Prove you are NOT black

Prove you are NOT black.

Can't fam

I hate niggers, and I have a white dad who teaches in a school

I know my father.

My younger siblings are black and my older siblings are white.

i bought this computer and have the receipt for it.

I can pronounce the letter 'S' so it doesn't sound like X

I can live for months or years without eating fried chicken.

My toes are not webbed. Look it up.

I don't know how to get food stamps.

>my father only uses 'nigger' as a derogatory term.
>my father thinks there are 'blacks' and then there's 'niggers'.
>my father.

Employed and people at work actually value my work, not my ability to use a race card.

The weapons I carry are pepper spray and knives.

So, your a fat Mexican woman? Wow!

I can use words with multiple syllables, such as supercilious or inevitability.

It's 'the.' 'The race card.' It's not an actual card that people get for not being white.

I have a dad.

My dad served in the Hungarian army, and my mom handed him American citizenship by marrying.


My dick is small and I have an iq above 100


>gypsy army

My favourite sport is hockey

I do not care for fried chicken. I like chicken broiled and chopped into tiny pieces, so I can blend it with mayonnaise to make the best sandwiches.



I think those Kanye West shoes are hideous

I love Maddie

I love my dad, the only way he left me was passing away from old age. And I don't blame niggers for my problems.

I have two children from one woman whom I'm married to.

Where did you get that gif?

I don't think quinoa is a nice girl's name.

I don't pronounce 'ask' as 'arkx'

I'm Asian