I will be a shooter school

i will be a shooter school.

Who will you teaching shooting to?

youtube videos


do you want be my partner shooter and help me?


Wow a whole school just for shooting how nice.

Today OP was retarded

Who cares? Children are honestly the least valuable members of society. They have no useful skills or wisdom.

i dont understant a much of english lenguage, im brazilian

Then you don't belong on this site. It's for middle class Americans who speak English natively.

let me stay, please, I have no friends

IF this is true, please dont, just kill yourself in your room. thanks.

i will kill feminists of university

why? im sad with this comment

I thought you would love my idea and want to be my friends and help me

please friends (i dont will talkng about north american serie Friends)


They told me I could become anything. So I became a school

you is big, congratulations, my friend

im sad, talk with me please

in brazil we have this serie in tv too.

do why the peoples dont want be my friends?