Do you agree with Pauline Hanson's muslim ban? Calling all ausfags

Do you agree with Pauline Hanson's muslim ban? Calling all ausfags

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Nope. Hanson is an idiot... sadly with the state of world politics she will probably be our next prime minister.
I for one welcome our new poorly educated idiot overlords.

I don't know how such idiots get to where she is

Are you retarded? Her party literally won 0 seats in the last election

what's the context to it, last i heard she just hated anyone who wasn't white.

there's already a huge amount of muslims in the country as is so i dont really see what a ban would actually accomplish, maybe a comprehensive hunt of all radicalised factions would be good, get those retards who think they're going to heaven for killing others and just throw them into one of those industrial shredders feet first.

Hanson is a huge asshole though.

radicalised muslims really make the regular muslims look bad, she hates non whites and picked an easy target, people dont want their neighbours to one day just decide they will kill all non muslims because some dickhead in the shithole middle east said it was a good idea.

fuck muslims
and limp dick pooftas and leftist who just want to suck mussie cocks

what if pauline hanson doesn't identify as pauline hanson. what if all the stupid shit shes doing nowdays is because of a persona/ego created by pic related

crazy bitch though

How do you successfully ban something a person can lie about

but lying is a sin against allah, any good muslim wouldnt do that.

Wait, so now people are copying Trump just because he started it?

yeah, she still hates the vietnamese despite the fact they've been here 20 years and exactly fuck all has gone wrong


She might be a loudmouth ginger cunt, but she's bang on the money this time.

I remember when the media made it out like she was obligated to sell one of her houses to muslims, or asians or something, like a decade ago.

Fuck that noise. She can sell it to whoever the fuck she wants.

She used to want to ban all the Chinemen, now she has moved on the Muslims

She only does it for the money and her giant ego

she's been trying this shit for like 15 years, first time it was asians, my cousin went to court for punching out one of her supporters at a rally years ago, didnt get jail though.

he's a big brown guy just to add context.

But any actually dangerous muslim could justify lying about being a muslim for the greater good. I believe there's actually a line in the quran that allows for lying to your enemies.

Not that the bible is any better about that sort of thing but we've seen plenty of crazy christians as well.

These sort of things seem like they only strengthen extremists and hurt people who are actually willing to assimilate.

She has 4 seats in the senate. But no, she will never be the leader of Australia. No outsider will because of the way the Australian system is constructed, we can never have an outsider because only one of the two major parties will end up winning and those major parties pick who represents them, the people don't get to pick a leader for that party so again, we will never have an "outsider".

Muslim ban makes sense. The Quran is cancerous. There is a reason there has been over 30,000 Islamic terrorist attacks since 9/11 (that is 30,000 attacks, not 30,000 victims. The amount of victims would greatly surpass that)

She's quite ignorant and rather dopey. Underneath the populist spruiking she's got little idea of how the world works.

Unlike the US which is surrounded by Catholic dominated shitholes (except Canada) our trading partners are heavily Moslem dominated. Let Hanson loose and we'll soon suffer a massive drop in quality of life.

She's just a ranga ratbag puppet of the marginalised natsoc extremists.

yeah i was saying it in a kind of tongue in cheek way but you're right on the money with that.
I'd say Islam needs to be reformed in the same way the Catholic church did, some of the ideals are not fit for modern life, things like honour killings cannot be justified anymore.

I don't think she's taken it far enough. Muslims need to be executed, and their children deported.

No its discriminatory and un-australian. I wish someone would have the guts to ban all religion which would get the muslim extremists anyway

The only way it can reform is through dilution and integration with cultures and beliefs that undermine the extreme elements.

Thing is, society needs people like her, those who aren't content to just parrot the currently-popular line of thought.

The voice of dissent is an INCREDIBLY important factor of the modern world, and any society that seeks to quash it needs to be viewed with extreme suspicion.

Yes, it's called Taqiyya.

