These pictures were supposedly taken somewhere between Iceland and Jan Mayen in March 1971 trough the periscope of the...

These pictures were supposedly taken somewhere between Iceland and Jan Mayen in March 1971 trough the periscope of the american military submarine USS Trepang, classification number SSN 674, which, at the time was on a routine military and scientific (whatever that means in a military context) mission.
The man on the periscope was called John Kilika, he was the first to spot them, although the man actually taking the pictures is unknown.
They were made available to the public by researcher Alex Mistretta, who in turn got them from an anonymous european source.
The source claimed that there were the following notes on the back of one of the pictures:
“Official photograph. Not to be released. CT.”
“Unauthorized Disclosure Subject. Security Certificate SSN 674. Criminal Sanction.”

I am not making any statements about what these things could be.

Other urls found in this thread:





Oh shit

commie torpedoes







No they weren't faggot.

We are alone in the universe. Do you hear? ALONE.

The fact our species evolved as it did is an astronomical anomaly in a universe filled with possibility.

We're it. There isn't any one else. Stop making shit up. Stop pretending there is anything but our birth, our lives and death.

I mean, OP. I fucking mean it.

OP here,
OK anons have at it. What the fuck!

Any conspirators fags wanna take a shot at these?

Also can any shoopfags confirm not CGI or something?

Never heard of these before, but I am interest


You are incredibly stupid

These look nothing like that

you shut the fuck up
science is on my side

fuck you and your fantasies
you're no better than christians
or muslims

I dunno, looks like a cruise missile-type thing to me.
The germans used those in the 1940s (the V1), so I wouldn't be surprised if they were around in 1971.
Maybe it was cruising way too low.

Looks like a low altitude barrage balloon of some kind.

I might agree, mirages happen on a narrow area above a horizon. And they look heavily distorted and blurred, these look pretty sharp and have detail.

Don't know what to feel.

Say's you

The first image does faggot
the rest is you throwing turds in your mom's above ground pool.

>we're the only ones ever
>universe full of possibility

Is this bait? This feels like bait.

the ones that are obviously fake do not. 1st and 2nd in this thread do

Science has the Drake equation....

>trying to sound smart but failing (You)

The possibilities were limited, faggot.
man evolved that's it
one species in an entire universe

OP here,
never heard of that. I knew the hive mind of Sup Forums would come up with an explanation


you can "prove" that an object never hits a table, either, faggot

There's nothing out there, and even if there were, it couldn't reach us.

wow are you god?....cos you sure have all the answers
>stop everything boys, we got professor universe here

The fact that we exist is a near impossibility. We are literally the only example in the universe.

science isnt on your side lol read a book

goddammit fuck you
this thread is OVER

So I win with the cruise missile thing?

prove it

you know like every scientist are saying that it is impossible to think of that we are alone.
but you definitely know it better

Humanity may be alone in the Universe

You're over, you euphoric NEET

>"I am the product of my enlightenment" -you

not agreeing with you but ive always wondered if the universe was empty, and it was ours to explore and populate

wow!! pics of the Flying Benis!

I personally don't trust anything from Forbes, but that's just me


The step of abiogenesis -- where the raw ingredients associated with organic processes actually become what we recognize as "life" -- needs to occur.
Life must survive and thrive for billions of years on a planet in order to evolve multicellularity, complexity, differentiation and what we call "intelligence."
And finally, that intelligent life must then become a technological civilization, either gaining the ability to announce its presence to the Universe, to reach out beyond its home and explore the Universe, or to reach the stage where it can listen for other forms of intelligence in the Universe. Or, more optimistically, all three.

When Carl Sagan originally presented Cosmos in 1980, he claimed it was reasonable to give each of these three steps a 10% chance of succeeding.

Are you serious or trolling? I can't tell.

my lord youre young

We've barely made it off this planet, and we're about to destroy ourselves through misuse of technology.

We won't be exploring shit.

I don't give a fuck what you "trust," read the fucking information.

