Its the "Asians need a heroic white person to master their culture and solve their problems" episode

Its the "Asians need a heroic white person to master their culture and solve their problems" episode

that's a misrepresentation of what happens in The Last Samurai

But how would the Japanese Emperor remember his honor without a WHITE man to remind him so.

You forgot that Jet Li/Jackie Chan movie movie with the martial arts weeaboo

Katsumoto's actions reminded him of his honor - Algren just delivered the message


Good thing the white man was around to do that, or else Katsumoto would have just died in a field with no seppuku

Tom Cruise's advice helps the Boshin, it just wasn't quite enough.

Algren's still secondary to Katsumoto's actions. he exists in the film to serve as a window for the audience to understand Japanese culture and the events depicted.

b8 thread

>people can't understand a foreign culture without a white person to master it and explain it to them

it's not just for foreign cultures. look at Inception - Ariadne's brought in in a similar role as Algren in The Last Samurai. She exists for the professionals to explain what they're doing to her/the audience.

For (You)

>He posted it again

Algren is a conflagration of that British dude who was shipwrecked and rose to become a big guy in the Tokugawa Bakufu and the french military advisors who helped the Shogunate during the Boshin War.


>it's a nig nogs were still throwing spears at each other while the white and yellow man had created civilisation episode

When was the last Hollywood movie to feature an Asian guy that wasn't gay, a nerd, or a kung fu guy?

Yes history is full of tales where a white guy saves a group of foreign yet noble savages with nothing more than the virtue of being white


other way around buddy.

Why do white people try so hard to delude themselves into thinking they're not privileged

wtf I hate niggers now

Marco Polo isn't even about Marco Polo, it's about the Great Khan. Kublai is the fucking best part of the show and simplying having it in that picture is fucking bait.

You fucking faggot.

What a terrible movie.

Ah, yes the great Kublai Khan who can't do anything without his trusty latin around to help him out

Why should we have to be the only race to admit such a dumb concept? Technically every race has privilege in it's own way. If you argue this then you are a ethnocentric bigot and a racist.

I know you might be shitposting and you may not even genuinely believe in white privilege or any such similar thing, but really what that amounts to is that people perceive their own merit to be a function of how much adversity they face, since this allows them the pleasure of feeling that they succeeded in spite of factors set against them.

Nobody likes to hear that they have, or should have, an innately easy life because that would preclude the possibility of them feeling like a persevering underdog.

promptly commit suicide, dissenter

>can't do anything without his trusty latin around to help him out
ok pal

I actually watched the show and yeah its pretty much "WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO? GUARDS FETCH MY LATIN I HAVE A MISSION ONLY HE CAN ACCOMPLISH"

>Privilege is a dumb concept
>Privilege is real though
>If you don't agree you're a racist
>(Even though the unspoken part here is that I myself am a racist)

This post is just fucking all over the place.

the chick should've died in his place

Would you consider a white person in an Asian or African country under privileged?

Literally the most ridiculous rebuttal I constantly hear. I don't know how many times I have to keep proving this wrong, but I'm worn out from doing so at this point, so I'll throw out some insults and let off some steam.

Have fun being simple minded with an ego that will never allow you to see faults of anything you hold as dear as your race. It just shows how unintelligent you are.

Repeat after me

Privilege truly is an invisible backpack that people carry around. They pretend they hit a home run but they were born on third base!

I've done a deep dive over the past few months looking into my privilege and learning of the lived experiences of POCs and "othered" individuals in my community. The stories I've heard are just incredible: stories of strength, valor, and determination in the face of oppression. There are some white cishets on this board who want to erase black bodies, POC experience, and the lived truths of those they've stepped all over.

But unlike them, I'm not ashamed to say I didn't earn what I have. It was given to me. My piece of the pie was taken from the mouths of black bodies. And by my ancestors structurally "othering" them, I was blind to the systemic problems that held the others back. Not any fucking more.

We are winning. Our voices are being heard. From social media all the way to the white house, the word is spreading that lived experiences won't be trampled anymore. The invisible backpack of privilege will be opened and laid bare, and people will see why their lives are so simple and easy.

Never again will they ask a POC why they're burning a pharmacy. Never again will they ask the single mom why she needs more money from cis-het workers. Never again will they wonder why women are getting "fat" and why they just can't "keep their legs closed".

The NARRATIVE is not white-washed anymore. It's a multicolored mosaic of personal, lived stories and it's transcending the structural elements that have heretofore oppressed.

