Someone talk to me, i don't have friends irl

Someone talk to me, i don't have friends irl

hey man.
whatcha wanna talk about?

what you up to right now?

Anything boyo, the weather is nice where I am

Sitting outside enjoying the sun, what u up to?

You dont need them.

Would be nice to have someone looking out for me tho

nothing much. had a bit of a drink and playing stalker

I feel you OP, I have friends, but don't see anyone anymore. Looking for a good site to livestream my suicide. Anyone got any ideas?

That sounds pretty sweet, what you drink?

Dub dubs says I have to do it. Kek wills it

Hello friend. You are not alone. You have many friends in Kekistan.

Hey, man. I also have no friends and spend most of my day quiet, even with my family at home.

I mostly spend these days playing Ni-oh, trying to write a paper on perception towards weed, and smoking weed and tobbacco.

My weekends since years are basically seeing my girlfriend, petting her dogs, and returning home.

How are you doing

i want a cutie gf

Not good man, someone I considered me only friend is leaving for the army tomorrow and he didn't invite me to his leaving party today

Nationalism can help you.Join the Alt Right and you will at least have lot of online friends who share your views

anyone wanna play ps4? i play battlefield 1, gta and rocket league at the moment.

Same bro, I used to be good with girls and I had a cutie gf but then she cheated on me and I haven't been able to get any girls to take an interest in me since :/

But don't forget you are not the only one.There are plenty of other people who have similar problems

With time you always find some people that are not full of sh..

not many, not even 5 in your life, but always look for them.

Yeah man that's why I'm posting here cause I can find people in the same situation who just want a chat

What is your favorite music?


Fuck you

Anything that is happy and upbeat, Bob Marley is a favourite. I don't really want to listen to anything that is depressing or about love and relationships


Would be nice if they don't eventually end up leaving also

Why you want to kill yourself, however stupid the reason sounds, we won't judge

Can relate man. Not the guy you replied to but hit me up on [email protected] if you wanna chat

What about rock n roll or country music?

What's your PSN user?

me neither

28yo, haven't been in any kind of relationship since since graduating HS at 17

That's the sadest, most pathetic thing I've ever heard.

Similar here...

>Belonging to a group is sad


Don't have nationalism in my country, and certainly don't have the alt right, so couldn't join if I wanted to

What happened lads? Used to be fine with girls why has it all gone wrong

Being shy and not good in communications is the worst fucking thing