Just played fallout 4 for the first time in ages, now I'm craving a good movie along the same theme

Just played fallout 4 for the first time in ages, now I'm craving a good movie along the same theme.

What does Sup Forums recommend for the best nuclear / apocalypse / survival movies?

Other urls found in this thread:


28 days later, always my go to apocalypse movie

Red Dawn or Mad Max

Mad max series

thanks man, is that the zombie one?

what's the premise of red dawn?

look up "The Road", Maggie, The show Lost might be up your alley as well. Uhhh.

If you liked Red Dawn, you should look up Soylent Green.

fucking LOVE the road, the book is eerily descriptive. Phrases like "a series of low concussions" and "winding, gun-metal black road" always stuck with me.

whats the premise of Maggie?

It's a zombie film, but not one like what you're used to. It's good, trust me.

depends how far you want to go back. "Damnation Alley" was pretty good for its time.

10 Cloverfield Lane with John Goodman and Mary Elizabeth Winstead

A boy and his dog,one of my favorites

The Road, id also reccomend the book


Look up Turbo Kid, trust me

Book of Eli is pretty good too.

Seconded on both

TV Miniseries from the 80s - peak of the Cold War. Good stuff.

I dont expect anyone to have seen this though

Turbo Kid is amazing

As someone already said, see Threads. Depressing shit.

Fresh prince of bel air paints a disturbing picture of civilization between present day and the "planet of the apes" series
Would heavily recommend

Turbo Kid is as Fallout 4 as you can get.

The Day After.
Movie from the 80s about nuclear war.. mainly about the time after some atombombs explode in the us.


book of eli

You should look up 'children of men'

The book of eli.
If it was named "fallout: the movie"
Theres a 75% chance i would have believed it was an actual fallout movie.

This entire thread would be completely niggercucked without mentioning probably the biggest inspiration to Fallout in cinema:
A Boy and His Dog

beat me to it by seconds kek

I've seen it. Can vouch. It's good.


Not really post nuclear, but still a good movie.

>hurr durr i didn't even read the thread

It was already mentioned like an hour ago fagtards.

holy shit thank you ive been looking for the name of this movie foe the longest time

Depends on which one.
The original is Russia invades America
The remake is China invades

There was a series called Jericho, that had like one and a bit seasons. It was about a small American town isolated after major cities get wiped out with nukes. Low budget but still pretty good.



Soylent Green is a horrific depiction of our near future, soon to be realised if people don't stop fucking breeding...

it looks cheap as shit and the first 30mins feels like a 3rd rate soap opera, but it works perfectly overall, despite being bleak as fuck


I've always wondered what happened to the people in this image. How hard of an impact was it? Did they live etc etc

The Road

>Hurr don't breed you'll kill everyone
You cucks make me laugh.

I stopped playin fallout 4 when I couldn't figure out how to get out of the suit

Escape from LA
Escape from new York

A cure for wellness
It wasn't apocalyptic but the whole scenario could have totally been some fallout 4 dlc

I Am Legend

The biology is weak with this one
>hurr durr al gore invented global warming to scare us


ZNation that shit is awesome

The Road


The postman by far

I saw this as kid , it was as depressing as hell.

Waterworld was a flop in theaters, but I liked it

Logan is good?

Most underrated. Even has tom petty.

Ive seen it. Nail her then eat her cause the dog is more important.

Also this is /thread answer.

Diese gut

throne of blood

I could go for a good film too.
What makes the postman good (don't say Tom Petty.... Also tits?)

Best movie of all time right here

When the wind blows

That had so much potential, until the last 20 minutes fucked it up.

>MFW a britfag movie with slav subtitles is blocked in britfagland?
Also that looks shit!