If you won't read, I won't read

an ARTICLE doesnt prove anything. its just someones theory. you can not prove that aliens dont exist. there is a chance they exist somewhere thou. so they probably do exist, because you dont even realize how big the universe is.

God you're fucking butt hurt, how the fuck did you get this way?

No wonder you're gonna die alone with that fucking attitude

refute the argument faggot

"The underlying problem is complexity. Even the simplest bacterium is, at the molecular level, staggeringly complex. Although we have no idea of the minimal complexity of a living organism, it is likely to be very high. It could be that some sort of complexifying principle operates in nature, serving to drive a chaotic mix of chemicals on a fast track to a primitive microbe. If so, no hint of such a principle has been found in laboratory experiments to re-create the basic building blocks of life."

just too bad that the marsrover shows bones and current lifeforms but nevermind

I have read things. That's how I grew the fuck up and stopped believing the universe is full of spacefaring aliens.

It isn't.

The abscence of evidence is not evidence of abscence.

The universe is too damn big to know for sure, and it is incredibly arrogant and naive to believe we are all there is.


No it doesn't you conspiracy faggot
go melt a steel beam and shove it up your ass

>I have read Richard Dawkins

Doesn't count, edgelord

Shut the fuck up. There is no evidence that anyone other than us exist. We've examined space noise, redshifts, everything. There's just too much consistency. We. Are. Alone.

>no it doesn't

that is how you lose in a debate

You believe the skygod shit, that's part of your problem.

maybe isnt proof you retard


of course hes trolling lol

Not even a theory.
Just a hypothesis.

>debating on Sup Forums
you both "lost" here, faggots.

So we are stuck. Life may indeed pop up readily in Earthlike conditions, or it may be a fluke, unique in the observable universe. Because we are a product of this cosmic accident, we cannot conclude that Earth is typical. No statistical evidence can be drawn from a sample of one.

They're Naval test balloons. They use them for RADAR tests as well as target practice.

Lol, you fucking niggers are all the same "REFUTE DA ARGAMENT" all you did was post a shitty Forbes article... you do NO WORK, by being expect us to work to refute your simple, uneducated, and unreasonable claim which contained no mathematics, statistics or "science" (which apparently is on your side, though you didn't use any) in the first place. You need to chill and get laid, lvl99 virgin wizard

Especially if he's OP.

If you dont know what proof means how am I suppose to trust you about your opinions

>shitty Forbes article

refute the argument dipshit
it's SOLID.

Well, that settles it.

It's over, Sup Forumsuddy/b/ros, pack up and go home.

Refute the arguments made in the link I posted. Your last chance.

so? do you even understand what this says? its completely irrelevant to the topic

Knew boats had penises somewhere

You sound like a really boring individual. Like a dull normie who does fantasy football and wears a name tag at work.
You should probably kill yourself.

Refute the Drake equation then

It says that it's highly unlikely that an advanced civilization exists outside of Earth, let alone a space faring one.
Learn to read faggot.

trips doesnt even save your pathetic argument

Those look like zeppdlins toll me

You're boring. You expect us to believe that someone throwing shit into the ocean=UFOS.

its highly unlikely that we as life exists at all, your point?


sounds correct to me.

Yes. From all available evidence, we are a fluke that is not likely repeated anywhere else.

giving orders on Sup Forums<
Fuck you, I do what I want.

They are boatcocks. They fuck up into other boats and make little baby boats.

I don't necessarily believe that there humanoid life-forms like us, but do you actually believe there is no life anywhere else? No organic, living matter anywhere?

Or what?

You gonna super havk my doxxors? Pathetic child



OP theres apparently a video of this too eh

caps doesn't make you any smarter mate are you making up for low self confidence?

not likely *** so you arent certain, thats my point retard haha

somebody getting a little upset? :(

U mad scibro

A lot more certain than you are.
You're just making shit up. Science is actually on my side.

since when did "maybe" become a source to cite as fact lol?