Finish the sentence

>finish the sentence

Black people are __________

good people. good smart people that become presidents, senators, and successful businessmen.


Equal to any other race

do any niggers look after their offspring?
that nigress ain't happy that she is stuck babysitting her kid


kinda like your mom

smells good, smart, does not steals, good looking, not melanin enriched, and does not spew profanities.


n't black and they aren't people


... in need of more sunshine in order to absorb vitamin D from the sun's rays.

Pic unrelated.


good people.

Self entitled. They hold a self imposed oppression over their heads. While perpetuating their own negative stereotypes. Though not all nigrets are bad, a large number are bringing them all down.

>ape with child

Basically the same as white people.

>muh dick and your wife

Checked and keked

violent and prone to commit crimes.


of more use to society than fascists tweens.


Less likely to kill me.


the scourge of the Earth, as is the entire human race

not the same as niggers.


> vagrency
>"Native" Americans show up
How fucking expected.

Good at tapdancing and playing the trumpet

she's probably wondering why that baby is so well behaved and smells nice.
jk lol she's going to eat it to try to cure her aids.



people too

More likely to end up in jail

n't people


>blacks aren't good parents
>happy black mother and child
Your move, racists

I already did that
don't talk to me or my son ever again

quiet, respectful, and considerate while out in public

Like arabs, they shouldn't exist


and pleasant at movie theaters

u wot m8?


>Black people are __________


>Black people are __________

farm animals

black people are black


Stealing my bike

Great at sports and murdering but they need to behave.tow the line act like a human fucking being

An evolutionary stepback

We don't breed humans selectively.

an evolutionary deadend

Commiting more crimes than poor white people



Responsible for the "stanky legg" amongst other nonsense.

Better than white trailer trash at least.

less likely to molest children.