Privilege is real and I'm proudly handing mine back to those I've "othered". I'd be nothing without their ancestors' pain and misery. I built my empire on it. And now I'm stepping down from the throne of privilege.

And it has set me free.

Without white people this world would be shit you slanty eyed fuck.

>ugh just ugh
yeah, insightful. go kick rocks, fucko


Why do people always make these sorts of inquiries? It's pretty transparent on your part.

>If I catch him saying that he doesn't universally apply these ideas then I call call him a hypocrite and easily dismiss them, and then I will win.

Like, it's very clear that if my response were 'no' that's what you'd do, but just for the sake of entertaining this discussion I will say yes, I actually do think that whites can be underprivileged in environments wherein they lack social factors that would otherwise benefit them.

White people in general are more privileged than any other race by a significant margin. Especially in Asia.

lmao I bet you also think mr. robot is a great show too don't you you cocksucker


Whites thinking they're some superior people that has created everything beautiful in this world pisses me off.

have you looked at their govt? their country? they need help

>Mfw the Chinese government literally had to put a fucking ban on their women marrying foreigners to stop white guys from preying upon them

If that isn't privilege I really just can't fathom what actually is. Can you imagine people fetishizing you for no reason outside of your whiteness to the point that their governing body has to intervene?

wtf I hate white people now

I wasn't trying to catch you out, just trying to understand.

>turn on mr robot
>show appears to be about an autistic vigilante hacker
>show eventually evolves into a project chanology / psychological thriller with nigh a computer in sight
>fucking normie pieces of shit

>Their government
>Their country
>Their country
>The entire continent of Asia
>A singular country with a single government



NIGGAH they were Dutch and French Americans had a pathetic amount of influence in Japan during this area.

The last samurai makes them look like influential cunts.

>I wasn't trying to catch you out

Sorry im argumentatively paranoid after years and years of dealing with nerds who will do anything to try and out fedora tip me.


So all those black guys fucking white women must be enjoying their privilege.

You need to chill with this thread or that crazy AMWF poster is gonna flood this shit with those photos of white women with greasy chinamen again.

We earned all our privilege.

I think that a government implemented ban on a specific thing carries a bit more heft than someone posting interracial porn webms, dude.

What I mean by this is that most white women wouldn't date outside their race, but seemingly most Asian women would.


Seriously white people on boards like Sup Forums, Reddit, etc, are toxic pieces of shit to society that need serious help. They're so blind to their innate advantages, they trick themselves I to thinking they're not racist when in actuality they are, and for some fucking reason, they have this HUGE DELUSION that their life is somewhat similar to POC as long as they "behave normally" when that's the biggest fucking lie America tells you and you should fucking know it.

Thankfully more and more white people I meet lately seem to be much more aware of these things.

>Its the "Asians need a heroic white person to master their culture and solve their problems" episode

There haven't been that many documentaries about post-WWII Japan


This is a flawed premise to operate from because 'we' is hazily defined from the outset and also carries the tacit implication that you on an individual level have done anything to deserve some kind of elevated social stature, which is contentious in itself.

I don't understand how it's privilege either way who anyone wants to fuck?

stick to your board

I don't, whites are clearly the master race

>I'm worn out from doing so at this point
>I literally have no rebuttal so I'll say I'm too worn out to argue with you


>I don't understand how it's a privilege that more people find the prospect of breeding with me desirable and are attracted to me, not due to any character qualities of my own but rather due to an intrinsic attribute that I have no control over.

Think about this for five seconds.

The unattractive are less privileged than the attractive, yes? That seems indisputable and logical.

Therefore being in a position wherein more people see you as attractive, when this perception was not earned by you due to any actions of your own, probably constitutes a legitimate privilege.

Please tell me this is some elaborate Sup Forums pasta.

You can't just apply Americas racial issues to the rest of the world

Look around you. We made all of this. Everything you see was accomplished by the white race. Everything. Acknowledge the facts. We didn't build this for you, so if you don't like it, leave our society.

If that were true than the Juden wouldn't be running the show.

Again, you're doing the 'we' thing. What did you do that built society and why do you as an individual deserve to benefit from the actions of a hazily defined gestalt which you perceive to exist.


>This guy isn't an ethnocentrist so he isn't white like me

That speaks volumes about the kind of mindset you're in when your automatic presumption is that anyone in disagreement with you can't be a member of your group.

You didn't do shit you fucking nerd lmao

Your ancestors took advantage of others and used them to become very wealthy and powerful.

