I am God. AMA

I am God. AMA

why arent you real

Were you high when you created this shit or what the fuck went wrong there?

I am as real as you.
I am both good and evil; ordered and chaotic.

If true you would give me dubs

Where have you been all this time while the world went to shit?
Why're you so sadistic?
Why do you punish us knowing that free-will is impossible?


If you were real, you'd reply to my post as to what is on my mind.

>inb4 cocks,traps,gays and other stuff that derails my honest question.

why did you create middle eastern people
they are human garbage

>Where have you been all this time while the world went to shit?
I've been around, I caused the world to go shit.

>Why're you so sadistic?
Because I don't cater to snowflakes.

>Why do you punish us knowing that free-will is impossible?
I punish people for many things, most of them BS reasons.

Prove that you're real

Prove that you're real.

>Prove that you're real.

god why did you let me get abused I was only a kid fucks sake

Logical fallacy.
You claim to be God so the burden of proof is on you.

>Why do you punish us knowing that free-will is impossible?
I might add, free will merely means to be determined by self; the opposite of which is to be determined by other. The question now becomes where do you draw the line between self and other?

I already explained, I am both good and evil.

Describe a way in which I can prove I am God.

because your uncle later gave you $82 million in a lawsuit settlement

Someone gets it.


Make a tuna sandwich spawn right in front of me, right now. It has to be tasty too, with just the right amount of mayonnaise. Do this, and you can call me a believer.

Why are you such a fucking faggot?

I never said I could make shit spawn out of thin air on command. You are presuming I am a particular conception of God; which one, I wonder?

Because I am all.

Why can't atheist define atheism?

But they can. I myself am not theist in the sense that I am a personal God.

why don't you ever answer my prayers?

I can't hear them/don't care.

What dinner leftovers do I have in mine refrigerator?

Oh, so you're not so much an omnipotent God and more like a dude who forgot to take his antipsychotics, son, I'm disappoint.

In what other Godly categories are you lacking. Let me guess, you aren't all knowing as well. and of course we already covered the not being benevolent part... so what exactly makes you God in the first place?

I never claimed to be omniscient.

Okay, you are God. What do you want from me? What are your rules? What are the consequences and rewards for following your word?

I created all; I am all.


If your god then you should already know all the questions why not just post replies

So what can you do for me?

Refer to Nothing.


You shouldnt say that unless your 100% cereal

will you hook me up with something awesome? that would be sweet. thx god

How many times have u dropped acid?


>don't care
fuck you

At least 50 times.

WTF were you thinking when you created niggers? seriously?

When did you realize you were god?

Should I dump my long term gf for Emma?

Are you aware of higher dimensions than the apparent obvious ones?

I wasn't thinking anything. I just did it. Do you think about how you create seaman or do you just do it?
February 2014.
If that's what you really want.
Not really.

What other drugs other than acid should one try?

did Sir Hopkins go to Froggy heaven?

I don't think God is capable of free-will or of exerting a form of free-will on others.
Taking a step back and looking at life and people as a whole doesn't change the fact that everything anyone does is the result of a prior cause.

LSD is best IMO. Stimulants and opiates will fuck you up.

What determined the first event?

Fuck if I know. You know the future, just fucking tell me, faggot. Or look into me or some shit.

Has life gotten better after february 2014?

I'm not omniscient. If you know the future, it's already past. The future is the unknown, the past is the known and the present is the magical appearance of the known from the unknown.


So you're basically useless. Great. Glad you don't exist.

When are you going to answer a question in this thread and at least try to act like you are god?

mushrooms, NBOME-25, DXM and molly are all good to try as well

>February 2014.
I got to know that much since 09, you're late.

Didn't even need acid for that feat, I'm a natural born tripper. Well have fun out there "God", but don't think you're the only one. We're all IT.

Just because I have no purpose beyond myself doesn't mean I don't exist.

Same, i did drop acid twice tho

Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood, carry water.


What determined the first event? What separates a cause from an effect?

Does spider have puss-puss?


What's the best anime

it's shit imo. Never really given it a chance tho

Are traps gay?

Kind of... yes.