>first time it was asians,

she wasnt wrong

Sure but I don't think that's a specifically islam issue. "Islamaphobia" is just a boogeyman for both sides of the aisle.

All the abrahamic religions are pretty fucked if you want to go the fundamentalist route

l think shes dumb because how do we ban all muslims when they're already so embedded within, goodluck with that, it will go down in history as a cleansing and will spark a war with islam in Australia hahaha we should do it on second thought

I dont disagree with everything she says. She however needs to learn to moderate her opinions and make it more consumable rather than just trying to appeal to lowbrow queensland farmer types

Islamb is a disease oiejr0394jo ljfdslmsf oi9jokjgs
virus pffft pllllssss

Pauline has been infected with it her speech has been afflicted with it.

Islam needs to be gone back to the rock it was under the first 2nd time the Christians handed their asses to the.
There's no need for another ottobin empire trickery.

Saudi Arabia bans Christians fuck them lets ban Muslims.

Islam cannot reform. They follow a book that is supposed to be the literal word of God and any suggestion that it isn't is blasphemous. The penalty for blasphemy is death.

Muslims won't integrate. We've got 1400 years of proof of this behaviour. They are Muslim first and foremost, that is why you always here them refer to Muslim-Australians, rather then just Australians.

Are you retarded? All integrating Muslims into other cultures has done is cause a ton of people to defend them whenever they commit acts of terror or do terrible things.

The terrorist attack in the UK the other day, in the official press conference after the attack the fucking police commissioner of all people said "In wake of attacks like these we understand that our Muslim community will be anxious given the past behavior of right wing extremists" what in the fuck is he talking about? It was Muslim who just killed 4 and injured 35 others. So why the fuck are they worried about how the Muslim community feels? What about every other community who will be targeted by Islamic terrorists for not being Muslims or not following the Quran correctly? As for "past right wing behavior" I looked it up and the last actual attack by any right wing group in the UK was in 1999. He's not living in reality, most people refuse to acknowledge reality just like him, they want to make excuses for Muslims rather then identifying the problem which is the religion itself.

Guess how many refugees were taken in by Saudi arabia ZERO. Guess how many foreign fighters in isis and the FSA / al Qaeda mercenary islamist base Saudi araba provided?

>banning a dangerous cult of murder ia discriminatory
>we should ban ALL religions
>esp the ones that teach murdering me is immoral. I really hate those

I've heard some european countries are wanting to implement laws against "Islamophobia". Since when are you not allowed to criticize a religion or ideology? Islam isn't a race. Muslims aren't a race. So what the fuck is wrong with speaking out against, criticizing or even debating them?

Funnily enough these are fucking "western" countries that are implementing laws within Sharia, which is that by law, you can't criticize Islam.

People are allowed to criticize every other religion, especially Christianity, so why would Islam be the exception when it's the worst of them all by far?

I'm not a Christian myself by the way.

I missed your point

Why? Prettying up your words and dancing around the subject rather than attacking it directly is the first step towards censorship.

Fuck that. Say what you mean or shut your goddamn mouth, I reckon.

I agree. Im asian and i lived in springvale where drugs were a rampant problem brought in by asians.

imo 2nd/3rd gen asians like myself are pretty much quite ‘aussie’ now and fit in like everyone else. Im quite ‘occa’ in the way i talk n if u only heard my voice ud swear im white as a cloud

She doesn't go far enough. I would ban much more - and you know you would too Sup Forums. It just makes sense.

I am pretty sick of the apologists. This country needs to have a serious and uncomfortable talk about its future as a free and democratic state. People are too afraid of being called an -ist or a -phone to speak up.

