I have a crush on a girl I've never had a class with, talked to, know her name, been anywhere close to her...

I have a crush on a girl I've never had a class with, talked to, know her name, been anywhere close to her. But this year I see her on the way to my locker. How can I talk to her? What stupid thing do I say so we can meet?

>dat pic
looks familliar

Start talking to her by saying hello, shithead

You could try the ultra confidence strategy: just walk up to her and tell her you're taking her out. It takes some chasing, but it works on the weak minded sluts.

Doesn't work well, dickhead

Gross a P. Bass

Say I like your ____ or those _____ look nice on you. Then all you have to do is listen to her talk. When she stops talking. Ask her questions. Stupid questions. That's it.

for real, Jazz Bass Master-race

and this user gets it

Quit obsessing over girls and putting them on pedestals and start socializing more so that you meet girls in natural settings that won't make you so nervous. You're nervous because you now it'll be creepy and awkward if you try.

Make friends with girls. Don't try to fuck them, just hang out with them. Girls hang out with other girls, they introduce you to their friends. You are now meeting girls and don't have to be awkward and weird.

Girls are just people. Talk to them like normal fucking people. Putting them on pedestals like this dooms you to failure and awkwardness.

probably the best advice you'll ever find on this shithole website

Ask her Squire or Fender, then you'll know whether to continue.

Thanks Dr Phil, you cock gargling faggot

This is right. Just go with this

how about

>Hi, I'm user. what class are you going to
if she blows you off, just smile and say >ok later

Next time you see her just smile.

not that hard. IF she is interested she will give you some cues.

Take her to guitar center and take a picture liek this, dickhead.

jesus this. if she keeps talking to you, you are in.

fucking girls will talk forever.

>what class are you in
>what do you do for fun
>what are you doing this weekend
>want to do something?

>Only word I can think of is "bye"

I don't think she wants to see op flash his pussy at some piece of shit music store.

This, if you two aren't right for each other she might introduce you to someone else. like friends do.

Honestly, if you've got any shot at all, it doesn't matter how you approach her. A "hey" from a decent looking guy is a thousand times better than a grand gesture from a guy she has no interest in. So basically just be like "whats up whats your name." If she doesn't respond well, then nothing else you would have said would have made a better impact, anyway.

Considering I don't randomly talk to men or hang out with them this is a problem.

plus, ask her about her friends. see what kinda ppl she surrounds herself with

>Girls are just people.


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