Any medfags know how to deal with warts?

Any medfags know how to deal with warts?

Other urls found in this thread:

>get canned air (like you use to clean computer)
>turn can upside down
>spray on warts
>will get really cold
>keep spraying for 30 seconds consecutively
>warts will fall off instantly


Make an appointment,
They will either apply Acids or cause blisters with Liquid nitrogen treatment

CVS wart remover.
A liquid/acid basically.

duct tape

this, google it

Look online

Ok. I know this will sound strange, but here goes. When I was a kid I had a wart on my finger. My mom's friend said that she had had warts and she started taking Geritol pills, one a day. My mom got me Geritol pills and my wart went away in about three weeks and never came back.
It's cheap, it's safe, and it works for some people. You might as well try it.

looks like you fingered my gf. got you

I torched a flat head screwdriver and pressed it on each one. It hurts a bit but they haven't ever come back.


get a load of coins in a bag, rub them over the warts, leave the coins somewhere in the street. Whoever picks them up will get your warts.

I've done this with a wart on my foot. Hurt but it worked.

stop lying Paul, you have no gf

START SHOWERING!!! that shit is so fucking disgusting, absolutely haram

Nice one, Patrick. Another Martini?

I shower everyday.

It has nothing to do with warts.


Alternatively, insert shekels into the warts. Leave your hand on the street and wait for a roving covetous Jew to come and rip them out

Medschoolfag here. Rub a toad on them and then bury a glass of water from the wrong side.

Go to store
Buy Compound W wart remover

It's literally that fucking simple

Warts are caused by a virus that is living inside your skin cells. Washing it won't do jack fucking shit.

The infected skin cells need to be removed/killed.

No one with good personal hygiene gets warts. I suggest you guys start washing your hands.

Warts are caused by HPV, which are infected cells.

Used to get them, this works well -
Scrape as much wart tissue away as you can using a scalpel /razor blade. Won't hurt unless you hit your own skin. Then heat up a wire or other metal object and press it to the spot. Then duct tape over it. Works like a charm

Maybe dyshidrosis?

freeze it or tear it off with your other hand

Drinking bleach kills the bacteria and makes the warts go away.

go to a doc, they should freeze it with liquid nitrogen. worked for me (fyi it's painful) but very effective

Buy things to freeze them off. You can get them at any Walmart

I spose you think washing will also remove Herpes and Coldsores.


Cover 2-3 times a day especially when you're done taking a shower until it's gone.


im a doctor
kill yourself

With a bit of faith

Hydrogen peroxide and rubbing alcohol together, soak in it and they will die and peel off. I learned this by accident on a job cleaning ceilings in convenience stores.
But a doctor is your best option.

i did this but cut them off with razor first then burned them

You shouldn't have voted for Trump

I killed my warts with apple cider vinegar, cotton balls and duct tape (any kind of non-breathable tape will do)

soak the cotton ball in cider vinegar, apply it to wart and tape it on. Keep it on and keep applying more vinegar to keep it saturated for a few days. It will start to burn like hell, but it will kill the wart. The wart will turn black eventually and the body will eject it like a scab.

I used to chew mine off. One day I got so pissed off with them that I got some scissors and fucking gouged them out fully, I was like 12-13 at the time. They never came back and I have have totally normal fingers now.

It's pretty messed up when you find their roots


I remember it feeling super reliving when I did it. Like peeling off a scab.

is this confirmed, i have some too will try this

Wash your God damn hands you mong

I had one on my foot that hurt like hell. I froze that bitch off and it kept coming back. After four times it came off but what returned was far worse. Now I have this thing like a callous where the wart use to be. I peel it off and it's back in a few days. Fucking hurts like hell

Putting nail polish on warts also helps


I had a wart on my thumb that was frozen by the doctor six times and it kept coming back. Finally he prescribed Tagamet which is also an over-the-counter antacid because he said he heard this has worked for other people. Started taking one pill a day after about two months the wart on my thumb and one of my foot completely disappeared and haven't come back. That was four years ago and I haven't taken Tagamet since. Hope that helps user!


Ice on wart.
Two swigs of whiskey.
Exacto Knife.
Cut wart out, make sure to get roots.
Clean and cover the wound.
Take some antibiotics the next week or so.



I went to get mine frozen off close to ten times. Never worked. Ended up getting frustrated and slowly poured hydrogen peroxide over it as I dug it out with a knife. Totally worth it. Got the roots and everything. No infection. Hasn't come back.