People tend to apologise for Muslims, because their reaction to any kind of insult is to kill innocent people by blowing up a bus or something. What other religion does that?

this is true, the only way they can realize unbelievers aren't monsters is by living with them and understanding their culture.

mate all our neighbouring countries are asian except NZ but they are pretty much part of Australia as is.

the thing is that all the other abrahamic religions have been worked to fit modern days, we dont have people killing each other because they married outside of the religion for the most part.

yeah its a problem, there should be muslim scholars working to understand the words for the modern world so we get less of this extremist shit, otherwise the whole religion should be thrown into a furnace.

man fuck the extremists and fuck the Apex gang shit thats been going on, I know its not really related but its frustrating to hear about.

She will never win enough support to be relevant if she keeps singling out a minority and attacking them with reckless abandon.

Depends on her ambition I guess. Maybe she is happy being a bit player who contributes nothing but stirring the pot

Also to add onto my post, i was in town when pauline hanson came to springvale one year and ppl were throwing piss balloons apparently. Huge scuffles n all. Still quite vivid in my memory

Trump did. His platform was largely - albeit not completely, but still - based on excluding mexicans and "making america american again".

I only wish for 3 sensible things:
1. Halt all refugee intake. We canteven take care of who is already here.
2. Anyone caught aiding or participating in overseas terrorism is immediately sent there on a one way trip, and their Aus visa, etc permanently revoked. If the country won't take them voluntarily , they get airdropped in a poorly padded crate. Our F/A-18s fly over Syria unopposed, so can a C-130J.
3. Get rid of these SJWs in the mainstream media (here's looking at you ABC), telling us we're not allowed to be concerned.

I don't care who achieves this.

>we dont have people killing each other because they married outside of the religion for the most part.

No but you have parents denying their children necessary medical treatments and a basic education because they got offended that opposing beliefs exist.

I think fundamentalist christians fucking up their kids are just as bad as fundamentalist anything else fucking up their kids.

She has become that shit talking mate at a party who talks way too much but no one really pays any attention to

The other thing that is hilarious is when people try to call others "Nazi's" for not wanting Muslims around, etc. yet it was Muslims who were allied with Hitler in vast amounts. Hitler said he had great respect for Muslims because they had a shared hatred for the jews and that "perhaps they even hated jews more then he (Hitler) did". A lot of Nazi officers escaped via Syria through their Muslim allies.

Its following it pretty correctly. Destory infidels and rape and pillage even if its underage or your own family. Thats Muhammad in a nutshell

>I think fundamentalist christians fucking up their kids are just as bad as fundamentalist anything else fucking up their kids.


As an Atheist, I say you need to hang yourself for that statement.

>As an Atheist,

Opinion discarded

Fair call... but i dont think hanson is capable of a trump style win. She is too blue collar bogan for that.

Its possible in australia for someone to pull off that stunt... but it would have to be someone fresh and with a quick shock and awe approach to get elected before the public work them out. Hanson is too rusted on now.

Gina might be able to. She is pretty right wing bogan

Also one of the leaders of a major terrorist organization (I can't remember which one right now and can't be bothered to google the article) stated that they should be doing less big terrorist attacks with hundreds killed and focus more on entering countries as refugees and breeding out the native population, therefore eventually becoming a majority and therefore voting to establish Sharia and other Islamic law. (because as written in the Quran, the goal of Islam is for the entire world to be Islamic)

Aww fuck no. She wanted to import labour from, was it Bangladesh? More fucking Muslims coming into the country. But then, if they are locked in a mine site somewhere in northern western australian and worked nearly to death ...

So you think Christians are bringing up their kids "just as bad as Muslims"?

I'm saying I'm an Atheist and yet even I can see how stupid a statement that is and I don't even believe in any of the fucking fairy tales but I can't definitely see a huge difference between the two. You'd have to be stupid not to.

Shit, I forgot a fourth point:
4. Fuck gutless "Moderate" Muslims who will not entertain or acknowledge misdeeds of their (admittedly minor quotient) radical "brothers".
These slimeballs are the ones with power to detect and modify the bahaviour of the nutbags within their group, but allow religeous loyalty to overpower community loyalty.

