Is my friend onto something with this or should I be worried?

Is my friend onto something with this or should I be worried?

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fugggg :D:DDD


The normal cycle of the moon's phases?

Why not look a a crescent moon? There's no reason not to.

He's trying to convince me that the moon cycle doesn't work

Then I do believe he has failed...

Care to elaborate? It might be better if another person explained it to him.

Lemme put it to ya this way:
if this graphic is correct, why don't we have lunar eclipses every 28ish days?
>Don't listen to tinhatted fuckwits.

Good question! I looked it up, and found this:

Basically, these diagrams all neglect the large distances between the earth and the moon - when we factor those in, what we find is that people on the other side of the terminator can often still see the moon in their sky. Plus, often those phases aren't actually full or new - they just look close to the naked eye.

So yeah, pretty neat.

You're not thinking three dimensionally. Plus the sun is extremely far from the Earth and there is also a great distance from the moon to the Earth so the shapes of the Moon will look strange compared to the location of the sun.

We've been back and forth on the flat earth matter for a year now. I'm willing to listen to his ideas and challenge them. But he's determined that he's right about this.

shadows, mah boy

I would say don't waste your time arguing with him, he sounds like one of those people who's got a belief he doesn't want to give up and he'll use motivated reasoning to try to justify his belief even when the evidence is stacked against him. It's not worth it, he needs to learn how to change his mind first.

that's not how it works
lunar phases shift much slower than daily

Hey op. Here's a way to test it. Go outside at the same time each day/night and look where the moon is.

Crescents rise and fall with the sun, so see them at dusk and sun down. And if you look, you'll even see it during the day. You don't see it in the middle of the night. Gibbous moon is the opposite. And you never see a full moon during the day, because it's on the exact opposite side of the sun. It rises as the sun sets and sets as the sun rises.

Give him one simple problem to tackle, and if he answers with anything but
"I was a fuckin dumbass for thinking this," laugh in his stupid fuckin face

>When a plane leaves an american airport, bound for Britain, which way does it go? East.
> this plane then goes from Britain to Russia. It also goes east
> it then heads to Japan, also to the east
>it then goes to Canada, east once again.
>then finishes its day in America again, Yet again, by heading east
> if the earth is actually fuckin flat, how the everliving fick does this happen?

The only response I've gotten was that they don't actually go east, just gov conspiracy (working as a co-pilot, I laughed them out the room,) and that it's fucking wormholes at both sides of the planet.

We've already discussed flying. He always says there are no (real) direct flights between South America and Africa. And other similar examples and how certain flights can't be monitored throughout their entire duration.

>flights can't be monitored throughout their entire duration.
god bless your friends stupidity.

This is why you don't argue with fucktards that throw evidence out the window.

You can't pry open an idiots eyes to make them see the light. You have to leave them alone until
they must see the world around them. His ideas work only in abstraction.
Force him to ground his thoughts to observable reality and he will lose every time.

Is his name John by any chance?

Nah. Are you in a similar situation?

He's a nice guy. Chill to hang around with. But he's pretty devoted to this. Driving his wife insane. She is worried about his mental health. I tell him to keep this sort of stuff away from her. Would hate to see their marriage go down the drain because of it.

Sounds like a buddy of mine. Known him since grade school, and that twat will argue about anything. God forbid he be wrong, then he starts digging his heels in and arguing 100x as hard because he can't "lose face".

I'd say ask him what evidence he would need to make him believe that the earth was actually round. If he sets the bar, you can either give him the evidence and he has to accept it, or if he gives some bullshit answer then you know not to argue with him anymore because he can't be convinced. If you're being honest, then there must in principle be an argument and evidence which could convince you of the opposite viewpoint; if there isn't, then you're not being honest.