WWYD thread

WWYD thread

Throat fuck hard until she could feel my cum pulsing down to her stomach

Titty fucK her then shove it in her and

Stop replying to yourself faggot. N thanks for stealing my snapshot in about 30 seconds after I post lol

Educate and sterilise.


>Stop replying to yourself faggot.
How could you tell

turn 360 degrees and walk away

pull her tongue all the way out of her head like rip it off completely and ridicule her saying 'see what happens? SEE WHAT HAPPENS?' and then do a backflip with one extra spin so I land with my ass towards her, when I would pull down my pants completely revealing a pristine bald eagle asshole and balls.. then would rub the tongue on it and moan blood curdling screams saying 'oh yes lick my tiny little tight asshole, oh yes' to really mock her but hopefully after a few seconds get a prostate orgasm and scream 'Want some of mommys milk?' in a girl voice while i drank it all right in her face, then saying 'CAT GOT YOUR TONGUE' and jumping out of the window where i finally land impaled on an ancient spike, my last energy clinging the tongue to my hand but letting it go in a scene of drama and compelling mystery

Glad you agree. This girl hasn't got a chance.

hit her plain in the face with a hammer



big-daft-twat tumblr com/post/158600499060/eyecandy90-ill-bend-you-over-how-bow-dat

Didn't work.
Send proper link please

Lol never click a fuckn link posted on Sup Forums, this page is probably loaded with this user's special javascript that delivers some shellcode to our HD and BIOS that start the process which basically causes the CPU to activate this technology so after 2 weeks of 24/7 neural network type training, they could all communicate without being connected. This actually happened to a friend of mines uncle, but we (fam) reached a consensus that this was probably the work of demonic forces and subsequently we smashed the technology with hammers and threw our great grandpa into the fire pit since his curse words lured this evil into the home. Life isnt always easy but stick together and you can overcome anything with some belief like we did

tell her to brush her tongue more often cuz that shit shouldn't be white

Welp, you're fucked. It's made to look like it didnt work but the execution of well structured javascript code and transfer of shellcode is below 2 milliseconds of time, imperceptible to the human eye, but just like that your machine is hit with a rootkit and using this intelligent not loading scheme most users dont think twice and close it and never connect the dots.

What I'm suppose to do know?

Reported big-daft-twat to Tumblr for rootkit malware and exploits and forwarded your obfuscated javascript code to exploit-db.com so they can analyze it and hopefully find where this originated from, truly. Sick fuck we're just browsing 4chans you don't need to exploit our browsers and infect our machines permanently, we get it you know how to code.

Catch her outside.

Fuck if I know buddy, luckily I caught my attack due to a version of Kaspersky that allows for regexp based rules that can intercept execution of anything on the machine.. other than this tool, if you visited the link, you won't notice anything different but basically your BIOS and hard drive have a permanent rootkit installed that can't be removed unless you are able to find a work around for the specific type of ROM update blocking the rootkit employs (which is far beyond my level of understanding at this point). Anything can be done to the computer, taken from it, put on it, and none of it will ever be visible from the operating system no matter the software.

Well next time you restart you might notice a loading screen, update screen, or just a dark screen delayed boot up of about 10 seconds while the rootkit is fully installed to all areas and then started right before the OS kicks in, allowing it to have complete dominion over all OS execution while remaining visible to the OS. Remarkable, fucked up, but reminds me of shit I saw written about in articles regarding tools from Vault7 and NSA


I should also note that anyone who has javascript enabled and tried enlarging any of the pics in this thread may have also been compromised from the AJAX loading of this exploit code that forces the function that expands the image to instead load the exploit. I only realized after a second severe warning alerted me with the same rootkit alert on Kaspersky after I was trying to look at pictures I missed here. Fucked up, watch your backs

when you watch the first three episodes of mr robot
shut the fuck up dude.

cut her nails