You know it's funny, white people called slaves dogs and monsters and shit back during slavery, but the truly disgusting spawns of Satan were your ancestors who took pleasure in the horrible shit they did. The whites from then are the real monsters, wearing the mask of angels and passing down wealth for generations. Thankfully, the world has been slowly seeing how repulsive your bloodlines are.

Whereas blacks had... what to pass down to their children?

poz loads

Can you stop shitposting so that other people can have an actual discussion. You're a white male somewhere pretending to be an incensed minority so that you can collect responses on a website.

Of course they can't. Anti-white whites are race traitors and must be wiped out.

I meant to say American and German 4channers since they're the best examples from my personal experience

Although I heard the UK has even more fucked up race issues

>Simply questioning the line of reasoning used to rationalize nationalistic stances is intrinsically anti-white

>Thinking is the enemy

low IQ and high violence

Keanu wasn't even supposed to be the lead in Ronin 47, the movie didn't have a discernible lead character so the studio had it cut around Keanu.

So chads and Staci are privileged over your average tv poster? Or does this privilege just apply to racial issues

You broke my pleb detector

I'm actually a mulatto. Generally I tend to be fair when it comes to race discussion since I talk with people who aren't complete morons, but I take a more radical pov here.

What did niggers do except sell each other into slavery? Africa is ripe with game, workable soil and natural resources yet by the time white men had built ships, cannons and had knowledge of astronomy and calculus, blacks still lived in mud huts.
Even when DA EBIL WHITEY had given them everything (Rhodesia, South Africa), they still didn't want to integrate into society.

Maybe, just fucking maybe, the problem is not in the evil racist privileged white man?

>So chads and Staci are privileged over your average tv poster?

Yes, that's actually what I'm saying. Does that sound disagreeable to you?

Privilege is normally applied in racial contexts but it can extend to other stuff.

This is bait but I am going to reply anyway

The concept of privelage is real, but everybody has some form of it. You can't deny that. It is easier for black people to get into school than white and asian people. It is easier for them to get jobs, it is much harder for them to get fired from jobs. The biggest privilege anyone can have is how much money your parents make. Plain and simple

And if white privelage is such a big factor, the mere notion that white life is based on black opression is such a fucking far stretch its laughable.
Statistical discepincies =/= opression

>I'm actually a mulatto.
Sorry. You should kill yourself.

What did Marco Polo solved in China, you insecure frog eater?

And if they had a fair shot like the whites did, do you honestly think you would hold that opinion today?

Of course not.

But black people were treated like animals and never had any chance to recover and balance the scales with the whites. It's not a huge wonder why the black community is struggling.

What does that have to do with anything that was contained in that post.

Resorting to saying
Doesn't automatically somehow negate any criticisms levied at a white person.

watch the show you fuckface

>asia has a multibillion dollar industry where it's nothing but asian casts
>one film is made in asia and financed by a chinese owned studio with a mostly asian cast and a few whites to appeal to the western market

really makes you think

>You can't deny that. It is easier for black people to get into school than white and asian people. It is easier for them to get jobs, it is much harder for them to get fired from jobs.

This was and is a meme. The biggest benefits of affirmative action have really always gone to white women.

>Your ancestors took advantage of others and used them to become very wealthy and powerful.
>You know it's funny, white people called slaves dogs and monsters and shit back during slavery, but the truly disgusting spawns of Satan were your ancestors who took pleasure in the horrible shit they did. The whites from then are the real monsters, wearing the mask of angels and passing down wealth for generations. Thankfully, the world has been slowly seeing how repulsive your bloodlines are.
You're confusing whites with jews

White leads pull in the box office dollars. It's really not hard to understand.

>watch the show
You ask for too much.

People unironically consider Jews to be white. It always kind of confuses me but for some reason they can't grasp the concept of being ethnically jewish and believe that it's simply a matter of religion.

Sorry user but I'm good, and I doubt you even have a successful career. You're probably ugly as shit too and couldn't dream of being on my level of attractiveness.

why does Sup Forums get so triggered by this?

is it like that feeling when you look in the mirror and you feel repulsed by what you see?

Anglo people are racist. News at 11:00 (imperial hours).

Good post.

That's ok, you're still wrong, but I won't argue because I'm too worn out for pointing out the fallacies in the logic of your cock sucking cunt faced cucks.

I accepted growing up that there would always be people better off than me, better looking than me and the reverse too.