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how? every general is backing him up,
use brain for once


Everyone knows his communications were monitored and Americans' real names were leaked to the media...all with no justification presented.

It's worse than Watergate for Obama



1. no
2. generals don't make laws

The whole russia meme rests on the dnc claiming their servers were hacked by russia

Yet they never allowed the fbi access to those servers.

Pizzagate is real. Obama monitoring trump is real.


Buy yourself a pizza .

Soros flunkey .

Also the same dnc refusing to allow the fbi to verify it was russia is the same dnc that rigged the candidacy for hillary...the same hillary that destroyed thousands of subpoenaed emails.



>Also the same dnc refusing to allow the fbi to verify it was russia is the same dnc that rigged the candidacy for hillary...the same hillary that destroyed thousands of subpoenaed emails.Saged

But , but , ...... Hilary is a saint !!


you have ZERO chance of impeaching him. But we'll impeach your head on a fucking stick

Always making up excuses, no wonder you still stuck in the basement while Drumpf at least gets laid.




I cant wait for his 6th year as president and these shitty threads are no longer made. Go shove something up your ass next time you think of making these retarded threads.


You retarded? That's a year old. The man Trump made Secretary of Defense is against torture.

Making it great again

Buy yourself a pizza .


You know what. I will count now how many times you will do this thread. Make a screenshot every time and put it in a folder. And then in 4 years where he will be voted again I'll release the state of that folder.




He can't be impeached because the US is so busy winning all the time.

How about op shoves the entirety of what your mind can grasp up his ass. Oh wait nevermind that'd be nothing. Just forget I said anything

>thinks it has to do with heads on fucking sticks

ITT: Cucks defending a globalist kike

Even if he was impeached his VP is basically the same person. Maybe if we could stop electing dickbags in the house and Senate then we could get a president who isn't a scumbag moron and actually do some good for the country.

INB4 if you hate Trump or the right you love Hillary and the lef... AW GOD FUCKING DAMNIT


Believe me I totally think Trump has done enough to warrant impeachment, but even so there's no way you would get 2/3rds of congress to convict him. He could set fire to the plains of the midwest and right could find a way to spin it.

President Trump was back on the golf course Sunday, marking his 13th time hitting the links in the first nine weeks of his presidency.

This impeach fantasy of yours is exactly that - so much mental masturbation. Use plenty of lotion to avoid chaffing, I guess.

But you really should start working through the bitter emotions, have a good cry, eat some raw cookie dough or whatever it takes to help you pull up your big girl panties and move on.

You've only got about 8 more years of this to deal with. You can't spend that entire time juyst throwing a tantrum; it's not healthy, OP.

The sooner you get over the butthurt, the sooner you can get on with your life.

did he break the law? cause that's step one

The FBI director just came out and said that there was "unlawful surveillance" or something along those lines. Trump is right. Fuck Obama



He should have been impeached as soon as he violated the emoluments clause of the fucking United States constitution. Trouble is, Reagen fucked us over royally by scrapping the Fairness Doctrine, allowing people like Alex Jones and Rupert Murdoch to pump out toxic propaganda 24/7 until the populace has become some fucking stupid and misinformed that they would elect someone like Donald Trump. We can talk about Russia until we're blue in the face, but that doesn't change the fact that roughly half the country lives in a right wing fantasy land.

People are conditioned politically to blame the other side. This is how divide and conquer works. You're going to need to INB4 at like post one to avoid this argument.

I'm taking all bets.....
Within 18 months Drumpf will either have been assassinated or impeached.....
I'm giving 3/1 odds on the former rather than the latter


No, "Hilary" is not in power

>VP is basically the same person

He isn't. He has a temperament and knows how to behave like a professional. Even libs agree on that although they don't agree with his ideas.

>people are conditioned
people are fucking stupid

Pic was beautiful moment.

Do you want Pence?

Because that's how you get Pence...

Man I fucking hope he doesn't get assassinated. I can see it already "hero president murdered for trying to fix the country"

Fun Hillary fact, if you think evil or angry thoughts near that painting, pink goo will appear in the subway nearby....

>Political division conditioning ensues


>something along those lines
Yep, sound legit.


you have something against gays? i thought lefties were supposed to support them yet you continually use them as insults.what hypocrites.

>people are fucking stupid
No, just people who voted trump or hildawg. They're both pretty fucking retarded.


sorry that nyc and california don't get to run the country



I found it one of these anti trump threads a couple of days ago

they only preach tolerance when it helps their cause, not that the republicans are any better mind you

voted gary johnson

>feel the johnson


Nothing on this site can question or criticize anything Trump does with about being called a Hillary shill. It's so sad. You pol/tards laugh at liberal safe spaces, but created one yourselves. Your just as, if not more sensitive then SJW. Cant wait for the both of you to die off.


Anything big enough to actually cause Trump to be removed from office would likely implicate Pence as well. We're looking at interim President Paul Ryan, which is probably why Trump has been pushing so hard for him to resign in favor of a more Trump-friendly Speaker. Big things are coming, kiddos.

He loves fags, why you being a homophobe, whats wrong with hating fags

They should, they're the only ones who contribute to the economy, technology, entertainment, science, bio-engineering, shit this is a big list.

You other states fucking suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck at contributing innovation to the 21st century.


Beta cuck, we're actually up for debate, you niggers just don't know how without spewing shit memes.

I just startled my roommate by lol'ing

That is incorrect, OP.

But hey, maybe it depends on what your definition of "is" is:



wow political extremists on the left and right are retarded and super sensitive? color me shocked

>memes got that republicuck elected

>creating propaganda images

The irony...

>You other states fucking suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck at contributing innovation to the 21st century.

Yes, yes we do.

>the electoral college got that republicuck elected


maybe the west coast should succeed from the union since everyone else is dragging them down

Niggers and dykes getting all unity cause of the kike news reports


>Pizzagate is real.

Yes the jew wants you to bow down to isreal

God I wish, but we do love our country even though it's full of cunts dragging us down. Besides, we aren't ready for a Utopian society yet.

still voted him in so i don't see how that defeats my statement

also i voted gary johnson


>tfw Texas could have been the new Silicon Valley
>tfw Texas said, "Nah, science is like gay bro."

yes please secede from the union so you can stop the rest of us "dragging you down"

just make sure theres no way you can legally rejoin when your shitty communist tax n spend polices fail

>also i voted gary johnson
awesome, he was a dipshit though and so was trump and hildawg.

>still voted him in so i don't see how that defeats my statement
I just think it's funny how hypocritical he is. It's fucking hilarious.

yeah im sure you love destroying it's public works with your sjw antifa faggotry, assault anyone for producing a different opinion?

>all this butthurt
>8 years more of it

feels good man

yeah im libertarian bro

inb4 ayn rand ancap


>Big things are coming, kiddos

I think Pence is going down too.

They finally found Flynn and asked him if he flipped for the FBI. He didn't deny it.

Page, Stone, and Manafort [who's wanted in the Ukraine for tampering in their election] are meeting with the Intelligence Committee.

And why did Comey show up @ the White House unannounced Friday?

>stay tuned

Yea, but that texas weather is shit tier. Come to palo alto and never go back. You'd be surprised how much weather has to play on tech companies. I mean, not as much as shit being founded here, but they're rich enough to move anywhere.


ok then

>texas weather is shit tier
Well, you've got me there.

lol yr a faggot.

also, this is now a golf thread.