Post characters that did nothing wrong

Post characters that did nothing wrong

He just wanted a good price

he did loads wrong though


>Has a machine that accurately tests whether someone is a cylon
>Tests Ellen Thy but the audience remains in the dark as to the result
>Later Baltar is just as clueless about who the remaining cylons are as everyone else
>Elen Thy turns out to be a cylon
>Baltar just completely forgot about his test or didn't think it would be pertinent information for anyone

Bravo RDM

Well if he hadn't been such a smug son of a bitch and tried to get Waltz to shake his hand he would have lived and everything would have been fine. That's about his only mistake.

wait ellen was a cylon?
i watched it so long ago i dont remember


>dat character growth

He was an insecure asshole for the most part, but it was a great character arc throughout the entire show.

yeah. It was revealed around the time when the writers clearly had no idea what they were doing so they just made everyone cylons because why not.

>head 6 was an angel or some shit the whole time and not the 6 he was with on caprica

such a bullshit show. RDM bitched about the writing on Voyager for so long but he turned out to be an even bigger hack himself.

I think the problem was some things they planned simply didn't pan out or production company wouldn't approve it. I suspect religious aspect got aborted hard midway and that comes off as the weakest point of the show. Also, fucking shitty resolution when they were apparently supposed to land in ancient Greece and teach them all that shit about government and whatnot.


Gaeta did nothing wrong

He literally did everything wrong and on top of that was a whiny fag

amalgamation and capital

Gaeta used to be one of my favourite characters, but after a while I realized that he was just a big bitch.

Although I do miss the two earlier seasons where every other episode his voice was blaring over the wireless ACTION STATIONS

False. Gaeta was a GOAT character. The Oath/Blood on the Scales are the only great episodes in S3/4. He should have won though.

Bathar would have worked perfectly as the only model of a 13th cylon line created by a renmant of the mechanical cylons. His original purpose was to simply keep an eye on colonials, and to push them into restarting computer research and go exploring again.

They wanted to find earth, as they learned from hidden ancient texts that kobol was a founded by a colony ship that did a misjump and lost the capabilty to repair their FTL. So the ship's survivor's decided to upload their brains (basically being the first bio-cylons) and later created a new poeple to lord over using the genetical data banks. But they enjoyed playing god too much, and their warred bewteen each other what led to people having to flee kobol and found the 12 colonies.

But the bio cylons partly ruined the plan by going all religious fanatical on the colonials, and Baltar got screwed over by his resurection signal being mixed by that of six. So his internal cylon agent got mixed by parts of the memory of six, and we became what we saw. Selectively brilaint or blind depending what fit the REAL cylons plan. The only plan, the bio cylons where just retarded kids throwing a pathetic tantrum because they could never be a real boy/girl. The mechanical cylons gave no fuck, they just wanted to find the true history and origin.

Set condition one throughout the ship

Here's the thing.
Gaeta was absolutely right when he said that Adama had let his affection for a Cylon cloud his judgement and that he wasn't the same leader he was 3 years ago.

He didn't want a bloodbath, he reprimanded the marines when they opened fire in the CIC. He wanted Adama and Roslin brought to justice and to face trial for the crimes they'd committed.

It was Zarek who murdered to Quorum of 12 and Gaeta was horrified when he did it.
He was an officer who was trying to do the right thing, who was trying to do right by the people who understood that an alliance with Cylons was a mistake in judgement.
Would you ally yourself with the very things that had been responsible for the obliteration of your entire civilization and everything that you ever knew and loved?

It's like that one guy said: "I'm sorry Admiral but I hate the Cylons. I respect you but I can't take orders from a man who won't fight them, I'm sorry."

Gaeta was always the upstanding guy. When Dee was sending coded transmissions, he was on that shit. When Tigh tried to rig the election, he was on it.

This is not a drill. Repeat. This is not a drill.

He's the motherfucking shit!
Or motherfrakking shit, whatever


Yeah, that really bugged me too after I re-watched Season 1

>I.........I know about farming

only mistake he made was giving a job to Walt


What did he do wrong again?

have a penis