Is the American democracy reaching an end?

>Is the American democracy reaching an end?
People refuse to accept their candidate didn't win and literally goes to war against the democratic process because they lost, how will American politics survive in the future?

No matter which party/candidate you support, you will get pitted against other opposition. What can be done in order to keep the social order?
>civil war

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Is America great yet? When does the winning start?

S h i l l

>The democratic process




shill for what? for trump? i don't support trump..
i'm just curious of what will happen due to the obvious political tensions that currently resides in the country

>death panels
They're here to stay.

You country is fucked and it's gonna end like Argentina

What about now? Are we winning now?

Yes, America has become too diverse and divided. Its difficult to get consensus.

It's not about inability to accept the loss, it's about who the orange fruitcake is and what the orangutan represents. If you can't even see this point, then your own argument is null.
I didn't vote for the 70-year-old manchild, but I still accept the results as they are. He's POTUS, so let him do what he's gonna do. If he crashes the nation with fear-mongering and toxic policies, then let him. Let him screw up and then move on, because those of us that have seen the shitstorm that is Trump a longtime coming, are only going to laugh in the faces of the fact-deniers with an "I told you so" expression.

People are also quite shit when they protest for a couple of bitches doing topless on a beach

Didn't american democry just prevailed given that Obamacare is still in place after tonight?

>democratic process

pick one.

Putin is trying to win over France after his work in the US

It seems like half of the population wants to live in a traditional way, free of queers, niggers & big government.

the other half despises inbreed, cum-skinned rednecks & traditional values and wishes for more government control & equality.

how will this not divide the country? the schism is already there and it's growing for each day, fuels by the hatred of both sides

it is time

There's an easy solution. Republicans can stop trying to fuck over the sick and poor in the name of Jesus.

replacing him with a mass murderer & a traitor to his own people?

so the sick and poor should fuck the middle class over in the name of equality?

until the right can accept that there are more than 2 genders, they don't deserve to be in charge of crap.

>mass murderer
this is funded, yes, but debatable.
>traitor to his own people
elaborate on that, please.

and regarding
>replacing him
not really, no, Che died a long time ago.

no, it's time for communism.

>so the sick and poor should fuck the middle class over in the name of equality?
no, they should fuck the upper class over in order to ascend to the middle class.

>>civil war

They been saying this same shit for thousands of years.

Fear sells.

There is no more middle class, hon. Washington ate that too.

Communism is Socialism for inbred morons.

he murdered his own people. what else do you need?

but would that just make the middle class the new upper class? sounds like everybody should be equally poor in the name of equality.

Well I for one am glad I still have my Medicaid.

But the Republicans are quite correct- without further amendments or a charge into socialized medicine the ACA is doomed.

no, not quite.. communism is socialism evolved one step before anarchism.

read the fucking manifesto if in doubt.

The Nordic commonwealth laughs at your stupidity.

Benicio del Torro ain't gonna do shit.

History has proven you wrong time and time again, moron. Results speak much louder than theory.

>he murdered his own people. what else do you need?
according to him, he murdered traitors, like every other country has done down the pages of history throughout the aeons.

>but would that just make the middle class the new upper class?
no, it would make the middle class the only class. No rich, no poor, all equity.


tell that to the numerous victims of capitalism, user.

not really. i'm swedish and i can tell you scandinavian socalism isn't that great. not saying we're a third world country, but there's several problems tied to the inability of a socalist system to work in the long run.
>running out of other people's resources


I'm gonna need some kind of proof you're Swedish.

Democratic Socialism is the answer, not Communism.

This is the end result of giving every kid a trophy. People have never been taught how to lose.

>according to him, he murdered traitors
here's a list of people who said the same/similar thing
>pol pot
>francisco franco
>benito mussolini

if everybody are equal why would you do anything at all? why should i for example, want to become a doctor if i can make the same money sweeping floors?

how can i prove that? is it enough if i type this below in swedish?

hur kan jag bevisa det? är det tillräckligt om jag skriver detta nedanför på svenska?

