bedbugs will come back multiple times, really hard to get rid of. Call up a pest exterminator. They usually smoke the whole house with chemicals to kill em, then apply liquid to prevent them from coming back. They will come back. They usually hang out in beds, sofas, books, wherever you are the most during the night/day. They drain your blood at night, look out for red spots on your arms/legs. Good luck.

Exterminator newfag here. What you have is an adult carpet beetle. The adults do nothing. The larvae that are in your carpet can do damege do it. A simple pyrethrin spray should destroy the population.

By the way I'd check up immediately my mattress if I were you for signs of em. If you see black spots (it's their poop), call um an exterminator. Bedbugs are like vampire cockroaches.

Fuck that op.
It ain't bedbugs, I have had those when I lived in LA. I wish that he'll upon no man. You just have carpet beetles. A trip to the local hardware or garden shop and find a 'barrier' spray like the home defense for indoor outdoor use. Put it on the carpets and around each door frame and you will be set for a while. They come inside during the heat and are pretty common.

It is indeed a carpet beetle , I have no bite marks and I have seen it before but I killed it

Whoa nice trips, and the area is also correct. I checked the side of my bed and found another and this is going to suck having to inspect my house...

Carpet beetle however interesting enough if you got them you'll likely have bed bugs.

Good luck.

Don't have bike marks and it's not the 1st time I've seen them , fuck off.

They're usually in a row. I have no reaction to the things so keep in mind no bites doesn't mean no bugs. For months we thought my fiance was just having a persistant rash until we finally found one.

it's a bot fly, you better go to the doctor and make sure he didn't lay eggs beneath your skin.
my aunt got one on her pillow n little worms started growing behind her ear

Fucking idiot. kys

it wasnt pretty when she went to the doctor he knew right away what our was, the nurses started freaking out n the doctor said he couldn't help he sent her to the hospital because he said you usually need a crane to get them out

They're harmless beetles. But still you should burn your house down, for good measure.

during the day they tend to hid in the walls. Worked a lot of reno in really shitty houses and I would always find bed bugs when replacing door jams.

looks like you got a bad case of orangutans op put some bananas outside to try n lure them out of that doesn't work you'll prolly hafta rent a crane to get them out

should prolly tell your mom to wash her ass op they prolly came from her

What are the affects of pyrethrin spray on pets and me ? Is it safe to spray it on everything and if so how long would I have to leave my home with the windows open?

had these.
they go to warmth. lights and balls and whatnot.

Totally harmless. But I think they might eat up cloth or something s well as carpet fiber.
Make sure to kill everyone you see so as to eliminate their return next year.

you could drink the stuff. it actually grants temporary super human strength

Its currently spring and the weather is fucking retarded here in California, it's been hot recently so could this be there return ?

> kill everyone you see
including the mail man, the paper boy, and any other neighbor you see

>How to be retarded

If it's a beetle is it John, Paul, George or Ringo?

not a beetle.... its a monkey

Those insects!

They're on their own timetable, my friend.
I live in the SE and had them come out in full force about a month ago.
They love to present themselves on the wall when you have a date over trying to bang.
>Worst cock-blocking bug ever.

Noticed these little fuckers in my room for the past couple of months, Don't know what to do. Started noticing the larvae crawling on clothes in my hamper and on my phone charger. >>wat do

>>inb4 burn house down comment

What do you mean full force?

Please tell me this is not related to this fucking carpet beetle I have , Ill fucking move away if I had that

Oh God...You mean you havent seen the first wave yet?
>fucking kek

Uhm yeah search up the larvae, you will be disgusted. ever since i started seeing them i keep getting a crawly feely in my pants and there is nothing there but i get it all the time

You get used to them.

I've only seen 3 today ... Tomorrow I'm buying pyrethrin based anything an putting it on everything...

A 666 bug


Carpet beetle. Harmless.

Not a good Idea.
That will scare them from the smell of it.
They do not need anything other than what's already in your room to survive.
They will huddle in cracks where you cant get them unless you allow them to come out.
That's when you strike. Otherwise it will be a constant never ending trickle of infestation

Only way to minimize carpet beetles is to not have carpet or vacuum/broom more. They're like house'll never be completely rid of them.

They are completely harmless luckily.

What is the best way besides burning my house down, to get rid of them?

Jesus christ its jason bourne

they love heat. from lamps or vents ..and you.
They climb carpet and walls usually. Just attack them there. I squash them with my finger and tissue when on a wall.
Not too hard or it will leave a mark.
>the best offense is a good defense

also a smell of rotting berries is a giveaway of bedbugs too
t.Housekeeping Supervisor in a hostel