Why does this cunt like cheese so much lmao

Why does this cunt like cheese so much lmao

bc he has to be next to the two biggest cunts in britpop all the time

Dave Rowntree and ____?

Everyone in Blur is a cunt and their music sucks


Have a cuppa tea, Liam


Except Graham
Graham seems cool

biggest bullies in music. 13 is a banging album though

I'm not going to defend them, but 1 member picking on 1 person on 1 occasion is not enough to call them the biggest bullies in music, especially when the likes of Phil Spector or John Lennon are about

I hate that Alex and Damon. I hope they catch AIDS and die.

why do these cunts like lo-rugby's so much lmao

Fucking hell, this cheese geezer really does love cheese

>he doesn't have an unhealthy addiction to cheese
lol, pleb

I was actually watching that Narduwar interview yesterday. Dave was an unforgivable asshole. Alex was kind of cunty, but not a bully. I don't get why Damon get's shit for it, seemed to me like he was just trying to keep the interview going and move past it, and caught in a weird spot of trying to stay true to your asshole friend, which you have to do, because he's still your friend, despite the fact that he's being an asshole.

Graham is notoriously nice. Apparently he was completely insufferable when he was drinking though, at least to his bandmates.


Can't believe he said that shit lol. Actually, I can

Just banter m8
He actually apologised for it after the interview published, which is the only time I can think of where Noel has done that.

>tfw you'll never get to eat cheese with the guy from Blur


couldn't agree more, gives good cheese a bad name to be frank

I thought Graham would have been the guy to go out to the country and make cheese, post blur.

I would have figured Alex for the restaurant/club business

I'll have the last post

The gallaghas bros

>In his book, James describes a long period of decadent lifestyle. To celebrate his birthday in São Paulo one year, he got the tour manager to find him a balthazar of champagne, which he shared with the five prettiest groupies who were at the hotel door. James estimated that he spent about a million pounds on champagne and cocaine.
What a fucking LAD



Hey user, what you thinking about?
I'm thinking about cheese

probably a tory tbf


Whatever gave you that idea?

>Graham is notoriously nice. Apparently he was completely insufferable when he was drinking though, at least to his bandmates.
desu, reading into it it sounds more like he just lost the plot when he was drunk more than being a dick:
>Towards the end of that decade, my drinking had stopped being fun and had become very, very desperate. I started behaving very strangely indeed. I would walk around with a string of sausages in my top pocket. To me, it was as normal as carrying an apple about. I used to go to gigs in Camden, remove all my clothes and throw sausages at the bands. One time I stole some Greek sausages from a shop in Camden. The butcher saw me and gave chase. He finally caught up with me outside Woolworths and gave me a very firm punch in the jaw. I suppose I was asking for it but I didn't care at the time. I wouldn't have cared if he had hacked my arm off with a chicken's beak. Also, I happened to be wearing a denim skirt and there was a busload of people watching. It wasn't my proudest moment.


He also got hit by a car, poor lad, and was photographed in the gutter, poor lad

Wasn't it a taxi? Luckily he wasn't seriously hurt.

I like Graham, glad he got himself together. Seems to me like he didn't manage the fame well, needed a release, and spiraled down. Whereas Cheeseman fucking loved it.

Yeah it was a taxi, and I'm also glad he's better now as well.
I like him as well, and I think I like him more because he's originally from Derby, and I'm from Derby and we don't have all that many musicians come from here.