All I see are 3 moochers trying to get something that's paid for by other people. All those people in the stands pay for tickets which in turn builds stadiums and pays the players. Fuck you.

Comparing illegal immigrants with colonists who had to build everything from scratch in hostile land full with savages, worst analogy ever

America is not a democracy - there are far too many critical instances of non-democratic institutions for it to be properly considered a popular democracy

>implying the government has ever been good at running a business

Only an idiot thinks America is a democracy. We're a federated republic. Always have been one.

>implying businesses should fucking run the government

You forgot about Valdmir Putin and North Korea's entire Kim dynasty. Every few months for the past several years, I read about them killing someone who was about to testify against them, and their excuse is always some vague claim of treason. We can also add Trump to the list now that some of his associates are dying shortly before they were supposed to go on record with information about his connections with Putin.

Do you have a camera?

>implying a businessman is somehow qualified to run government

No one believes that. Go read the Constitution- Any power not specified belonging to the federal government belongs to the States and their People.


Quite a few believe that, among both the left and right.

Oh, I'm sorry, I forget... you want career politicians to run the government. People who have little to no experience out in the real world. Just sleep with a president, use that to become senator, then sec. state, then you automatically DESERVE being president.

That appears the best solution to me, but it also appears many americans want to become an european democracy and there's people behind the curtains who's slowly chipping away the constitution.

herrejävlar. you think i'm gonna post my face on Sup Forums, son. ain't gonna happen. what's so hard to believe. there's been swedes here before, right?

>putin is a manlet

Wow. A lot of things just started to make sense.

No, the Republican party and it's leadership is reaching an end. that's why they have no problems colluding with Russia, this is it for them and they know it.

Republicans are the biggest threat to our democracy, their inability to know when someone is lying to them and the stubbornness to admit when their wrong or in other words, the Republicans complete and utter destain for intelligence, integrity and honesty will be our downfall.

Quite a few people believe the United States is a democracy, believe in 9-11 conspiracies, and think the world is flat. I blame the parents for not demanding better education for their kids.

>Implying a lobbyist is somehow qualified to run government
>Implying the CIA is somehow qualified to run government

We're not a democracy. We have never been a democracy. We're a republic. How can it possibly be that you don't know that?

So this is how democracy dies. With thunderous applause.

>hur kan jag bevisa det? är det tillräckligt om jag skriver detta nedanför på svenska?
hej broder, jeg spiser hotdogs med rejesalat hver gang jeg besøger Sverige.


>No, the Democratic party and it's leadership is reaching an end. that's why they have no problems colluding with Islam, this is it for them and they know it.

Democrats are the biggest threat to our democracy, their inability to know when someone is lying to them and the stubbornness to admit when their wrong or in other words, the Democrats complete and utter destain for intelligence, integrity and honesty will be our downfall.

i've haven't heard of putin being a mass murderer, but it wouldn't surprise me. and you're definitly right about korea; the kim dynasty are fucking crazy

is it better with crazy democrats that runs around in the streets and attack people for having the wrong opinion and ruining for the elected president? he was elected after all, for good or worse...

So you mean like the people who were going to testify against Hillary who had "accidents"

I'm sure there are good explanations for all that, but Vince Foster was unable to be reached for comment.

>their candidate didn't win
Fucking seriously? After all this, you Republican fucks still can't get off the "I won, you lost" mentality? This is why nobody's going to take you seriously when midterms come around.

You're part of the problem.
You call him a manchild, yet you resort to name calling - the sign of immaturity.
You accuse him for fear mongering, and yet you do so yourself in your post with you dire predictions.
This is why he won - leftists cannot see their own immaturity and hypocrisy.
Trump was a poor, poor choice out of a basket of horrible choices for this election.
I can only hope that someone bucks their party, and starts don't right by the American public rather than playing politics and towing the party lines.
I will not accept or endorse someone like Sanders who is openly a socialist, it needs to be someone who puts America and especially her citizenry first ,regardless of what political colors they wear, over the machine that is the US government. They must be committed to reducing big federal government, and start allowing states more autonomy.
They should care more about their own citizenry than foreign aid - because until we eliminate poverty, homelessness, obesity, and lack of facilities and assistance for mental illness in our own country, we shouldn't be trying to prop up any other country or peoples.

