I´m trying to quit cigarettes. any tips, Sup Forums?

i´m trying to quit cigarettes. any tips, Sup Forums?

Stop being a pussy and just quit? I kinda just lost taste for it one random day and never went back

I smoked for ten years. A couple things helped me:

1) vaping to ween yourself off the nicotine
2) getting a new car that you didn't want to smoke in
3) getting a new job where I introduced myself as a "nonsmoker" and so I had to stop smoking or make myself look like a fool

you'll never quit until you're serious. also, you're a faggot.

Nicotine patches. They are really pricy but worked like a charm

summerfag detected

switch to vaping for a couple of months then quit that.


The drugs like Zyban work fucking miracles.

I smoke like 3 packs a day and I got put on Wellbutrin for a minute (drug is Bupropion, also marketed as Zyban to help people quit smoking) and I went down to less than a pack almost immediately. When I did light up a cig, it wasn't even enjoyable and I wanted to put ot out after a 2 drags.


sew your mouth shut and cut your hands off

Take some shrooms and hold a cigarette up to a blacklight. Worked for me

I personally just quit cold turkey but there was a week there where all I wanted to do was smoke or murder people, so luckily I didn't have a job or people would have died. If you don't have a job, I'd recommend quitting cold turkey, and if you work, sorry bud can't help ya. All these faggots recommending vaping, haha yeah just get a mouth fedora and start blowing SICK CLOUDS BRO

just quit cold turkey, and stop being such a pussy.

i just up and quit over a year ago haven't lit one since..when i had cravings at first i would go running and drink water.

Self control faggot

I have 7 cigs left I haven't touched in 2 weeks.

And I started smoking at 15

Self respect.

Easier said than done

Just stop. Cold turkey. The trick is to find something else to do when you want a cigarette. You have to break the habit. Like when I would be watching TV and a commercial would come on, that's when I would go out for a smoke. So now you have to pop a lollipop in your mouth or something. I ate donuts and gained about 25 pounds. Lol. Took a while to lose it. Break the habit and you will free yourself

the real key is you really have to want to quit..if you dont really want to quit you arent going to be able to

I'm doing the patch right now, still smoke a couple cigarettes a day if someone's got one. I honestly think it's not a very good way to quit but going from a two pack a day smoker to the occasional cig has me dying a lot better. If I really wanted to fully quit id do it cold turkey but I use the patches as substitution more than an actual plan for quitting.

You have to make up your mind you actually want to quit. None of this "try" bullshit. none of this "damn I want one so bad but I mustn't". Abstinence doesn't work with sex. Why would it work with smoking?

It's a subtle but nonetheless important distinction. If every time you go to a gas station you see cigs and think "damn I want one" then that reenforces the "I want cigs" neurons in your brain until eventually you finally act on it. But if every time you catch yourself thinking "I want cigs" you actively say out loud "no, actually, I've decided I don't want cigs" then physically vocalizing it will rewire the neurons in the opposite direction much stronger than the original thought.

Stopping smoking is just habit breaking. Its not as severe an addiction as most think. Nicotine clears the body completely in 2 weeks. You just have to resolve the oral fixation- the habit and the "psychological addiction".

I actually recommend cold turkey, rather than the gum or patch. You do those, the nicotine is in your system much longer and the physical withdrawls reenforce the psychological habit.

But they key thing here, OP, is that you ACTUALLY decide you want this. Rather than being pressured into it. It has to be you who changes, or the change won't stick.

Alternatively, switch to vaping. Nicotine itself actually has little to no negative effects. Its not a carcinogen- that actually comes from the act of burning it. Eating blackened steak on a regular basis raises your chance of colon cancer just as much. Burnt black shit in general is cancer. But nicotine on its own is about as harmful as coffee.

Same poster I smoke when I want too never forced too.

With that said if I have anxiety I smoke one and never look back

I mostly smoke cigs after I smoke weed. Mostly to hide and Intensify the high.

Those normies don't know real pain and prbly still have a will to live.

Whenever you want a cig get a piece of gum instead. It worked for me.

you gotta quit while you still have cigarettes. I know it sounds weird but if you do the "I'll just finish off this pack" or set a specific date to start quitting it'll never happen. You gotta have smokes in your pocket that you can totally smoke and just throw them away. It turns the commitment level way up.

Thanks, user. That was actually helpful. Why the fuck is Sup Forums so nice today?

I'm cutting back on weed also, after smoking almost daily for ten years.

Start the day with a certain number of cigarettes in your pack. Reduce the number over time. I took a vacation for my final quit week. Figured I'd be less likely to kill someone if I was having fun. Once you make it past a week you're in the clear.

Lel I kinda want to but need a real motivation.

I also posted That shit does work. I have a bottle of bupropion I can take if I really want to make it thru the first couple weeks without any cigs.

That sounds nice but be careful. It's the dumbest addiction. Makes you smell bad, makes everything you own smell bad, burns holes in your clothes n shit, costs too much$$$, and doesn't even feel good anymore.

Lel trips confirms. Who the fuck wants to be 90 anyway?

I don't even care about that. I just smoke too much and I would love to have that extra $20 a day plus be able to focus on something for more than an hour without needing a cig.

>almost daily

I'm and I quit blazing like 5 years ago and will never go back. Smoked a ton of weed too and basically stayed high. Shit sucked when I quit and I couldn't eat or sleep for a couple months. Had horrible anxiety and took 3 or 4 months before I could wake up and my first thought wasn't weed.

Shit was nice tho after those 4 months. It was the first time in years and years that I could wake up in the morning without needing or wanting to get high and I felt like I had energy and was ready to go have fun for the day.

You sound like a fag

I don't smoke but I hate how they ruined the packages. Marlboro packets looked so nice looking before.

Well I'm on Sup Forums at 11pm on a Saturday night so that should say something...


You can't

The patch and an ounce of the best weed you can buy. Whenever you get cravings just smoke joints. Always have the patch on and put that fucker right on your heart the first few days.

Best of luck user. I smoked from about 15 till 29. Biggest mistake ever and one of the hardest things to give up but very worth it.

Vaping aka mouth fedoras

Work your way down the nicotine levels. take your time and dont rush.

Dont go cold turkey, you'll just hurt yourself and it won't work.
Im a nurse fag, trust me.

Best of luck user.

>energy for the day
Sounds good.

E cigs and vapes are gay as fuck and you are basically smoking the same thing just in a different way. If you smoke pre rolled cigarettes I would advise you find brands with less nicotine and have smaller filter tips with them. I tried this and it makes you slowly want to smoke less.

That shit didn't work for me. I chunked mu mouth fedora in a week. I smoked on it more than I did my cigs. It didn't stop the craving at all.

Think about how much money you'd save annually and what you could do with that money if you weren't literally setting it on fire.


Yea I do think about this alot. But I find quitting so hard to handle as I'm always in bar jobs so the only break you get is if you really smoke. Currently travelling NZ at the moment and cigs are hella expensive over here.