Double fuckings to gutless wonders like Waleed Ali, who, in a position of influence tells us we have nothing to worry about, but won't go into details because he fears for his family's safety. What a cunt.

That was Gadaffi (of Lybia) who warned about that not long before he was killed. He basically said that if his regime fell then there would be a flood of millions of "refugees" into Europe like had never been seen.

>No but you have parents denying their children necessary medical treatments and a basic education because they got offended that opposing beliefs exist.

my aunt is a pretty hardcore christian, they have crosses and those holographic pictures of holy figures you see from time to time all over the house, the point is I talked to her about these things and she said it explicitly states in the bible that "god gave us the materials to heal ourselves" so she calls the people who turn down medicine idiots and says that the best way to understand your own religion is to read into other religions too.

fundamentalists rarely ever actually understand the context of their holy books.

calm down buddy.

Fundamentalists are all garbage and should be removed. Acting like one form of garbage is better than another kind doesn't solve anything

Its discrimination to see any difference in telling your kids lies about sky fairies and praying for things instead of just busting a gut for everything in life. Even if one religion still thinks its the 14th century and the other has become more 'progressive'. You cannot ban any one religion without banning them all. That is unaustralian.

Watch that video. She says it so well. That when a peaceful majority is irrelevant, when a violent minority is calling the shots.

The peaceful majority of German people, of Chinese people, of Russian people, of Japanese people, when only a minority of those were involved in killing millions.

at least she believes in vaccines now

No, a leader of a terrorist organization said it very recently.

>Al Qaeda leader Khalid Sheikh Mohammed says said the terror attacks were good, but the “practical” way to defeat America was through immigration and by outbreeding non-Muslims. >He said jihadi-minded brothers would immigrate into the United States, taking advantage of the welfare system to support themselves while they spread their jihadi message. They will wrap themselves in America’s rights and laws for protection, ratchet up acceptance of Sharia law, and then, only when they were strong enough, rise up and violently impose Sharia from within. He said the brothers would relentlessly continue their attacks and the American people eventually would become so tired, so frightened, and so weary of war that they would just want it to end.

>“Eventually,” Khalid Sheikh Mohammed said, “America will expose her neck to us for slaughter.”

>Khalid Sheikh Mohammed said, “Your own government will turn on you. Your leaders will turn on you. They will turn on you to save themselves. It will play out in the media and strengthen the hearts of the brothers. It will recruit more to Allah’s cause because the press coverage will make the U.S. look weak and divided.”

There was also someone from ISIS who said something similar last year but I can't seem to find the statements right now.

The only community loyalty a Muslim has is to the Muslim community. They care not for the infidels around them.

>That is unaustralian.

Australia was actually founded as a Christian country, being Muslim is unaustralian.

Australia used to have a whites only policy.

You have no idea about what is "Australian" or not.

Gina wouldnt do it anyway. No political ambition unless it suits her company.

She just wants to eat cake and buy baggy pants.

Not sure who our trump might be but i can see a massive chance for someone gutsy enough to have a proper go. Australia is sick to the tits of the labor / liberal dichotomy.

Pauline Hanson is only relevant when she's telling minority groups to go back where they came from, prove me wrong.

It's sickening that multiple sources have said exactly this, and throughout history this is how Islam has found its way into and then taken over other countries, but the western world isn't listening, or learning from history.

Welcome to 1850.

Australia was founded by immigration. Asian and italian and greek guys made up half the goldfields. Everyone gave each other shit equally. The only thing thats really changed is the pc levels.

Australia is now a very inclusive place where the underlying principles is a fair go for everyone. Underperformers are still delt with harshly, regardless of race or creed.

That's not the issue, it's the fact she considers being Muslim as a disease. She's so unfit for parliament, preys on the uneducated and ill informed.

We cant. You are right.

It appeals to about 10% of the population... which will be about her poll numbers for the rest of eternity

pretty sure u could replace Austrailia and white with alot of countries and it'd work.

That's exactly what I meant, but I should have clarified.