Can you please translate that from SJW to english? cause it makes no fucking sense.

Doing right*

Scene of Republicans rioting in the streets after Obama won in 2008:

What if, I mean this is just a theory I only have mountains of evidence, that both Republicans and Democrats are completely full of shit.

Democrats are lying about racism, sexism, identity politics, feminism, communism, socialism, routinely manufacture facts, and deny science. They are globalist shitstains completely bought and sold by corporations.

Republicans are a bunch of useless anti-fact, military industrial complex shills, warmongering, conspiracy theorist, anti-science, anti-logic, trickle-down-economic fuckwads that are completely bought and sold by corporations.

here's the daily reminder you apparently needed to remember republicans blocked Obama's supreme court nominee for literally no reason

"but muhhhhh newwww presidentttt"

get over it baby. your guy LOST THE VOTE! sucks to be a loser right I hear that one a lot

What if they're 2 sides of the same coin and all this anti-trump nonsense is fueled by the entrenched power structure? What if they want to stop this first outsider so another never reaches the presidency?

ITT: Neo Nazis who believe in "alternative facts" confuse leftists with liberals.

Senator Joe Biden warned against nominating a, SC justice so close to an election cycle. Oh wait, there was a Republican president at the time, so "that's different".

Being gracious in victory is almost as important as important as being so in defeat.

>first outsider
When will this myth die? He might not have had political experience, but he just as entrenched in the political catering to the rich that's commonplace.

That is exactly what it is. They both seek to take away rights and are authoritarians.

Riiiiight... "liberal" is a dirty word, now. You're all "progressives".

Because warning = actively blocking it, right?

Some of that is clearly true. Just look at the money. Everything was stacked against Trump.

Trump has a very casual relationship with facts and reality though, so he's not really much better than either side. Still probably better than a real republican or Hillary.

>Uses image macro of an American Indian to mock somebody he disagrees with
>Ignores the fact that what happened to the American Indians only strengthens his opponent's point

You'd rather we have a president whose only qualifications for entering the federal government was sleeping with a president?

And of course, you immediately prove that you're too ignorant to tell the difference. This is why Trump is failing at every turn.

>Implying there were only two choices.

Fuck've got what you deserve...glad I'm miles away from the train wreck that is your potus

that's pretty much how i see it. same coin, different sides. i can't comprehend how people can take politicians seriously. to me, they're just a bunch charlatans that tells different lies in order to reach the same goal. i like what jamaican niggers call them: politricks

Here you go user

I guess I expected too much for democrats to know that happened, so I'll give you context. This was in 1992 under President George H Bush:

Were there a vacancy, Biden argued, Bush should “not name a nominee until after the November election is completed,” and if he did, “the Senate Judiciary Committee should seriously consider not scheduling confirmation hearings on the nomination until after the political campaign season is over.”
“Senate consideration of a nominee under these circumstances is not fair to the president, to the nominee, or to the Senate itself,” he continued. “Where the nation should be treated to a consideration of constitutional philosophy, all it will get in such circumstances is partisan bickering and political posturing from both parties and from both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue.”

topkek. that sjw stuff is nuttier than squirrel shit

Don't forget that in 2007, Senator Chuck Schumer said he would block ANY Supreme Court nominee by George Bush. Of course, in 2016, he said the exact opposite, but then, a democrat was president.

That was very close to the election. The Republicans' refused to do their jobs for an unprecedented amount of time. Maybe we should settle this with a constitutional amendment stating that presidents may only select justices to replace those who died or retired during the previous term. If the Supreme Court has more than 3 vacancies, they can instead be filled by a vote of people in the next midterm.

USA is a corporatocracy.


See: That was in 2007, over a year before the 2008 election. Sorry, try again. Once more, it's OK when the dems do it, but God forbid the GOP does the exact same thing, then they shriek bloody murder.