"Come on, come get your virginity out of the lost-and-found!"

>"Come on, come get your virginity out of the lost-and-found!"

What did she mean by this?

Just stop, you're being a shill, goy.

>Let's get a cheap laugh out of an internet meme on the big screen
>That'll Show Them

I guess nostalgiafags were right about it being shit.

>lost and found

Wait, does that mean he lost his virginity or not?

I like how the villain was literally gamergate.

>Aww, quit being such a neckbeard virgin manbaby!

What was the point of this?

Exactly, what does the quip even mean?

They made the movie before the backlash sparked by the first trailer, so even before then they were already set on hating the nerds who loved the original.

Well these are the same sort of people that invented "fuckboy" as an insult, something that doesn't make a lick of sense in terms of grammar or syntax.

>lost and found
this would imply he lost his virginity in the sense that he forgot it somewhere. but how can you forget that you just had sex for the first time? simple. he was raped without his knowledge. this "ghostbuster" was kind enough to let him know what happened, and that he technically still has his virginity, since he did not consent.

i'm pretty sure "fuckboy" originates as a term for a prison bitch

I honestly have no idea what that means.

Virginity can't be in the lost and found because if you lose it it's fucking gone forever.

Do you remember when feminists tried to come up with a stupid ass official definition for fuckboy? Dykes are so unoriginal.

Surely she should have issued a trigger warning before dropping that bombshell.

Sorry, I'm not going to every feminist meeting so I'm not privy to their doings. Lol.

They lurk here too, buddy.

>they defeat the monster by shooting him in a non-existant dick

Is that an actual line? What does that mean? The villain is not a virgin but she found his virginity and wants him to take it back? She is making him a virgin??

Fuckboy is a milked down white people version of "fuck nigga".

Even if that's the case, it doesn't make any sense in context for feminists to be using it against men.

Isn't the prison term for prison bitch just "bitch", why would they need another word for it?

>A Fuckboy is the type of guy who does shit that generally pisses the population of the earth off all the time. He will also lead girls on just for hookups, says hes really into you but doesn't want to deal with all the "relationship bullshit" just to fuck you. He thinks about himself and only himself all the time but pretends to be really nice. He also does really fucked up shit and then complains about people who do the same old shit as him. once a fuckboy always a fuckboy, because fuck boys ganna be fuckboys.

So...fuckboy is literally just the boy who fucks you?

>Curse you fuck boy, you've fucked me again!



it's a joke that makes less and less sense the more you think about it... like the plot of this movie