Us infidels are only good for one thing: our taxes paying their welfare.

I'd love to know the truth of the beliefs of Muslims in Australia:

1. Fuck the infidel world, I wanna see it burn.
2. I don't agree with radical muhammad next door, but he's helping us out...
3. I agree with brother Mohammad next door, peace be upon him...
4. Australia is a wonderful place, and I'd hate to see anyone ruin it.

Sadly, there is no way to measure these sentiments in a population accurately.

She is just jealous that the viet immigrants of the 70's speak better occa than she and most other Aussies can.

holy shit if they are literally saying it then why are people acting like its a conspiracy theory?

pretty damn true, I must admit
it's like she fades into the back ground until something comes up that she can take advantage of

>Underperformers are dealt with harshly.

Yes, as in given a free house, wage, medication and zero interest loans that are forgiven after 5 weeks of being abandoned, as is the car itself down a creek.

Face it, our low opinion of underachievers is easy ignored in the face of such reward.

Shes a racist cunt, 1% are terryioists, bitch is playing on peoples fears. Stupid souless rangar cunt.


And you're a dumb cunt with an IQ of 0.
Why don't you get back to watching The Project?

Sure. But that is applied equally... not just to muslims or just to any one group. Maybe abos, but that is just political guilt and they are like half a percent of fuck all anyway.

Australia is very even handed. Which must remain a thing. We cant ban one group of anything.

Just propaganda. "Conspiracy theory = tin foil hat idiocy"
"Islam wants to take over the world = tin foil hat idiocy"
Just say it confidently and most people will agree with you and just think "Huh, what a bunch of racist idiots. Not me though, I'm both educated and progressive!"

I want to fuck her

Because fool, it's racist and islamaphobic to repeat word for word, what a leading muslim has said.

I'm not sure, so help me here... is this like only black people can call each other nigger?

I'd pay to see her assassinated.

yes i am for it, keep Aussies in the majority, were already getting swamped by Asians and Indians it would do a service to slow them down and allow Australia be Australia before its not

How is he wrong? Fucking give an argument instead of an insult.

i voted for her because i hate muslims (mostly). she really isn't the brightest light in the cave and i would hate for her to be prime minister, but she's racist enough to keep the spark alive until someone smarter becomes the leader.

Nice b8

Because he really presented an intelligent argument?

I responded in kind.

Ok, so prove him wrong?

Just allow the ones who make your chinese takeaway right?

Australia hasnt been an english colony for 150 years. There are asian australian families that have been here longer than yours. I promise.

>We cant ban one group of anything.
You can do anything, with consequences.
Only leftard fags believe "you can't"

Perhaps you meant: "I'd rather you didn't"?

This is why they have won historically, because the nice guys "play by the rules".

I have no problems with Asians, Indians, etc.

I have a problem with Muslims because it's about their beliefs and religion, not their race. Their views are shaped by a cancerous ideology with a prophet who was a terrorist himself and taught to either convert or kill non believers, those are the options. This is the person they want to live their life like. Someone who is Asian doesn't follow an ideology like this and most of them are very smart people, therefore I have no issue with them.

was hardly an argument, just a his opinion but id like to hear what you have to say also

Australia in the days of the white Australia policy was best form of Australia. Asians were still allowed but not in overwhelming numbers.

Im a liberal voter my whole life. Stuck in the centre but i hate the union flunkies in the labor party and prioritise tight economic management and the liberals have historically done that better. Businessmen make better politicians than loudmouth union stooges.

But having inclusive policy is a must. One rule for all is critical otherwise we descend towards apartheid and segregation and hate and loathing.

Oh hi Malcolm. Holy shit, I read that in his annoying voice and it is something he could have said.

That's noble, I agree with you intention, but how do you see it concluding when both sides have equal rights and resources, but totally different intentions?

How can I say this? I don't wish to defeat them, I just don't want to lose to them.

That's what I thought.