Does anyone on /b use kratom?

Does anyone on /b use kratom?

i tried it last week - 3g - but didn't feel anything...

I stuff it down my pee pee.

Hell yeah. I take 40g a day m8. This kills the autism

Or you could stuff it up your dick like a real man.

I do. What do you want to know?

I used to when i needed to piss clean for a job. It was a massive waste of money. You need to literally eat 50 of those nasty fuckers on an empty stomach to feel even the slightest "high".

How much more can I shove down my pisshole if it's already fully erect and I haven't used the cockring yet?

Great for sounding though. Especially with my bicycle pump.

try 5-10g green strain, gives you that sedated feel

its not to get high you tard, if you take 50g youll definitely puke and feel like shit
wanna get high smoke weed or shoot some morfin.

which strain? how do you use it ?

What color will it turn my piss though?

First, you need to measure the volume of your urethra. Once you have the volume figured out (cubic centimeters are a 10:1 ratio for milliliters), you're going to need to to wet the kratom powder as it more effectively enters through your pisshole. Using a turkey baster, suck up some of the kratom and water mixture and do a "test shove down (your) pisshole."

As always, when shoving things down your pisshole, it's better to start with a smaller amount and work your way up to the full volume of your pisshole's tolerance.

40g? how much water do you drink ?

Can those be stuffed down my pisser as well?

I bet you you inject it through the anal cavity.

Enough to fill an entire grove with yellow, pissy trees. As far as the eye can see.

Gentlemen, we have struck gold.

just got 2.2kg for 150$

I get free water from work so plenty.

Green is not the "sedating feel" you're looking for. It's a combo of that and shimmy. White is just shimmy, and red is the sedating one. Try 5g though that was good advice. Stir into a tiny bit of hot water and have a chaser ready

As with most things, "It depends."

I prefer red strains, as most of them are closer to opiate-like pain relief (I have severe nerve damage in my right shoulder). Red Bali is my go-to, while Red Horn is a close second in that category.

For a "speedier" buzz (not really more than a good coffee kick without the jitters) Green or White Maeng Da is a safe bet.

I order powders online from REPUTABLE DEALERS. There are shitty sites out there that can and will rip you off. I've used Green Lea Herbals for the better part of 2 years and his stuff is awesome.

The powder is easy for me to take, and I measure it out in 1/4 teaspoon measurements (equal to about 1 gram). I usualy taky 3 gram doses every few hours. The most I take at a time now is roughly 5 grams later in the day.

I tried taking larger doses, but for me, the higher the doses I took, the less effective it was.

Online you can get kilograms of it for under $100. In the headshops around larger towns, you can't get 100 grams for under $100.

Sorry user, the cubic centimeters are a 1:10 ratio for milliliters. Sorry I misled you a bit. I hope you didn't damage your urethra :(

Havent tried red strain yet. but i got a small bag of green malay on my lastorder and for some reason in kicked in really good on me. felt it for like 6 hours.
Ever tried LSA ?
Just bought some, gonna be great trying those little buggers.

I've never tried LSA, but I've done LSD a few times years ago.

I imagine smoking some pot or taking some kind of speed with it would feel pretty good.

know if bentuangie really works that much better?

I can almost certainly guarantee that it doesn't. If you're getting it from a reputable source and the quality is good, after awhile Red strains are red, Green strains are green, White are white, and Yellow are yellow.

There REALLY isn't a massive difference between strains of the same color. When vendors sell kratom they're trying to do one thing- SELL KRATOM. It's marketing to ascribe all of these vast differences to different strains. I really haven't found that to be the case with strains of the same color.


where do you guys get yours?

I used to use herbal salvation, but they seem to have closed down. any other good sites out there?

Green Lea Herbals.

ive tried a few strains
its pretty much garbage
tastes like pure ass
feel like shit and maybe go to sleep feeling like shit and wake up feeling like shit

Get mine from azarius or scandinavianspeciosa

def right about tasting like shit, but it really helps kick opiates bro. helped me quit and stay off that shit

try drinking water, kratom dries you out like nothing else.

dosent do shit

try different strain and different doses .

Might been something else but the green malay worked much better than the gmd on me.